
rebirth as a Brazilian player

Chinese fringe international Licado became the alien Ronaldo’s half-brother in 2002. This is a nearly omnipotent Ronaldo who has not been plagued by injuries. As a huge fan of Ronaldo, Licado is his biggest supporter? And when he himself picked up the Golden Globe for the first time said, “He [Ronaldo] didn’t lose to me, he wouldn’t lose to anyone,” . He just lost to time … ” Without a system, without a golden finger, rebirth is his greatest luck. (translated chinese novel)

Voldemortt · Sports
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310 Chs

Chapter 112: Star distance 0 (bottom)

Anna Liasi took the conversation. "St. Paul has entered the playoffs. What is your goal this season?"

"Champion, of course. ()" Ricardo laughed.

"I'm very confident. But Sao Paulo ranked first in the regular season, showing good shape, really a strong contender for the championship. In the first round of the playoffs, you will face eighth place Santos, right What do you think of this opponent? "

"Santos is a very strong opponent, with a group of talented players such as Robinho, Diego, Renato, and must not underestimate them because of their youth," Ricardo said seriously, "if not They met us in the first round and I believe they have a great chance to win the championship. "

These words drew Anna Lias and Barbosa, and made the audience laugh.

"Do you personally have any goals," Anna Lias asked again, "are you ambitious about the best shooter?"

"My personal goal is to help the team win. As for the best scorer, of course I want to compete, but now the top scorer is Kaka. If he becomes the best scorer, I will only be happy for him. . In the game, I will continue to assist him. Similarly, he will assist me. He, like me, is a person who regards team honor as more important than personal honor. "Ricardo took the opportunity Kaka.

After asking a few questions about the game, Anna Lias and Barbosa turned the topic to more personal privacy.

"What role did Ronaldo play on your football path?"

"I think he should be my enlightenment. When I was 5 years old, he took me to play football," Ricardo said with a look of recollection. "At that time, he was very thin, but stronger than me. Too much, he often used his strength and speed to bully me. "Talking, he couldn't help laughing.

The scene was laughing again.

"Who will help you the most on football?"

"It's my mother and Ronaldo," Ricardo said decisively. "Ronaldo had just become famous at that time. He didn't have much money to help his family. Our family's economy was very tight, but my mother insisted on saving money to send me to football. School. I can achieve what I have achieved now, and it is inseparable from my mother 's firm support. No matter what others say of her, she is my most grateful and loved person in the world. Ronaldo helps in skills and training. I, to this day, I often watch videos of his games, learn and imitate his every move. "

"Why did you choose São Paulo instead of a club in Rio de Janeiro, where you were born?"

"I went to Rio de Janeiro's club for training, but I encountered the same problems as Ronaldo," Ricardo shook his head, recalling the experience of the original owner, and said with a smile. "Like Ronaldo, I looked thinner than my peers when I was young. .I have been to Flamengo, Fluminense, and Botafogo, but they all rejected me. So I came to São Paulo to try my luck. The São Paulo club was my first team training in the state of São Paulo Fortunately, they provided me with a youth contract. "

"It should be said that it is the luck of São Paulo." Barbosa's words aroused the approval of the audience. "Which club is your favorite?"

Ricardo did not hesitate: "If it is Brazil's, of course, Sao Paulo, this is the place to train me. If it is worldwide, it is Ajax. The miracle this club has created is amazing. "

"Do you want to play for Ajax someday? Is Ajax your first choice for landing in Europe?"

Ricardo remembered Susan's account and laughed, "Who can say these things correctly? Now I just want to play for São Paulo."

Barbosa did not press. Anna Liaz went on to ask, "You can't be overstated to say that you are the best young player in the world now, given your age and your achievements ..."

"No, no," Ricardo interrupted her with a smile, "Excellent? Of course. I have this confidence. The best? Not necessarily seen. Santos' Robinho and Diego must not be convinced, and there are a lot of them in Europe. 16-18 years old, I have to work harder to be the best. "

The audience applauded.

Anna Liaz asked curiously: "A lot of people think that in the future, you have the possibility to win the World Footballer and the Golden Globe Award. Who do you think will be your biggest competitor among your peers?"

This question was not in Susan's prediction, and he was not provided with an answer. But Ricardo certainly knew the correct answer. "A little older, Ronaldinho and Kaka, they will surely become the world footballers. If I am the same age, then Messi with Lamasian Youth Camp will be the absolute superstar in the future. It is even possible to reach the heights of Maradona. There is also a chance for Cristiano Ronaldo, who plays for Atletico Lisbon, to have the opportunity to become the World Footballer. "

Many years later, when people look back on this TV show, they will be amazed by Ricardo's accurate predictions.

But at this time, most people are still confused about the names "Messi" and "Cristiano Ronaldo". Who are they? Why compare with Ricardo?

You should know that Ricardo is now half-red in Brazil. Together with Kaka and Robinho, he is considered the successor of the king of the ball.

Which onion is Messi? Which garlic is Cristiano Ronaldo? No matter how powerful, can it be more powerful than Ricardo?

Barbosa is remembered He seemed a little uncertain and said: "Cristiano Ronaldo, I remember correctly, he has played the main force in Atletico Lisbon this season, so far I have played 12 times or 13 times, scored 1 goal, assisted 2 times or 3 times. Messi ... I am a bit impressed. He is an Argentine and is currently in Barcelona B team, but I have not paid attention to his game. "

"It won't be long before their reputation will spread throughout the world." Ricardo said calmly.

Barbosa wisely set aside this topic. A few other questions were asked, and the atmosphere at the scene was always good.

When the audience asked questions, the atmosphere reached its peak. The audience did not ask too sharp questions, mainly asking "What kind of girls do you like", "have a girlfriend", "Which actor do you like", "You have half Chinese ancestry, would you like to travel to China?" .

To Ricardo's surprise, questions about "China" have been raised infrequently. Maybe Brazil is a country of mixed blood, and everyone is not interested in Ricardo's mixed blood.

Then he entered the ball performance stage, and Ricardo was asked to perform a ball game with an apple on the scene. Ricardo tried it a few times, up to 11 times at most.