
Chapter 211

Chapter 211 Invigorate

  When Yahoo's stock code appeared on the screen in the Nasdaq lobby, countless eyes immediately focused on the big screen.

Coorg, Yang Zhiyuan, Filo, and Yahoo investors all stared at the screen. Companies such as Lycos and Excite, which were listed before Yahoo, did not perform very well. The stock price did not rise on the day of listing. too much.

   Yahoo, which has the most momentum and the most publicity, has attracted countless people in the Internet industry to pay attention to what kind of performance it can perform. Yahoo's performance is good, which means that the Internet has really begun to be sought after.

  Nasdaq's trading floor couldn't help but be a little quieter at this moment. Everyone present also wanted to see how this Internet company founded by Chinese descent would perform.

  Song Yang nodded slightly in the direction of Marcus. The latter took out his mobile phone and sent a message, giving Song Yang an affirmative look.

At this time, Song Yang also showed a smile on his face and began to cast his eyes on the screen. The listing price of Yahoo was 13 dollars. It just landed on Nasdaq. The opening price of 13 dollars immediately began to fluctuate up and down. Obviously, the trading volume was huge. Many investors who participated in Yahoo's public fundraising were selling, but the stock price did not fall. Obviously, many people bought Yahoo's stock.

Sun Zhengyi, who was standing with Coorg, had a few words with Coorg in a low voice at this time. Coorg's face was a bit tangled, but after talking with Yang Zhiyuan, Fei Luo and others, he still nodded at Sun Zhengyi. Nodding, Moritz, who represented Sequoia Investment of Silicon Valley Venture Capital, did not speak either.

  Nearly ten minutes after the market opened, Yahoo's stock price fell into a stalemate. This is rare in Nasdaq. Generally, it either rises sharply or falls sharply, or rises first and then falls, cutting a crop of leeks and then falling below the issue price.

  A situation like this kind of stalemate is hard to come by, and seeing that Yahoo struggled to hit the $15 stock price, many small investors started to rush away.

Just as the Wall Street media and reporters present were preparing to report, when Yahoo's performance on the first day of listing was poor, it was like a fighter jet doing a straight-up move in the air. , directly forming a ninety-degree straight line!

The entire Nasdaq people, as well as those who pay attention to Yahoo's stock price, have seen a rare scene in the past ten years. When they saw Yahoo's stock price, which could not even reach $15 just now, they just sat on it. Fighter, in the blink of an eye, Yahoo's stock price rose by 50%, and it rose to more than $20 in one fell swoop!

   There was a burst of exclamation at the scene. It was obvious that there were Wall Street institutions, banks, and foundation-level investment companies that were sweeping up Yahoo stocks regardless of the cost.

  When they saw this scene, a group of small investors who had just dumped Yahoo stock wailed and yelled at the inappropriate person who scooped up Yahoo.

  The entire Nasdaq trading floor was filled with applause, and Yang Zhiyuan was also full of smiles. The media and reporters once again surrounded Yang Zhiyuan.

   "Congratulations Jerry, you have become a billionaire, where do you think Yahoo's stock price will reach?"

   "What do you think Yahoo should be worth?"

  The reporter called Yang Zhiyuan's English name, and asked him various questions, asking him to predict Yahoo's stock price and market value, what would be appropriate.

   "I think Yahoo will be able to create more value for users and investors in the future, and Yahoo will be the most worthwhile company to invest in on Nasdaq in the future..."

   These are just official words, and Yang Zhiyuan didn't brag about Bi, let alone make an estimate.

But at this moment, there was another burst of exclamation in the hall, which attracted the interviewers here to look towards the hall. Yang Zhiyuan also turned his head. When he saw the Yahoo stock on the big screen, he saw the straight line , Yang Zhiyuan couldn't help opening his mouth when he was pulled up again and broke through the stock price of $30.

   Crazy, the entire Wall Street feels crazy at this time, when the stock price of Yahoo, which just went public, more than doubled, even Wall Street, which is good at invigorating, feels crazy.

  When Yahoo's share price broke through $30, without any surprises, it instantly became the focus of Nasdaq, and the entire Wall Street also set their sights on it.

  The reporters on the scene, ignoring the interviews with Yang Zhiyuan and the people from Yahoo, quickly reported to the TV station.

   "This is Nasdaq. Yahoo, the representative Internet company, logged on Nasdaq today. Yahoo's share price has exceeded $30. Compared with the issue price, it has risen by 130%, setting the best performance of an Internet company since it went public!"

   While the reporter was broadcasting the news to the TV station, the Nasdaq trading floor became even louder. Countless people were attracted to Yahoo, and the entire American financial channel also began to report on Yahoo's performance.

Yahoo is really too hot. $30 still doesn't seem to be Yahoo's limit. After a pause for a few minutes, Yahoo's stock price soared again. Every $1 increase means that Yang Zhiyuan and Yahoo's investors are worth a lot. With a few million dollars, even people who are not interested in stocks are so excited at this time that their faces are red!

In just a few minutes, Yang Zhiyuan's net worth directly surpassed 100 million US dollars, and Yahoo has also become a new wealth-creating machine, with two more billionaire founders, and Brady and other tens of millions of dollars. American Knife Rich!

   But looking at the soaring stock price, Masayoshi Son had doubts and doubts on his face. Coorg, who was also worth soaring, was happy, but also asked Sun Zhengyi, the boss of Yahoo, with some anxiety, "Is the stock price a little too high?"

Today, Yahoo seems to be a bit big. The first wave of promotion just now is the money that Sun Zhengyi spent. Not only did he not sell Yahoo's stock, but he also bought Yahoo's stock in a big way. Anyway, he continued to increase his holdings and prepared to control it. Some Yahoo stocks have been pulled from 30% to more than 40%, becoming the undisputed absolute controlling shareholder!

  Hearing this, Sun Zhengyi fixed his eyes on the big screen, and said to Coorg, "This is not done on my side. I have only invested less than 10 million dollars in this side now!"

  Hearing Masayoshi Son's words, the smile on Coorg's face froze. He didn't know at this time that there were other institutions that were invigorating, and they were buying Yahoo's stock almost like an acquisition.

  Coorg's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly walked to Moritz's side, and had a few words with Moritz, who also shook his head with a puzzled expression.

  The Yahoo group, who were originally full of joy, lost their mood at this time. After dealing with a group of reporters and media, Coorg, Yang Zhiyuan and others hurriedly left the hall.

  Sun Zhengyi looked at the screen in the lobby, and finally picked up the phone and asked people to enter the market directly. At first, he invested the money to maintain Yahoo's stock price, but now Sun Zhengyi is going to rush to raise funds.

  Watching everyone from Yahoo leave, the whole hall was noisy, and Marcus came to Song Yang, "Song, according to this method, the announcement will be made in the afternoon at the earliest.

   At this time, Yahoo's stock price was rushing towards the 50-dollar mark. The completely crazy stock price attracted a lot of blood-thirsty investors, constantly pushing up Yahoo's stock price.

Looking at this scene, Marcus' eyelids twitched. Just a few minutes ago, American Global Investment Li Jinhu spent more than 30 million US dollars in real money, directly taking away more than 30 million dollars from Yahoo! % of the shares, if you continue to buy crazy like this, you will soon reach 5% of the sign line, and you must announce to the public that it is the American Global Investment Fund that is buying Yahoo shares like crazy.

"Then announce it to the public. During this period, you can grab as many Yahoo shares as you can!" Song Yang glanced at the stock price on the screen and said, Yahoo's stock price is as cheap as ten dollars, and you can't even buy it in the future. , After a few years, Yahoo, which is worth $400 a share, is really scary.

Back in the hotel room, looking at the soaring stock price of Yahoo, the gang at Yahoo don't know whether to be happy or sad. The happy thing is that the higher the stock price, the higher their worth. The sad thing is, I don't know In the end who is so grab Yahoo's stock.

   "Which institution is it?" Coorg asked immediately when he saw Moritz entering the room.

   Moritz shook his head, "It's not sure yet, but it's not like the style of Silicon Valley venture capital and Wall Street!"

  This method is too crude, and they will rush to raise shares on the day of going online, for fear that other people will not know that someone is eyeing Yahoo.

  As for Moritz, investors from Silicon Valley and Wall Street, they all dumped a lot of Yahoo stock just now. On this day, they all made more than multiple times from Yahoo.

"It's the American Global Investment Foundation, Bruno Song's foundation!" Moritz, who received the news near the close of noon, said something to Sun Zhengyi, Yang Zhiyuan, Coorg and others in the hotel room that made them all The dumbfounded name.

   At this time, Wall Street and Amerika's large and small media also pervasively dug up this news.

"Yahoo's stock price continued to rise sharply on the first day of listing, surpassing the performance of Netscape on the first day of listing. The American Global Investment Foundation announced to invest in Yahoo. Currently, sources say that the American Global Investment Foundation has acquired more than 4% of Yahoo! Stocks, this foundation, was established by Internet genius Bruno Song, and he has not made any remarks on this matter yet!"

As soon as the news came out, there was almost an uproar. No one thought that what Song Yang said was optimistic about Yahoo was not just talking, but real money had to be poured down. When Yahoo just went public, they frantically rushed to raise money. stock.

At the end of the day, although Yahoo's stock price fell back a lot, it still closed at more than $33. The stock price soared 158%, and its market value soared to $800 million, setting new Internet records. Can do it!

  However, in the evening, Coorg, ignoring Yahoo's celebration banquet, went directly to the North Shore Manor of Long Island.

   "Song, what do you mean, what do you want to do?!" Kuge came to the manor angrily, and asked Song Yang.

   Seeing this, Ulf stood in front of Coorg. It wasn't until Song Yang waved his hand that Ulf got out of the way. If Gallo was here, he would have already fought with Coorg.

   "I don't know President Kuge, what does this mean?!" Song Yang looked at Kuge indifferently and said.

  (end of this chapter)