
Rebirth and Cultivation

Chen Fan, a great monk in the tribulation period, died in the catastrophe, but he had a dream of returning to the earth in his youth five hundred years ago. In my last life, I climbed to the top of the universe, overlooking all the worlds, but no one was with me. In this life, I just want to live up to my past and live up to you. This is a story about a cultivator who has practiced for five hundred years during the tribulation period and returns to the city to make up for his regrets, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

DaoistoXIGrn · Eastern
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53 Chs

Chapter 32: Magical weapon?

Si Yingxia and others couldn't believe it.


Chen Fan was about to be kicked out, but after a woman appeared on the stage, he defeated Chu Minghui and became the winner with the last laugh.


Especially after Wei Ziqing's identity reached their ears, Chang Wen turned pale.


Her uncle is also the director of Fangsheng International, and is at the same level as Director Zhu. Even Director Zhu was fired by Wei Ziqing. If Chen Fan wanted to take revenge on them, all he had to do was tell Wei Ziqing, and her uncle might also be kicked out of Fang Sheng International.


"He is actually Wei Ziqing's friend?" Ji Xingyu felt even more incredible.


Wei Ziqing is different from girls like Jiang Churan and Xu Rongfei.


Although she keeps a low profile, no one in the upper class of Chuzhou knows her name. Especially since her father's career has been going smoothly recently and it is said that he is expected to be promoted to major general. By then, the Wei family will be one family with two generals, and their status will be completely different.


Such people, not to mention Ji Xingyu and others, even Li Yichen and Chu Minghui had to be submissive in front of her.


"Let's go." Si Yingxia was silent for a moment and whispered.


Then he turned around and left.


Since Chen Fan has friends like Wei Ziqing, they are not someone they can challenge.


Ji Xingyu sighed and followed. But Chang Wen stayed, her eyes flickering, not knowing what she was thinking.




"Fangsheng International is actually my third uncle's company. I was afraid that you would have objections to my third uncle, so I didn't say anything. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. I'm really sorry."


Wei Ziqing said slightly apologetically.


"It's okay, I want to thank you for helping me out." Chen Fan said calmly.


He seemed to be speaking politely, but Wei Ziqing's heart tightened.


If Chen Fan was just an ordinary person, Wei Ziqing would believe what he said. But Chen Fan is not an ordinary person, he is a martial arts master who can pick leaves to hurt people and kill people invisible. Can such a person really endure such a tone?


Thinking of this, Wei Ziqing hurriedly said: "Although Chu Minghui has offended you before, I have watched him grow up. Can I ask you to forgive him this time?"


"Oh?" Chen Fan stopped and looked at Wei Ziqing with a half-smile.


Facing Chen Fan's indifferent eyes, Wei Ziqing's heart trembled, but he firmed up his guess and couldn't help but look pleading.


Jiang Churan thought his trump card was Wei Ziqing, but he didn't know that in Chen Fan's view, his own strength was his biggest trump card. Why does he need to rely on others to help him?


No matter how powerful and powerful Chu Minghui is, it doesn't matter. If I want to kill you, it can only be done with a snap of my fingers. However, Wei Ziqing's sudden appearance gave him no chance to make a move for the time being. Unexpectedly, Wei Ziqing was keenly aware of his murderous intention, which surprised Chen Fan.


The two stared straight at each other for half a minute, Wei Ziqing gritting his teeth and refusing to retreat. Chen Fancai snorted coldly and said:


"Next time, he will be dead."


After speaking, he turned around and left, leaving behind a pale-faced Wei Ziqing.




Wei Ziqing responded, heaving a sigh of relief and lowering his head to follow.


But he secretly vowed to restrain Chu Minghui severely when he returned.




After what happened just now, Wei Ziqing seemed to finally understand the gap between the two, and his attitude became more cautious.


After leaving the hall, there was an old man waiting there.


"This is Uncle Lin, my third uncle's right-hand man. The auction hasn't officially started yet, so he will take us to the exhibition hall to watch it first." Wei Ziqing introduced with a smile.


"You're welcome, Miss. This way, please." The old man was dressed meticulously, just like a butler of a British noble. "Xiao Zhu offended the eldest lady's guest before. He deserves to be expelled. There is no need to trouble the third master."


While leading the way, he spoke respectfully, but his eyes never looked at Chen Fan, as if he didn't exist.


As a popular person in front of Mr. Wei, Uncle Lin plays an important role in Fangsheng International Group. Even the city officials have to smile when they see him. There is no one like Chen Fan in their eyes. Whether he fired Director Zhu or took the two of them to the exhibition hall, it was all for Wei Ziqing's sake. As for Chen Fan? He was just a student, but he didn't even catch his eye.


"These exhibits were collected by Mr. San from all over the world with a lot of effort."


"This is the Heart of Sky Diamond from South Africa, which is said to bring magical luck to the wearer."


"This is a jade found in the tomb of a nobleman in the Han Dynasty. Three or four people died fighting for this jade."


"This is a compass passed down from generation to generation by a Feng Shui master during the Ming and Qing Dynasties."


"This is....."


Various exhibits fill the entire exhibition hall and are about to be auctioned. They are highly sought after by the upper class in Chuzhou.


Uncle Lin was quite proud when he introduced him, and the whole story was as detailed as his family treasures. Each one had a big background and a mysterious background. Wei Ziqing couldn't help but nod.


"Mr. Chen, what do you think of these things?" Wei Ziqing asked curiously.


Chen Fan glanced at them, shook his head slightly and said, "It's just spreading rumors, they're just ordinary antiques."


With his eyes, he can naturally see that these so-called mysterious antiques, cursed gems, etc. are just random boasting and far-fetched by the world. In fact, they have no magical effect at all.


Uncle Lin was unhappy when he heard this. His boss had gone to great lengths to collect this from all over the world, but it was rejected by a young boy of sixteen or seventeen. How could he feel comfortable?


'Looks like I need to give him some color. '


Thinking of this, Uncle Lin smiled and said: "Miss, we still have the final treasure, please come here."


"Oh? Really?" Wei Ziqing followed him enthusiastically. When he reached the middle of the exhibition hall, he was immediately attracted by a colorful bead placed in the center.


Her expression showed a hint of confusion at first, then she suddenly woke up and said in horror:


"This...is this the magic weapon to be auctioned?"


"Not bad." Uncle Lin smiled proudly.


He looked at Chen Fan and saw that Chen Fan's expression did not change at all, and he couldn't help but feel even more shocked.


As soon as a normal person sees this magic weapon for the first time, they will be attracted by its mysterious power, as if falling into a whirlpool, and it will take a long time to wake up.


It is rare for Wei Ziqing to wake up instantly like this. But Chen Fan remained unmoved, which made people wonder.


"This magical instrument is a dzi bead worn by a living Buddha in Tibet. It was worn from the time he was born and was not taken off until he transformed into a rainbow. It remained with him throughout his life. It has the functions of regulating the human body's magnetic field, condensing feng shui, and praying for blessings and warding off evil spirits. Efficacy. The big boss personally went to Tibet to request it, and spent millions on it." Uncle Lin introduced it with a hint of pride in his tone.


"It's indeed extraordinary." Wei Ziqing nodded in praise.


When Uncle Lin heard this, his smile became even brighter.


He turned to Chen Fan with a smile on his face, but when he saw Chen Fan shook his head slightly, he couldn't help but said with a cold expression:


"Mr. Chen seems to disdain our third master's collection, doesn't he?"


Chen Fan said calmly: "It's just an illusion, not a real magic weapon."


"You!" Uncle Lin felt a surge of anger rushing towards Tianling Gai.


What kind of antiques do you, a young boy, know? If it weren't for Miss Wei, you wouldn't even have the qualifications to take a look at these antiques, so how dare you speak so shamelessly here?


He couldn't help but sneer again and again: "If you don't even put this 'Kang Duo Dzi Bead' in Mr. Chen's eyes, I wonder if you can let me see what the real magic weapon is?"


"A real magic weapon?"


Chen Fan glanced at him and said flatly: "A real magic weapon is similar to the flying sword in mythology, a first-rate magic weapon that can repel wind and rain, control thunder, and has all kinds of magical powers. It is not like this bead, except for the initial It has no effect at all except to attract people's energy when you see it."


Uncle Lin sneered: "What you are talking about are just legends. How can they be true in reality?"


"On the other hand, Mr. Chen said that this Dzi Bead is just a show-off. I absolutely disagree."


"Yes, I think this Dzi Bead is very magical." Wei Ziqing also wondered.


"Yes, Mr. Chen is not exaggerating, is he?" Uncle Lin's eyes showed a sarcastic look, almost saying that Chen Fan was bragging.


"Really?" Chen Fan was noncommittal.


He pointed at the Dzi Bead from a distance, and there was an invisible loud bang in the void. This loud noise could not be heard by ordinary people and could only be felt at the spiritual level.


In that instant, Chen Fan used a secret method to release his spiritual power, erasing the remaining spiritual power in the Dzi Bead.


"What are you going to look at now?" He retracted his finger and said with a normal expression.


When the two of them looked over again, their expressions changed drastically.


"How is that possible?" Uncle Lin exclaimed.


This Dzi Bead suddenly lost its weird appeal!


"How is it impossible?" Chen Fan explained lightly, "It just tainted some of the wearer's mental power. The reason why ordinary people feel dizzy after seeing it is because they are disturbed by this residual mental power. After I wiped it off, It restored its original appearance."


After Wei Ziqing heard this, he couldn't help but sigh and admired from the bottom of his heart.


"Mr. Chen is indeed a master of magic."


"Looking at it now, this Dzi bead really doesn't have much magic anymore, it's just an ordinary bead."


Uncle Lin took a deep breath next to him, feeling deeply fearful in his heart.


'It seems that I made a mistake. This young man has some abilities and should not be underestimated. '


Chen Fan looked calm and calm on the outside, but in his heart he was shaking his head and sighing secretly.


'Even the so-called magic weapons are like this, not to mention other antiques. '


'It seems that there is nothing to gain from coming here this time. '


When he was about to propose leaving, his eyes suddenly glanced at a certain corner, his pupils shrank, and he let out a sound of surprise.

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