
Chapter 312

Chapter 312 Misfortune moves eastward

  No matter how you look at the richest man in the world, no matter how bad Microsoft's reputation in America is, if there is Bill Gates, then he is the focus, and no one can change this.

  Seeing that Bill Gates personally came to participate in the establishment of the Internet Association, a group of reporters immediately surrounded him and asked various questions to Bill Gates.

  The question at the beginning was quite normal, "Mr. Richest Man, will you become the first president of the American Association?"

   "Will Microsoft transform into an Internet company?"

   "When will the browser war between Microsoft and Netscape last?"

  But the media and reporters asked questions, and the taste began to change. Just like where Bill Gates appeared, there are always conspiracy theories, and this time is no exception.

  Suddenly, a media reporter with a "Daily Wired" sign asked Bill Gates, "Excuse me, Gates, is Microsoft establishing the Internet Society of America to control the entire Internet industry?"

  The bare words, without any cover-up, made all the reporters around couldn't help but look at Bill Gates. The Daily Wire is a conservative media, and this is a direct shot at Microsoft.

   This media is obviously aimed at Bill Gates, not mentioning Song Yang, who has a close relationship with the Elephant Party, and pointed the finger at Bill Gates, questioning the establishment of the Internet Association, which is another conspiracy by Microsoft.

Bill Gates had a smile on his face, and he was probably going to curse in his heart. The establishment of the American Internet Association was proposed by Song Yang at the banquet when Double-click went public, and now it has become a **** Microsoft conspiracy. As long as this group of media encounters Microsoft, all kinds of conspiracy theories are flying everywhere, as if all the bad things in America are all done by Microsoft...

"The establishment of the American Internet Association is to allow the entire American Internet industry to have a set of rules, and to enable Internet users to use Internet products more conveniently and safely. It is not that anyone wants to control the American Internet industry, and no one can control it. In the Internet industry, the Internet only belongs to Internet users!"

  Bill Gates said righteously, and then "kindly" reminded, "Bruno Song is the proposer of the Internet Society of America, and Microsoft just supports this decision."

  Bill Gates is pointing at the media such as the Daily Wire and scolding. The scolding is wrong, isn't it so stupid...

The reporter of Daily Wire who was baited by Bill Gates stood there without blushing and heartbeat, and continued to ask disgusting questions about Bill Gates. Users who were fooled by the media sometimes couldn't tell who was the enemy Who is a friend, this group of media and reporters can distinguish clearly.

Conservative media such as the Daily Connection would rather open their eyes and tell nonsense than offend Song Yang, who is closely related to the Elephant Party and may even be a future big donor. Cursing Song Yang, every time they act as the vanguard to stir up public opinion, it is CNN, Washington Post, Tennessee and other TV stations of the Donkey Party camp, which keep releasing disgusting news about Song Yang.

  What CNN can do, how can the Daily Connection not do it?

Under the **** of a group of bodyguards, Bill Gates entered the San Jose Convention Center. As for the sub-questions asked by the media, such as whether Microsoft is suspected of monopoly, whether Microsoft will be sued by the American Department of Justice, etc., Bill Gates avoided don't talk about it.

Bill Gates got on the scene and directly brought the Bige of the Internet Society to a new height, followed by Netscape, AOL, Yahoo, AltaVista Search, Artisdirect, Lex Lycos, Excite, L90, VCLK, Infoseek, Pest, Penney and many other well-known Internet companies were all present, making the conference noisy.

As the proposer of the Internet Society of America, Song Yang also arrived with a large group of people this time. When the media outside the San Jose Convention Center saw Song Yang, they desperately took pictures of the people in Song Yang's "camp" .

  Double-click, ICQ, Feita, eBay, and Amazon Bezos rushed over, followed Song Yang to the conference center.

  When Song Yang came to the conference center, he attracted the attention of many people. Bill Gates, AOL DeCase, Yang Zhiyuan and others couldn't help but glance at the "camp" beside Song Yang.

  Bill Gates, who was sitting with Todd and others, stared at Irene, Wesley, Omidyar, Bezos and others behind Song Yang, and couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

  Before, Microsoft had been concentrating on its deadly rival, Netscape, and had fought too hard in the browser market. Microsoft had relaxed its vigilance against other Internet rivals.

But now, Bill Gates found that Netscape seemed to be dragged down by Microsoft, but looking at the "Yahoo Chief" who was surrounded by stars in the conference center, and Song Yang who had already appeared in his own camp Over there, Microsoft seems to be lagging behind again.

  Todd on the side felt that Bill Gates looked strange, "Yahoo, Song, they are not Microsoft's opponents now!"

Todd reminded Bill Gates that in the Internet industry, you can't provoke opponents everywhere like you did in the software industry. Now that Microsoft is fighting Netscape, you can't provoke Yahoo and Song Yang again, otherwise I'm afraid To be besieged again.

  Microsoft can bundle the IE browser, and the system can be incompatible with the Netscape browser. You can't block all software such as Yahoo, ICQ, and Fortinet.

Bill Gates took a deep breath and nodded. Knowing Microsoft's current situation, it seems that the scenery is infinite, but in the Internet industry, it is the one that is being targeted. If Netscape is not killed, Microsoft will not be able to replace Netscape. status!

   After Song Yang entered the arena, he exchanged pleasantries with Bill Gates, Yang Zhiyuan, Case, Jim Clark and others. They looked at each other and sat down tacitly.

If you stand in the last row of the San Jose Convention Center, you will be able to see that the conference center, which can accommodate thousands of people, is already full of seats, and famous American Internet companies have already arrived, Silicon Valley venture capital companies, Wall Street Institutions, Internet media, journalists, scholars and the like have all arrived.

  When the host invited from the TV station walked onto the stage of the conference center, it meant that the conference had officially started.

In the last row of the conference center, a man with a peaked cap and a beard sat there. As the editor-in-chief of "Wired" magazine, Kevin Kelly still has a face in the Internet industry. With a good name, he must be able to sit in the front of the media seats.

But today, Kevin Kelly sat at the back and chose to record this Internet conference from another angle. Looking at the front position, he could see Song Yang, Bill Gates, Case and others lowering their heads from time to time. Talk a few words.

Seeing this scene, Kevin Kelly couldn't help but raised his camera to take a picture. For Song Yang, it seemed too early to publish a biography, but Kevin Kelly wanted to publish a biography for Song Yang. .

The magic of the Internet and the myth of getting rich overnight are vividly reflected in Song Yang. Before thinking about Song Yang's figure when he went to the office of Wired Magazine to ask for a meeting with him, and looking at the Song Yang talking and laughing with Bill Gates in front of him, As an Internet trumpeter, Kevin Kelly couldn't help sighing again about the magic of the Internet!

Kevin Kelly, who sits at the back of the conference center, takes pictures from time to time and writes down some things. Sitting here, he can see things that he can't see before. The Internet industry in America is complicated, but who is the leader of the Internet industry Subleader?

Just looking at the scene in front of him, Kevin Kelly has the answer in his heart. No matter how many Internet companies there are, there are still only those few who are the most influential and powerful people, just like in Hollywood where there are many stars, But the most powerful are only a few figures each year.

Thinking of this, Kevin Kelly couldn't help but brighten his eyes. He plans to launch an issue of the top ten most influential people on the Internet every year in Wired Magazine, or the power list of the Internet industry. This list is of course a gimmick , but if you open this list in the future, you may also be able to discover changes in the Internet industry!

  According to the usual practice, the host on the stage is touting a lot of companies in the Internet industry. Otherwise, how will the founders of those companies be allowed to sit on the management committee of the American Internet Association.

  The history of the Internet is very short, but the update is amazingly fast. Naturally, there are only a few companies that can be touted. The host touted Netscape as the pioneer of the Internet industry, and Jim Clark as the godfather of the American Internet!

This is for Netscape and for Jim Clark's career. He is the one who set off the Internet wave. He is the godfather of Silicon Valley. Jim Clark takes a deep breath and looks normal, but in fact he has five feelings in his heart Miscellaneous, Jim Clark knows that he can still invest in many companies, but it is absolutely impossible to bring a company to the height of Netscape.

   With the title of Internet godfather, Jim Clark's status in the Internet arena has already been determined. Even if Netscape loses in the future, this will not change at all.

   After touting Netscape, they also touted AOL, Yahoo, and IE browsers, and it was naturally impossible for Double-Click to bypass the company.

"Double-Click Company is the founder of the Internet advertising industry. It brings the Internet into a new era. In every era, there are always a few companies that have intentionally or unintentionally changed the fate of the entire industry. Double-Click Company is definitely one of them. In the future, Double-Click It may disappear, but the Internet industry will never be able to leave Internet advertising!"

Song Yang felt the complicated gazes cast from left and right, and couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed for a while. He knew that Irene, who was in charge of hosting this conference, would praise Double-click Company, but it was still a little bit too much to blow it to this extent. It was beyond Song Yang's expectation.

   This frankly touts Double-Click Company as changing the Internet era and saving the existence of Internet companies. It only needs to shout that there would be no American Internet without Double-Click..