
Chapter 273

Chapter 273 Chips

  Dobpur is an old gun in the technology industry. There is nothing to say about experience and technology, but when it comes to the level of chicken soup, it is far inferior to the Internet industry.

  The Internet wants to get money from Silicon Valley venture capital and Wall Street institutions. How can it get money if it doesn't know how to paint a cake and fill it with chicken soup?

Song Yang's words just now really moved Dubpur's heart. Think about it, first invest in Apple, get ARM, and then form a camp with Apple for Apple computers plus PA processors, challenge the Intel camp, and then backhand win DEC Semiconductor .

   This set of plans looks good. Once it is completed, PA Semiconductor basically soars into the sky, but if you think about it carefully, you need at least a billion dollars in funds to do this, and it may be cash.

  For such a huge sum of money, Dubpur now came to his senses, not to mention Song Yang, even companies like DEC and Intel still need to raise some time.

   Now that the contract has been signed, Dobpur, who is getting more and more excited, can't help but worry, whether he was fooled this time.

Jim Keller, who was asked by Doble Poole, shook his head, "I feel that Bruno Song does have some plans, the UTM equipment of Feita is theoretically feasible, and he said that there will be a mobile phone today. If the news of the project is true, you can hear the news today!"

  Although he also felt deceived, Jim Keller was actually somewhat inclined to these plans of Song Yang, especially the acquisition of DEC Semiconductor, which made Jim Keller quite tempted.

   "As for funding, that's something he should consider..." Jim Keller spread his hands and said.

  When they were at DEC, they were all fed up with the problem of funds. If Song Yang could really spend tens of thousands of dollars on PA semiconductors, then these former DEC engineers would not be too resistant to staying.

  Song Yang, who signed the agreement, also heaved a sigh of relief. First, he won the PA semiconductor. As for the funds, it will be a headache for next year.

Although investing in Apple and acquiring DEC Semiconductors does require a large sum of money, only with PA Semiconductors can we have the opportunity to do all of this. Song Yang would not easily bet on the industry without Dapper Poole and Jim Keller Note processor industry.

   Today, Song Yang was very busy and didn't have time to rest. In the ICQ office building, he just had a meal. The second wave of personnel has arrived. Alcatel's executives in America have already arrived.

   "Song, I'm Mike Chigley!"

  A middle-aged man, the standard American professional manager image, looks very energetic, when he saw Song Yang, he stretched out his hand towards Song Yang.

   After Song Yang greeted Chigley, the person beside Chigley immediately said to Song Yang, "President Chigley is the president of Alcatel's operations in America."

  Hearing this, Song Yang couldn't help looking at the group of people beside Chigley, but he didn't see the person representing the Alcatel mobile phone camp.

   Today is about the acquisition of Alcatel's mobile phone business, and no one from Alcatel's mobile phone department has disappeared.

Seeing Song Yang's gaze, Chigley said to Song Yang, "Alcatel headquarters, President Serge Chuluk has authorized me to be fully responsible for talking with the American Global Investment Foundation about Alcatel's mobile phone business department. !"

   Hearing these words, Song Yang glanced at Greg and Marcus on the left and right, thinking about the mystery of these words.

   From Chigley's words, it can be heard that Alcatel's headquarters is no longer ready to take the mobile phone business, and even today's negotiations related to the fate of Alcatel's mobile phone, the people of Alcatel's mobile phone department are not eligible to participate!

On the other hand, Alcatel obviously does not intend to follow the normal acquisition negotiations, but uses the mobile phone business as a bargaining chip to talk to Song Yang, obviously in exchange for some things in Song Yang's hands .

   "President Chigley, please!" Various thoughts flashed through Song Yang's mind, but Song Yang still brought Chigley and others into the ICQ headquarters building.

Chigley was very talkative, "Song, I have heard of your name a long time ago. I have to say that America Telecom's line from Chicago to Wall Street is definitely a miracle in the history of telecommunications. I think this line is America Telecom. The Normandy landings of the industry!"

   It can be seen that Chigley praised the route from Chicago to Wall Street for American Telecom, and even said that the emergence of American Telecom changed the pattern of the American telecom industry.

But as soon as the subject changed, Chigley said to Song Yang, "Song, I have to say that if Alcatel's telecommunications equipment and technology were used on the Chicago Wall Street line back then, it would never have taken such a long construction period. The time and maintenance cost will not be so high!"

Song Yang turned his head and took a deep look at Chigley, but did not answer the question. The telecommunications equipment on the Wall Street line in Chicago was purchased from telecommunications equipment manufacturers such as Cisco and Lucent in the name of third-party companies for the sake of confidentiality. , I dare to brazenly buy a large amount of telecommunications equipment from Alcatel, I am afraid that it has already been known to passers-by.

A group of people entered the office, and Song Yang talked with Marcus and Greg in a low voice. The sudden arrival of Chigley slightly disrupted the plans of the American Investment Foundation. So easy.

   "President Chigley, I'm very glad that you are here today representing Alcatel. I hope we can reach a conclusion today about Alcatel's mobile phone business!" Song Yang said straight to the point.

  Chigley also said, "We hope so too. This is the purpose of our visit today. President Chuluk, I also hope to cooperate with Song you!"

   I don't know what kind of medicine Qigli and Alcatel gourd are selling, but Song Yang is still planning to use the strategy of knowing him all the way, and I will go all the way, which is to win the Alcatel mobile phone brand first.

  Marcus was the first to speak on behalf of the American Global Investment Foundation, "President Chigley, we have discussed the acquisition of the Alcatel mobile phone brand before, and I think everyone who came today has already approved this matter."

  "The American Global Investment Foundation wants to acquire the entire business of Alcatel's mobile phone, including brand authorization, equity, technical personnel, patents, production chain, etc.!"

  Song Yang wants to enter the mobile phone industry, but there is nothing now, so he can only buy a brand first, and buy Alcatel mobile phones, and he must take everything in it.

When Chigley heard what Marcus said, he didn't object. Anyway, Alcatel didn't want the mobile phone business anymore, and he didn't care much about whether to sell a little or all of it. At least Chigley didn't care, and he wasn't in the mobile phone business. The people in the department don't feel bad about selling Ye Tian, ​​so he doesn't care.

"Alcatel's headquarters agreed to sell the mobile phone business unit, but apart from the cash, Alcatel hopes to add some other conditions to the acquisition!" Chigley watched Song Yang say this, and made it clear. Today I just want to get other things from Song Yang.

  Paused for a moment, Song Yang said, "Alcatel, at what price do you want to sell the mobile phone brand?"

Gleick, Marcus, and the people from the American Investment Foundation are also looking at the Alcatel group. The professional analysts invited by the American Investment Foundation, for the valuation of the Alcatel mobile phone brand, Between 200 and 300 million US dollars.

Although the Alcatel mobile phone is in a downturn, it can barely make a profit relying on the upsurge of the mobile phone industry. Coupled with brand influence, engineers, technology, patents, etc., it can even be sold at a higher price. However, in a few years, Alcatel's sales will completely avalanche, the technology will be backward, and the brand influence will not be there. At that time, I am afraid that it will not be able to sell at any price.

  An executive next to Chigley stretched out a finger at this time, and said a number that surprised Song Yang, "100 million dollars!"

   "Alcatel is willing to sell the Alcatel mobile phone brand for US$100 million!"

  Hearing this, Song Yang, Greg, Marcus, etc. were not only not happy, but frowned.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Song Yang was ready for the Alcatel lion to open his mouth. In the end, Alcatel sold it at a low price. The Alcatel mobile phone brand was sold for 100 million U.S. dollars. If this news spreads, I am afraid Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony, Ericsson, etc. are all coming to **** it. Even if you buy it and don't use it, at least you won't lose money!

  Looking at Chigley, Song Yang finally asked, "What exactly does Alcatel want?"

  There is no free lunch in the world. Alcatel sells the mobile phone business so cheaply, so it must want to get compensation in other aspects, and I am afraid that the appetite is not small.

   "The mobile phone business can be given to the American Investment Foundation," Chigley looked at Song Yang, "Alcatel wants to start cooperation with America Telecom!"

Greg and Marcus both showed a clear look. For Alcatel, the mobile phone business is not the most important. The entire Alcatel mobile phone business only accounts for less than 5% of the entire Alcatel revenue. For Carter, it can be traded as a bargaining chip.

However, the telecommunications equipment business accounts for more than 90% of Alcatel's revenue. It is true that a mobile phone business is exchanged for broadband telecommunications equipment orders from America Telecom. An Alcatel mobile phone business may be worth hundreds of millions of dollars less. , but from American Telecom, they may get a profit of more than a dozen or even billions of dollars.

Do you need to think more about this deal? I also know why this time, the Alcatel headquarters did not invite people from the mobile phone business to participate, but asked Chigley, the person in charge of Alcatel in America, to talk to Song Yang. .

   Knowing what chips Alcatel wants, you know how to make moves. It can only be said that Alcatel's appetite this time is really not small!

   "President Chigley, you should be clear that the Telephone and Telegraph Group is the second largest shareholder of American Telecom. According to the agreement reached between American Telecom and Telephone and Telegraph, American Telecom should purchase equipment from Lucent for its business in America."

  Song Yang didn't want Alcatel to benefit immediately. The acquisition frenzy of America Telecom obviously put pressure on Alcatel, a telecom equipment manufacturer, and forced Alcatel to start taking action.