
Rebirth 92: Never Be an Honest Person

Shen Qing, who has worked hard for half her life and was only evaluated by an honest person, returns to the 92 years when she was reckless, and there are opportunities to make money everywhere. Thinking about all the regrets in his previous life, looking at the green plum next door he missed in his previous life... He swore that he would never be an honest person again.

VivaAshford · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 2 - One Catty of Medicinal Materials Makes Ten Tons of Wine

Wen Huifang sat on the sofa, waiting anxiously. After Shen Qing finished eating, she stood at the window and looked at the scenery outside the window.

  In this day and age, the streets are not so spacious, and his family lives in the second ring road in the future, but there are no tall buildings, and the eight-story building is considered the tallest.

  There are not too many small cars on the street, most of them are bicycles. Those who have motorcycles like his family are extremely enviable.

  A girl in a red dress passed by the window, and when she saw Shen Qing standing on the edge of the window sill on the second floor, she suddenly lowered her head and walked away quickly.

  Shen Qing looked at the girl, isn't this his high school classmate Ma Xiaoyue, why did she run away when she saw her?

  Did something happen after drinking too much at the party yesterday?

  He remembered that in the future, Ma Xiaoyue would go to Bingcheng Normal University and become a dance teacher. With her figure and temperament, at the class reunion in 20 years, they were all about 40 years old, and Ma Xiaoyue looked like 30!

  He is only eighteen now, and he looks even more juicy.

  When I was young, I was still very discerning, and I liked this type until I was reborn, because I was so specific.

  It's a pity that there was an accident in the family in the previous life, and he was unable to give happiness to the other party at all, so he could only bury his love in his heart.

  The sound of motorcycles came from a distance, and Dad came back.

  "Dad, are you back so soon?" Shen Qing helped take the bag from Dad's hand.

  "After a few phone calls, it's confirmed. Zhao Tiande, the director of the city winery, went on a business trip with the accountant for two weeks, and has been unable to contact him. The city winery hasn't paid any other companies this month, so it must be that there is no money in the account. Yes, I was almost deceived by that deputy director, Qu Keli!"

  "Dad, drink some water. We didn't give out the original brew, and they didn't take advantage of it."

  "In the future, when our winery grows bigger and the city winery is taken over, you will take care of that Chokley."

  Shen Tianming couldn't help but put down his glass after drinking half of the water: "What are you thinking? The city winery is a state-owned enterprise, can you sell it to us?"

  "Dad, you haven't read the newspaper recently, have you? It's been said in the news that the chief designer encourages the development of private enterprises, and many cadres are doing business."

  "And in the south, there have long been precedents for state-owned enterprises to be sold. Starting this year, there will definitely be more. You said that if the city's winery really can't continue, will the city be willing to continue to subsidize the money, or sell it to make a fortune? ?"

  "Since it can be sold, is the city willing to sell it to outsiders, or to us locals?"

  Shen Tianming put down his glass: "If you don't study hard every day, you only know how to read newspapers. What you think is simple. The equipment in the city winery is worth several million, including the factory, it can't be tens of millions. Our little wine How much does the factory earn a year, can it afford it?"

  "Dad, if you can afford it, will you buy it? Do you want to teach that Qu Keli who almost cheated you?"

  Although the winery in the city survived several ups and downs in the previous life, it was because there was no competition in the province, but this life is different.

  "If you can afford it, of course you can buy it. The winery will expand its operations and make more money. But our family doesn't have that much money, and we have to save it. I will send you to college. In the future, I will let you study abroad and drink some foreign ink. go!"

  Going abroad is hot now, many people are desperate to go abroad, thinking that living abroad is good anywhere.

  In the previous life, my father kept talking about it. If Shen Qing was sent to study abroad after graduating from high school, Shen Qing would definitely not suffer so much in the future.

  "It's summer, and liquor is not easy to sell. Except for the city winery, no one can afford our so many original brews. I have to figure out a way later. ."

  The wine in their house is sold loose, one or two yuan a catty, it's okay in winter, everyone drinks beer in summer, and those who like to drink white wine also buy bottled wine.

  "Dad, you were earning less in the first place, and you lowered the price. Didn't you think about raising the price?"

  Dad doesn't know how to do business at all, this wine has no characteristics at all, so of course it won't sell well.

  He has to teach his father how to make money, otherwise when will he realize his dream of becoming a rich second generation?

  Shen Tian understood his son with a glance: "Although the wine in our factory is not bad, but as long as it increases by 50 cents, do you believe that the sales volume will drop by half?"

  The former owner of this winery just wanted to increase the price, but suddenly he couldn't sell it anymore, or he wouldn't have sold the winery to him.

  Although he has concealed a lot of debts, he firmly believes that as long as he manages well, he can still make money, which is definitely more than working in a city winery.

  "Dad, no one will buy the price increase, but if our wine can be strong...can it be nourishing?"

  "Those elderly people like to make medicinal wine at home, but many of them don't know the prescription at all. Let's go directly to the old Chinese doctor to buy a prescription, brew it and sell it to them."

  "There are ginseng, deer antler, ganoderma and other precious medicinal materials in this wine. Ten yuan a catty is not too much, right?"

  In the previous life, in addition to those expensive famous wines, there were two wineries with annual sales of tens of billions, one was Niulanshan and the other was Jinjiu.

  Among them, Niulanshan's profit is more than one billion, while Jinjiu's profit is several billion!

  The road to success of Jinjiu can be better replicated, and even now it can replace it.

  At this time, it is the era of the barbaric development of domestic health products. People's living conditions are constantly improving, and they all want to make up for it. Health wine has a lot to do.

  In the future, there will be Yilishen endorsed by Uncle Benshan, and they will all go to CCTV to advertise.

  "Return ginseng, velvet antler, and ganoderma lucidum. Do you know how much a catty of those medicinal materials cost?" Shen Tianming said angrily.

  The brat really dared to think, he had never drank wine made with so many precious medicinal materials, and the cost was more than ten yuan a catty.

  Shen Qing asked with a smile: "Dad, it costs thousands of dollars to buy medicinal materials. Of course you think it is expensive to brew ten catties of wine, but what if you brew ten tons? The cost of one catty will definitely not exceed two dollars."

  In the previous life, there was braised beef noodles that claimed to use only one cow for ten years, and Chinese soft-shelled turtle essence that hadn't been used for three years. Compared with this, he is very conscientious.

  Thousands of medicinal herbs to soak ten tons of wine?

  Shen Tianming was stunned, would that still work?

  "Aren't you a liar?"

  Shen Qing was displeased: "What is deception? We did add ginseng, deer antler and other precious medicinal materials to this wine, and we didn't say how much."

  "Also, the alcohol content doesn't have to be so high. Drinking 50-60% shochu in summer is too much to burn. Just boil the medicinal materials and blend them with the original wine to about 40%. The mouth is soft and not so strong. strong."

  "You just said that there is a tonic wine with so many precious medicinal materials printed on the label, and it costs ten yuan a bottle. Do you want to try it?"

  "Many elderly people like to drink alcohol, but their family members won't allow it. But this wine can nourish the body, so will the family members let them drink it?"

  "Can this wine be sold? Can it make more money?"

  "Dad, why are you still hesitating? Our family opened this winery and owed a lot of money to relatives and friends. The winery still has a lot of foreign debts, right? If you resign to do this, how many people are waiting to see your jokes? Don't want to earn money quickly to pay off the debt? Want to let the creditor block the door? Don't want to earn money to buy a car? Don't want to buy my mother a gold necklace or a mink?"

  As soon as Wen Huifang heard this, she immediately pushed Shen Tianming: "Old Shen, why are you hesitating, the money I borrowed from my natal family before was repaid after the new year, if it sells loose wine like before, it will be repaid next year. "

  "When you got married, you said you would buy me a gold necklace. Now that my son is eighteen, my mother-in-law gave me a gold ring when I got married."

  Shen Tianming: "Okay, okay, don't talk about it, don't I have to go to an old Chinese doctor to buy the formula first?"

  Shen Qing raised her hand: "Dad, there's no rush, have you figured out how to sell this wine?"

  Shen Tianming: "???"

  Wine is not always sold like that, is there any special way?