
Chapter 247

Chapter 247 Thunder on the ground

   If we talk about "Time" magazine, everyone can understand Song Yang as the cover character, after all, Song Yang has almost been leading the trend of the Internet.

  America's "Business Weekly" ranked Song Yang's worth, which surprised countless people. There have been media comments on Song Yang's worth before, but most of them don't have accurate data.

  The valuation of technology companies is too erratic, especially now that the Internet is booming, the valuation of Internet companies is almost soaring.

But even so, this time, Business Week ranked Song Yang as the third place in the "Top 100 Billionaires in the Technology Industry", which still surprised countless people. After all, compared with those veteran technology tycoons, Song Yang's debut is really too short up.

  But Business Weekly, this time, is still among the many controversies, excluding Song Yang's worth, after Microsoft's Bill Gates and Oracle's Larry Ellison, becoming the third person with the highest net worth in the American technology industry!

  Business Week gave the reason for this ranking, "The outside world only pays attention to Bruno Song's genius performance in the Internet industry, while ignoring his accomplishments in the investment industry."

   "According to the media collected by this newspaper, including the data obtained from third-party data companies, since 1995, when Bruno Song established the first Internet company Double-click, his net worth has exploded!"

Business Weekly listed all kinds of data collected about Song Yang. The double-click company that has just been listed, based on Song Yang's shareholding, has brought Song Yang nearly 380 million US dollars worth of knives, which is close to Four hundred million dollars.

The Hotmail mailbox was sold to Microsoft for 500 million US dollars, and Song Yang took away 320 million US dollars of it. This is all traceable, and the public information that can be found, that is, just double-click, Hotmail mailbox The two companies made Song Yang's worth reach 700 million US dollars!

  But according to the data issued by Business Weekly, the 700 million US dollars actually only accounted for a part of Song Yang's worth, even the smallest part!

After double-clicking the Hotmail mailbox, "Business Weekly" quoted Enron, Comerica Bank, RICK and other companies, and searched for information from more than 60 Wall Street companies engaged in Chicago futures investment, and finally got Song Yang received at least more than one billion dollars in dividends before the reorganization of American Telecom and Telephone and Telegraph Group!

When seeing this data, the entire media and the financial industry almost exploded. There were rumors before that Song Yang had engaged in a show operation on American Telecom, but all the relevant parties were silent, so that the outside world did not know whether it was true or not. , this time, "Business Weekly" took great pains and invested more than 700,000 U.S. dollars, and hired professional accountants and analysts to collect and analyze all the data. Got one billion, even a lot of dollars!

American Telecom's dividend of one billion dollars, plus double-clicking, Hotmail mailboxes, and the data that can be collected on the surface, let Song Yang's net worth reach 1.7 billion dollars, becoming the youngest "177 million dollars" in history. Mr. Billion Dollar Knife!"

  When the Hotmail mailbox was sold last year, some media ridiculed Song Yang as the youngest "Mr. $500 million knife" in America. After a year, the number more than tripled, but the record is still held by Song Yang.

And the data of "Business Weekly" gave more "surprises" than that. The editor-in-chief of Business Weekly, after America Telecom, Double-click, and Hotmail mailboxes, especially emphasized that, except for these three company information that can be collected publicly, In addition to inferences, Bruno Song also has a number of unlisted companies at home and abroad. The valuations of these companies by Business Weekly are for reference only, and there may be errors!

  The world's first and currently largest instant messaging company ICQ, Business Week asked Silicon Valley venture capital and Wall Street investment bank experts for their opinions, and valued it at $800 million, which is almost the same as Double-Click.

But Business Weekly also emphasized that once ICQ can find a profit direction, Internet advertising or the game industry, which has high hopes, can be fulfilled in ICQ, then the valuation of ICQ will double, and ICQ will also be invested by Wall Street and Silicon Valley venture capital. , rated as the most anticipated and most willing to invest in the Internet company of the year!

After ICQ, there is also Fortinet, which was invested by Song Yang, and its valuation is considered to have reached hundreds of millions of dollars. Although Fortinet has not earned a penny, people in Wall Street and Silicon Valley still express their expectations for Fortinet. , I don't know if the UTM hardware firewall developed by Fortinet is reliable, but Fortinet's world's largest free antivirus software, with over 10 million users, is still enough for Wall Street investment banks to bet on!

And Feita was also hatched by Song Yang, who gave money and resources. Song Yang holds 40% of Feita's equity. The current valuation of this equity is more than 40 million. Once Feita is listed successfully, That's not just worth the money.

  In addition, "Business Weekly", after that, specifically mentioned a company that had never appeared in front of Silicon Valley and Wall Street before.

  The editor-in-chief of Business Weekly personally commented on this company, "Yeadex in Eastern Europe was discovered by us by accident. Bruno Song invested in another Internet company!"

  "We had never heard of Yeadex before we did a survey on this company, but after we did a survey on this Eastern European Internet company through a survey company in Eastern Europe, it was completely beyond our expectations.

Eastern Europe, which has always been considered an Internet desert, is currently Lao Maozi's largest Internet advertising company, largest email company, and largest instant messaging software company, Lao Maozi's only telecom operator service provider, and Yeadex is also Lao Maozi's The largest local e-commerce company, which also owns various industries such as security, food processing, and machinery manufacturing, Yeadex's e-commerce includes second-hand commodity transactions, cross-border trade, remittances, home appliance trade, and other businesses!

  In the first half of this year alone, Yeadex's revenue exceeded US$980 million! "

Through these words, you can feel that when the editors of Business Weekly saw the information about Yeadex, they felt like they could stuff duck eggs into their mouths. Who knows where this Yeadex company came from? Come out, and the development is too fast.

   Let's say it is an Internet company, but the things it mainly does are basically buying and selling. No one in the Internet industry makes money, mainly selling small household appliances, daily necessities, etc. to old men.

   Say it is not an Internet company, but it is selling dog meat as a sheep's trick, with the banner of Lao Maozi's national Internet industry on its head.

But this is also invested by Song Yang, but it is certain. As for the valuation of Yeadex, no one knows. Some people think that it is worthless. Eastern Europe is the desert of the Internet. It didn't take long for it to close down on its own.

   But there are also those who believe that Yeadex has great potential. Once the economy in Eastern Europe improves and Lao Maozi stabilizes, it will be a market with hundreds of millions of people, enough to grow Yeadex into a giant.

For Yeadex, Business Weekly did not make a valuation, but the other company, although it was emptied by Song Yang, is still in the cycle of the telecommunications industry, and the valuation of America Telecom has exceeded tens of billions of dollars. Based on this calculation, Song Yang Yang's stake in American Telecom is also worth more than four billion US dollars.

   This thing is just to fool people, but it sounds really bluffing. If you add up all these, then Song Yang's worth has reached a terrifying $6.8 billion!

This controversy is really too big. Almost as soon as Business Weekly released the ranking, there was a quarrel among the media. Everyone thought that Song Yang's net worth could not be so high, but after calculation, it is so outrageous. According to the valuation Forget it, he immediately became one of the three most valuable people in the American technology industry!

  Even if American Telecom is eliminated, Song Yang still ranks first in the American Internet industry with a net worth of nearly two billion dollars, and even the veteran Jim Clark has to stand aside.

After the release of the latest issue of "Business Weekly", its editor-in-chief even personally accepted an interview with the TV station and answered questions about the ranking, "We can guarantee that Bruno Song's ranking may even be on the low side. , His real worth may be far beyond our expectations. In fact, when we collected these materials, we never expected that he would invest in so many industries. We have no way of knowing whether he has invested in other industries, but Bruno Song, he is definitely the one who may be underestimated!"

"Following the publication of Bruno Song's net worth ranking by Business Weekly, Forbes and Fujibee's two major wealth lists have also released their net worth rankings for Bruno Song one after another, ranking him in the top 60 ranks of the 100 richest people in America... "

  After double-clicking the company's listing, Song Yang, Whitman, Kaiwei Lehman and others took a small vacation. The nerves that have been tense for so long also need to relax.

  At the moment in the Lake Champlain Resort Hotel in New York, Song Yang, who is eating breakfast, is watching the report on his worth on the TV station. The media has almost gone crazy because of this two days.

  The news on the TV station continues to report, "Affected by Internet expectations, the Forbes Rich List indicates that Bruno Song's worth will not be ruled out in the future, and it may increase significantly."

   Then there was the TV station. Experts from all walks of life had various interpretations of Song Yang's investment and worth. Anyway, compared to Song Yang, they paid more attention to it.

"In addition, according to the latest news from Silicon Valley, the Internet Association proposed by Bruno Song may be voted on in San Jose in the near future. Experts from Wall Street and Silicon Valley believe that this will have an important impact on the world's Internet structure, but there are also small Internet companies. Said that this could accelerate the generation of injustice on the Internet..."

When a piece of news comes out, it is impossible to always applaud it, and voices of opposition naturally exist. Those small Internet companies all know that once the Internet Society is established, their life will definitely be difficult, but they dare not oppose it openly, only dare to poke it secretly Complain to the media.

   In addition to these, some voices against Song Yang have not stopped!

  (end of this chapter)