
Chapter 314

Chapter 314 Reorganization

  In the small building in Washington, Ella Cherry is in the office, burying her head in processing documents. Compared with half a year ago, Ella Cherry is now a little thinner, and she also has a tired look on her body.

  A few months ago, when the Information Management Bureau of the Trade Commission where Ella Cherry worked pushed for an investigation into the double-click monopoly, Ella Cherry was in high spirits at that time.

Ella Cherry has indeed done it. It is predicted by Silicon Valley and Wall Street that it will become the double-click company of this year's big bull stock. Although it has been successfully listed, it is half dead. It can be said that I woke up early and caught up with a late episode.

As companies at the same time as Yahoo, Lycos, and Excite, the stock prices of these companies have skyrocketed since they went public this year, especially Yahoo, whose stock price has doubled now, and its market value is approaching $4 billion, setting a record high. The new myth of the Internet.

Ella Cherry made double-click one of the most "disappointing" stocks on Nasdaq this year, and she also successfully made her, like Wall Street Sheriff Spitzer, a figure that daunted the American Internet .

The "Iron Lady of the Internet" is in the limelight, bringing double-click investors, including Song Yang, WPP Group, Deutsche Bank Investment Bank, etc., who have suffered heavy losses. It fell below the issue price.

   But even so, the stock price is sluggish, facing antitrust lawsuits, huge class action lawsuits, false advertising lawsuits and other issues, Double-click did not admit defeat, and even Ella Cherry went to Houston to "surrender" herself, Double-click did not compromise.

   This makes Double-click uncomfortable, but Ella Cherry is not much better. Now she is also facing tremendous pressure. The donkey party she works for and the trade committee she works for are both facing tremendous pressure.

  Song Yang's side refused to admit defeat and carried on, which led to a stalemate now. Moreover, the Internet is the proud work of the current commander-in-chief, and it is also the foundation of his life.

Although Ella Cherry is using the slogan of maintaining the order of the Internet and preventing the emergence of trust giants on the Internet, everyone knows the reason for Ella Cherry's possession, but she continues to attack the Internet, making the commander's office feel a little bit against Ella. La Cherry's voice of dissatisfaction came out. I don't know if Ella Cherry is a 25-year-old boy, and she is against the commander-in-chief.

   This time, Song Yang created the Internet Society of America again. Although Ella Cherry expressed disdain and threatened the Internet Society in front of her subordinates, it was useless at all.

But whether it works or not, only Ella Cherry understands that when dealing with Double-click, the Double-click company will pull up the entire Internet advertising industry, and directly magnify it, threatening that Ella Cherry is going to deal with it. The entire Internet advertising industry started.

This caused the originally growing Internet advertising industry to fall into a quagmire in an instant, and various advertising funders and websites also began to be a little worried. This caused the entire Internet advertising industry to complain to Ella Cherry. After all, the advertising business is now In the Internet industry, one of the few businesses that can see the beauty of the knife, other businesses are losing more and more miserably...

   Now Song Yang has created the American Internet Association, and has brought in all the influential Internet companies in America.

This made Ella Cherry feel a little more powerless towards Song Yang. Ella Cherry only felt that Song Yang was more slippery and difficult to deal with than those giant companies in the past. , in the Internet industry, it is somewhat inapplicable. The key is that there is no federal law support, which is the most uncomfortable.

Today is the time for the establishment of the American Internet Association. Of course Ella Cherry knows that she doesn't care, but Ella Cherry is also a little upset today. She knows that the Internet Association will definitely be established. , which should come as no surprise.

  While Ella Cherry was upset, the office door was pushed open, and her assistant rushed in, "Director Ella, there is something new!"

Ella Cherry took over a newspaper, and it was the latest report from The Washington Post that when she saw the "Internet Freedom and Family Empowerment" bill, Ella Cherry turned her eyes cold for a moment, "How dare they Introduce such a bill?!"

As soon as this bill comes out, it may not be so easy for Ella Cherry to catch the pigtails of Internet companies such as Double Click and ICQ. The information and comments posted by users on these websites have nothing to do with the website, and even Egypt La Cherry can imagine that once this bill is passed on Capitol Hill, the double-click will intensify, claiming that the advertisements placed on those websites have nothing to do with double-click.

If there is a problem, you have to find those advertisers and websites. Double-clicking is just an advertisement. clean.

   "This bill must never be allowed to pass!" Ella Cherry dropped the newspaper and said in a cold voice. Once passed, the Internet industry will really have a giant, and no one can stop it.

The assistant looked at Ella Cherry, and said to her helplessly, "Microsoft, Netscape, and Yahoo have all supported this bill, and there are already congressmen on Capitol Hill who have declared that they will vote on this bill. And because of Bruno Song, I am afraid that the Xiang Party will not block this bill..."

This bill, as long as it is an Internet company, will definitely support it. Behind Netscape, Microsoft, and Yahoo, there are a large number of MPs from the Donkey Party who support it. Internet companies have increasingly become big sponsors. No MP is willing to Offend these benefactors, especially the donkey party.

On the other side of the Xiang Party, with Song Yang, even if he does not support it this time, he probably will not deliberately oppose it. This makes the "Internet Freedom and Family Empowerment" very likely to be passed on Capitol Hill, and it may be passed quickly .

Ella Cherry took a few deep breaths. She knew that Song Yang would revive it, but she never expected that it would become so big when it came up. Once this bill is passed by Congress, both Silicon Valley and Wall Street will really start to follow the Internet. The association collaborated because it could really impact the Internet industry, and even the Federal Internet Act!

   "No matter what, this bill cannot be passed!"

Ella Cherry said with a livid face that the passage of this bill is almost equivalent to telling the outside world that her "Iron Lady of the Internet" is a joke, and that it will be extremely difficult to find trouble with Internet companies in the future. up.

   "To expedite the antitrust prosecution against DoubleClick, Bruno Song must be allowed to testify in court!" Ella Cherry snapped.

  Ella Cherry is going to get rid of Double Click and Song Yang first, and then rely on the prestige of a big victory to snipe this bill and prevent it from passing on Capitol Hill.

If all of these can be successfully completed, then she, Ella Cherry, will really be able to become the Internet sheriff of America. If she fails, her career in America, not to mention completely over, but I am afraid she will also be in a shambles. up!

"Proposed by Bruno Song, the founder of the largest double-click company in the Internet advertising industry, and supported by companies such as Microsoft, Netscape, Yahoo, and AOL, the American Internet Association officially announced its establishment in San Jose today. San Jose, New York, Texas, Seattle and other places Municipal departments have expressed their support for the Internet Society."

On a TV station, the news is being broadcast, "The Management Committee of the American Internet Association, after the establishment of the association, announced a number of rules, including the now controversial "Internet Freedom and Family Empowerment" Act, many Internet companies, Wall Street Agencies, Congressmen, etc. all have their say on this bill!"

"Some opponents believe that this bill has opened Pandora's box for the Internet industry, but there are also members of Congress who have expressed their support and proposed that the bill be passed on Capitol Hill. If this Internet bill is passed, it will become the existing communication norm. Section 230 of the Act..."

The Internet Association, the first fire that ignited, made the entire technology industry, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and even Capitol Hill a little restless. The supporters and opponents behind the Internet industry quarreled with each other, and there were Wall Street analysts in the middle. Teachers and academic professors from colleges and universities come out to add fuel and vinegar, so don't be too lively.

And in a hotel in San Jose, a banquet is being held, and the participants are all the "insiders" of the Internet Association. Because there is no media to participate, the atmosphere is very relaxed. Many local celebrities in San Jose have come to participate. In the past It is not easy to meet so many Internet upstarts, not to mention Bill Gates is also present.

  "In the future, all member companies of the American Internet Society will support each other in terms of funds, technology, patents, etc. When member companies encounter legal, judicial, class action and other problems, the Internet Society will also provide support..."

As the head of the Internet Society's legal department, Gleick told the Internet companies present, telling them that the Internet Society is not just for cutting leeks, at least for the sake of face, it is to protect all member companies. In other words, the establishment of the Internet Association is to use them as cannon fodder and cut them into leeks, right, although it does mean that.

Song Yang got together with Bill Gates, Anderson, Jim Clark, Keith, Yang Zhiyuan and others. The establishment of the Internet Association today established Jim Clark's status in the world, touted him as the godfather of the Internet generation, and Bill Gates Ci is on par, at least not weaker than the other.

This made the media scold Bill Gates and Microsoft's Netscape duo a lot. At this time, it was rare to be quiet, but with a cold face, unwilling to say a word to Bill Gates, but today there is a media With the reporter present, I am afraid that at this time they will start talking about each other again.

   "The bill must be passed on Capitol Hill as soon as possible this year, and there must be no delay. This bill requires the support of all Internet companies!"

  Song Yang held a glass of wine in his hand, and said to Bill Gates and others in the circle in front of him, let several companies work together to have a blitzkrieg.

  (end of this chapter)