

This is created by a cringe 13 years old human

LUCK429 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Margaret still remember her classroom but she doesn't remember what is her schedule.

when they arrive she heard 'kya!!' sound, or should I say She was hearing a scream from a fangirl.

She let her sister open the door first because fangirl will swarm and she was just an outsider to their eyes.

Her sister opened the door of the car and as predicted fangirl swarm around...she was forgotten as expected.

she opened the opposite door of where her sister came out from.

But before that she checked first if there's any fangirl and there's none.

She was use of something swarming around but it was far dangerous and it wasn't a fangirl.

She successfully run away from the fangirls and enter her classroom.

She sit.

Minutes pass by, No one talk to her or should i say she was a loner.

Nobody like her and nobody hate her either.

She sit there, thinking about her biological parents company.

Of what she should do to obtain her parents land.

Minutes pass by and classes started.

Margaret was quiet and was in her own world.

The teacher called her for about more than 2 times.

She came back to her senses when she was hit by a chalkboard eraser.

Her classmate laugh at her and some are insulting her.

she was shocked and didn't appreciate her teacher gift.

Her teacher shouted [ If your not paying attention then you already know of what I'm teaching right? so answer the question in the board ]

While her classmate are laughing at her, she stand and gone towards the chalkboard.

She answered it perfectly.


she didn't answered it until 5 minutes and she answered it with some flaws.

But still she was close enough, after all she was not an idiot, who try to stand out.

She must be lowkey person or she will attract trouble if she stand out.

She done what a normal students that was scolded by their teacher because they we'er not paying attention.

And it was not to answered for a long time but not to long and answered it with some flaws.

She was scolded by her teacher and of course she apologize to her teacher many times.

It was lunch.

She will have to see her backstabber sister again.

And she was trying to dig her sisters illegal doings.

And All her sisters bad doings to her.

But unexpected she was called by the principal.

She was shocked, because to what she done is not bad enough to got the principal attention.

So what is the reason of why she was called.

And of course her classmate just shrugged it off and only thought that it was her fault for not paying attention, same goes for her 'sister' who was asking 'worriedly' or acting worriedly.

In her sister mind, she deserve it.