
4th Arc: Rebirth Into The Painted World

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The ringing of the phone woke me up from my daze and I stared at the lit screen, a smile forming on my lips. I picked it up quickly and put it on speaker to hear his voice clearly.

“Hello, beautiful. Still studying?”

“Babe! I thought you said you were going to be busy today?”

He laughed on the other side of the line, making my own smile broader. It never failed; whenever he was happy, I became happy too.

“I am, but you know I always make time for my beautiful fiancée.”

“Aww, you’re too sweet.”

“Hopefully, not too sweet to give us diabetes.”

I cracked up at his lame joke and watched his picture on the screen, wishing I could see him soon. “How is the event so far?”

“Not bad. Signing books is quite interesting, even if I’m just the underdog in this gathering.”

“You’ll get there one day, baby.”

“I certainly hope so. But back to my first question… How are your studies going?”