
Chapter 513

When he came to the study, Satoshiji cast a glance, and saw that there were not many books in the study, but instead there was a wall cabinet full of drinks, as well as indoor dart boards, billiards, etc.

   Casting his gaze, Satomiji saw that on the wall cabinet where the books were placed, there were actually a few books in Chinese characters, which were some famous Asian books. Seeing these books, Satomiji felt thoughtful.

  Seeing Satomiji's eyes, Song Yang took out a bottle of wine, "Would you like a drink?"

   Before Satomiji could speak, Song Yang poured him a glass of wine and pushed it in front of Satomiji.

   "How is Riben now?" Song Yang asked after taking a sip of the drink.

Now Marcus, Collison and the others are also reporting on the situation in Asia every day. Marcus is responsible for picking up leaks and constantly acquiring companies that invest in Bangzi, Siam, Singapore and other places. Collison and the gang of hedge funds Together, we kept cutting leeks.

  But what I saw through the phone and a few emails is definitely different from what Satomi, who just came from Japan, felt differently.

"not too good!"

  Song Yang took a sip, but Satomiji swallowed the whole glass of wine, suppressing the alcohol in his stomach, Satomiji said directly.

"Now Japan's banks, brokerages, real estate and other industries are under great pressure. The foreign trade industry can no longer sustain it. The relief centers in Tokyo are already overcrowded. There are a large number of bankrupt homeless people in subway stations and parks. Bank of Tokyo and other institutions Departments, it is estimated that the number of bankrupt and unemployed people in Japan this year will exceed one million..."

  Satomiji had a look on his face, and said in a somewhat unattractive manner that although the knife hadn't cut himself, he had already felt the chill of winter.

After all, every day when I go back to and from get off work, I can see more and more people building nests on the street and living in parks. Although Satomi knows that he is unlikely to end up like that, he still can't help worrying. This time, I hurried to America to embrace the reason for the gold master's thick legs.

And this chill is even more obvious in the pinball room industry. In just over a month, Sammy Group's pinball machine orders have dropped by more than 20%. The pinball room operator who originally wanted to expand the scale, Now it's time to tighten your belts.

After saying a few words, Satomiji, whose face turned red under the stimulation of the drink, said to Song Yang, "Song, but now it may be the best opportunity for the billiard room industry in Japan. After this time, Japan will The billiard room industry will usher in a reshuffle!"

Song Yang heard Satomiji's words, looked at his excited expression, and his eyes were strange for a while, just now he was worried about the situation at Riben's side, but now he can't wait to swallow all his colleagues in the Niben's pachinko room .

"Of course," Song Yang said under Satomiji's expectant gaze, "When Xueleshan acquired Sami Company, I promised President Satomiji that Sami Group would become the largest pachinko room company in Japan. , it is still valid now!"

Originally, the acquisition of Sammy Company was intended to use Sammy to enter Japan's billiard room to cut leeks. Song Yang's side has already attracted many people into the pit for this project. Adrian and Xiangdang's side Many congressmen, the Federal Foreign Affairs Committee, Deutsche Bank, etc. are now eagerly waiting for the dividends from Sierra Ribenzene Company.

  Even if Satomiji doesn't come this time, Song Yang is going to let Xueleshan Niben Company do things in the Niben billiard room. Right now is indeed the best opportunity!

Song Yang pondered for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Satomiji, "Xuele Mountain, in America, can provide a guarantee for Sammy, and borrow a sum of dollars from the bank for Sammy to buy the Japan Benzene Pachinko House. Other companies, including Sega!"

Song Yang is not the only one who expects to cut leeks from the Japanese billiard room. How can Song Yang come to pay for such a beautiful knife? He must still cut the wool, using the name of the Elephant Party and the Federal Foreign Affairs Committee , Get a sum of money from Wall Street.

Even, Song Yang is going to play some tricks, let Sammy and Niben Xueleshan Company enter the "designated list" of the Federal Monetary Fund to rescue Asian companies, that is, the money that the Federal Monetary Fund has lent to Bangzi, Siam and other places , the local area must take part to "rescue" the Sammy company...

Satomi heard that his brain was wide open. He didn't expect to be able to play like this. America lent money to Siam and other places, and then asked Bangzi to take out the money to save the company designated by America. The sheep will be terrified when they see it.

  No matter what tricks they do, if they can get the money to buy Sega and other billiard room operators, it will be a huge opportunity for Satomi and Sammy!

   "Director Bruno, Sammy will never let you down!"

Satomi Ji quickly got up and said to Song Yang, the situation in the billiard room will definitely improve, as long as the Japanese people who live a good life and have some spare money in their hands, they will definitely go to the billiard room to give them away. The more market share you occupy, the more you will earn in the second half of the year or next year.

  For Satomi Haru, as long as the Sammy Group becomes a giant in the pachinko room industry, his status in Japan Benzene will also rise. In a place with strict hierarchy like Japan Benzene, who doesn't want to take a step up?

Just climb one more step, there is Jianzhi and his family there, and earth-shaking changes will take place in the days of Riben. In front of Song Yang, Satomiji is in this posture, but back to Riben, there are countless people Up his nose!

  Song Yang nodded, looked at Satomi and said, "You need to go to New York and Washington, I think there will be banks and other institutions that will lend money to Sammy Company!"

  Song Yang would definitely not be able to take the initiative to show up for such things as cutting leeks and playing flowers. These things still need Yuri Satomi, the president of Sammy Company, to come forward to get those beautiful knives.

After resting in San Jose for the night, Satomi started rushing to New York and Washington without stopping. Although Song Yang didn't show up, he made several phone calls and told the consultants and shareholders of Ribenz Xueleshan Company, What is Sammy going to do? If he wants to get the first dividend at the end of the year, he must let Sammy get this huge loan!

Wall Street is well aware of the current situation in Asia. Many companies in Siam, Bangzi, Singapore and other places have gone to Wall Street and Europe to find money for life all over the world, but most of them are coldly rejected. Outside the door, even if someone is willing to borrow money, the price will be frighteningly high.

  But when Satomi went to New York this time, the treatment was completely different. Satomi went to Deutsche Bank first, and Deutsche Bank Investment Bank President Edison met with Satomi in person.

After inquiring about the situation of Sammy Company and the current market price of Niben Pachinko, as the investment bank of Deutsche Bank, which holds 10% of the shares of Niben Xueleshan, Edison once again threw 300 million US dollars in cash, giving Sammy Company!

And this is just the beginning, and then Wall Street and investment institutions in several states have invested in Sammy. The most outrageous one is New Jersey. The New Jersey Teachers Foundation has borrowed 78 million from Sammy. beautiful knife.

  The reason for this kind of scene is inseparable from the veteran New Jersey state senator Mittarelli. He is now also a consultant of Riben Sierra Corporation. His family can almost get 1% of the dividends of Sierra Riben Company!

That is to say, the Xueleshan Japanese Benzene Company, which cannot pay dividends. The previous investment of the Tarelli family in the Xueleshan Japanese Benzene Company will be in vain. It's no wonder Tarelli wasn't in a hurry. This time, he directly used his contacts and relationships to move out the New Jersey Teachers' Fund and invest it in Sammy.

There are more than one family who play like Ketarelli. This time, they are all anxious to get angry, trying to find ways, and using their connections, let the institutions in America lend money to Sammy, so that Sammy can be in the Japanese billiard room industry. Buy buy buy.

  Of course, if Satomi finally messes things up and fails to meet the expectations of people like Ketarelli, then even if Satomi hides in Japan, life will not be much better!

After raising money in New York, Satomi came to Washington, where Tom Delay and others from the Xiang Party met with Satomi, and then Satomi also met Mick, the Asian director of the Foreign Affairs Committee. s.

   "Song, what you want, I can do it here, I hope you won't let "us" down, you know what the consequences will be!"

Song Yang was in San Jose, and received a call from Meeks. On the phone, Meeks told Song Yang directly to let Sammy enter the list of Asian companies rescued by the Federal Monetary Fund. The Federal Foreign Affairs Committee also spent some time. Hands and feet, the key is that the appearance of eating is not very good-looking.

But Meeks can't care about the present, just like the Elephant Party, on the Federal Foreign Affairs side, many congressmen and executives have invested money in Sammy, and they are waiting for Sammy to pay dividends. If they can't get the money , even Meeks, it is estimated that he will not be able to eat and walk around.

   Song Yang just smiled at what Meeks said, "I think you know that there is no absolute thing in the world..."

Through the phone call, Song Yang could think of Meeks, and he probably had a vein. Turning the subject around, Song Yang said, "But I don't think there will be any problems with Sammy and the billiard room. If everything goes well, At the end of that year, the wife of Meeks in charge can get a special project bonus!"

  Hearing this on the phone, Mixon's expression finally eased a bit. He still believed in Song Yang's vision, otherwise there would not be so many people who would have boarded this thief ship.

   "It better be so!"

  Meeks hung up the phone with a cold voice. After putting down the phone, the coldness on Meeks' face disappeared, and a bit of anticipation inevitably appeared in his expression.

If everything goes well as Song Yang said, at the end of the year, Meeks' family account can get a dividend that is much higher than his salary. He can get it all, and he can use it normally without worrying about being investigated, as long as Meeks is still in his current position!

The pachinko room industry in Japan is in turmoil now, and there are constant reports of pachinko rooms that are closed and bankrupt, especially the pachinko rooms outside Tokyo. When the major companies in the pachinko room industry are frowning, suddenly there is shocking news. Raised over $1.7 billion in America!

  (end of this chapter)