
Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Vertical and Horizontal Art

   Hearing the news from Irene on the phone, Song Yang was also a little surprised. It was really the news on the phone, which was quite beyond Song Yang's expectations.

   "Is there a problem?!" Seeing this, Albert asked Song Yang.

  Song Yang put away the phone, thought for a while, then looked at Albert and said, "Perhaps, it is indeed time to attack!"

Said to Albert, Song Yang left first, and rushed towards the ICQ office building, watching Song Yang's leaving figure, Albert showed a very interested expression, he really wanted to see Song Yang, whether he could Which step to do.

As for what he said just now, Albert is just reminding Song Yang that if Song Yang does nothing and any Netscape develops wantonly, or even grabs Song Yang's territory, Albert will not know the final result. Jing has not defeated Microsoft, but Song Yang's life is definitely not easy.

  When Song Yang was rushing to the ICQ office building, Microsoft was also holding a meeting at the moment. This was the first executive meeting held after Microsoft declared war on Netscape.

  Since Microsoft went public for more than ten years, this kind of scene of facing a big enemy has not appeared for an unknown time. It can be seen what is going on inside Microsoft at the moment.

   "The IE browser has been online for nearly two months, and it gave me this answer?!"

Bill Gates held the IE browser in his hand, accounting for 5% of the American browser market report, and asked the executives in a bad tone, just like this, those people in the marketing department still have the face to He takes credit.

  The marketing and sales executives who were seen by Bill Gates lowered their heads when they saw Bill Gates' eyes.

The Internet is not the territory of Microsoft. Now Microsoft is a challenger, and Netscape is the dominant player in the browser industry. It is already quite difficult for the marketing department to gain 5% of the market share in two months. Do companies dare to challenge Netscape's position in the browser industry? !

   Seeing this scene, Microsoft felt helpless and angry. Now Bill Gates really started to regard Netscape as Microsoft's most important opponent now.

  Before the war with Netscape, Bill Gates began to pay attention to the threat of Netscape, but he was still not desperate. He believed that after Microsoft entered the market, it would soon be able to defeat Netscape.

However, things backfired. Microsoft behaved more like a novice in the Internet industry, and was suppressed by Netscape everywhere. IE browser got a little browser market share, but Netscape's market share grew faster. According to this trend , If you want to defeat Netscape, you don't know that it will be the year of the monkey.

What makes Bill Gates, Ballmer and other Microsoft executives even more worried is that those former rivals of Microsoft are moving closer to Netscape. SUN, Oracle, AOL, IBM, and even hardware company Compaq, etc. Netscape leaned over.

But now Microsoft has been unable to attack the high ground of Netscape for a long time, and is blocked from the gate of the Internet. If it is dragged on, Bill Gates is worried that Netscape may not really become a climate, and it will dominate the Internet industry by then. On an equal footing.

  By that time, the situation will not be the same as it is now. No way, it will be replaced by a group of rivals from Netscape and Microsoft, who will start to counterattack Microsoft, and this situation is very likely to happen...

Bill Gates is a bit regretful now. If he had known today, he should have crushed the ant-like Netscape before it had grown up, or swallowed it directly when Jim Clark asked for cooperation. The other party will not be in this situation today.

Turning his head to look at the most trusted Ballmer, Ballmer has made great contributions to Microsoft this year. The sales of the windows95 system is in charge of Ballmer. The Microsoft system is indeed good, but within a few months, the With tens of millions of units sold, Ballmer's strength should not be underestimated.

   "What does the sales department think, we need to increase the market share of the IE browser!" Bill Gates asked Ballmer.

  Ballmer is no longer happy and smiling like before. He also feels the threat from Netscape. In other words, the ship of Microsoft has really started to bump!

"There are two main problems. The first problem is that the technology of IE browser is indeed inferior to that of Netscape. The user feedback is very bad. The sales department spent a lot of money to promote it, and the effect is not good!" Ballmer rubbed the fat Cheek, finally said the lack of softness.

   After the voice fell, Bill Gates said directly to the executives in a sharp voice, "From now on, everyone in the development department will cancel their vacations, and all 800 members of the software department will devote themselves to the development and upgrade of IE browser!"

   "No matter what method I use, IE browser technology must surpass Netscape!"

  Looked at Myhrvold, the chief technology officer of Microsoft, and Elop, the boss of the software department. The two nodded quickly when they met the eyes of Bill Gates, the emperor of the software empire.

   "Second problem," Ballmer continued, "the Internet industry does not welcome Microsoft!"

Under Bill Gates' puzzled eyes, Ballmer said, "Because of Netscape and the media's false propaganda, the Internet industry is very resistant to cooperation with Microsoft's IE browser. Even if we spend a lot of money, infoseek, Lycos , Excite and other Internet companies are afraid of Netscape and dare not cooperate with IE browser!"

   "Companies such as AOL and Yahoo are unwilling or afraid to use IE browser because of their relationship with Microsoft!"

In the Internet industry, Microsoft really has the feeling of entering enemy-occupied territory. There are enemies everywhere, either against Microsoft, or because they dislike Microsoft. Anyway, since Microsoft entered the Internet, it has not had a single ally, and money can't buy it. Kind of, this kind of popularity is gone. It can only be said that Microsoft used to be too domineering and did things too badly.

As soon as Ballmer said this, executives from the marketing department, sales department, promotion department, and public relations department all began to complain. An executive under the president of the public relations department, Todd, said with a bit of annoyance, "If If Microsoft can cooperate with a major Internet company, or even acquire it, it can open up the situation for the IE browser. If it can buy the Hotmail mailbox, the IE browser can get 10 million users..."

   "How could Hotmail be sold to us? Hotmail was supported by Netscape, and Bruno Song even participated in the listing ceremony of Netscape!"

As soon as the executive of the public relations department opened his mouth, another executive immediately poured cold water on him. In the eyes of many people in Microsoft and Silicon Valley, Song Yang was indeed a member of the "Netscape Department" and followed the same pace as Netscape. When Double-click was established, Netscape Jing had helped him, and I heard that the founder of Netscape, Jim Clark, and Song Yang were from Texas.

When Netscape went public, Song Yang's double-clicking contributed to Netscape's performance, and Song Yang participated in Netscape's listing in person. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a camp, so Microsoft didn't even think about wooing Song Yang at the beginning. Think, it feels impossible.

  "If you don't try, how can you know it won't work!"

Bill Gates said coldly, "Now Microsoft's opponent is only Netscape. The rest of the opponents, whether it is SUN or AOL, or other companies, Microsoft... can let them go temporarily, or even cooperate, offer them a price, and ask them in the end. How much does it cost to be willing to cooperate with Microsoft's IE browser?!"

Hearing what Bill Gates said, the entire conference room was in an uproar. This is almost equivalent to Bill Gates bowing to companies such as SUN and AOL. Just to kill Netscape, Microsoft wants to bow to these former rivals. Even a summation!

This news is really shocking to people's nerves. If it gets out, I don't know how much uproar it will cause. The mighty Microsoft empire has just launched a new system this year, and the empire that dominates the software industry wants to It was too unexpected to ask for peace with the deadly enemy.

Ballmer was not surprised by this. He had already talked about this with Bill Gates. The most terrible thing for Microsoft now is that if Microsoft cannot kill Netscape, it may really be killed by Netscape. For this reason, it is imperative to bow your head temporarily.

   Now it has reached a stalemate. Microsoft is not fighting with Netscape, but with the entire Internet, plus a group of deadly enemies. How can it kill each other.

   If you want to kill Netscape, you need to split the Netscape Alliance. For this reason, Bill Gates is willing to bow his head. Today's bowing his head is to wipe out his opponents tomorrow!

"I have already sent invitation letters to major Internet companies, inviting them to participate in this year's Microsoft Developer Conference. This is an opportunity for Microsoft to ease relations with the Internet industry. It is also an opportunity to reach cooperation with Internet companies. We need supporters!" Bao Elmer said quietly.

  Song Yang rushed back to the ICQ office building, saw Irene and asked directly, "Microsoft really sent an invitation to the conference from Double-click and Hotmail?!"

   Just now Irene called and mentioned that Microsoft sent an invitation to Song Yang at the upcoming developer conference, wanting Song Yang to participate in this year's developer conference.

  Microsoft holds a developer conference every year, or a martial arts conference in the software industry. Microsoft, the leader, distributes hero posts every year and invites major software and hardware companies to participate.

  These software companies and developers basically develop software for Microsoft's system and rely on Microsoft for food, but this year they suddenly sent invitations to Internet companies, which makes people wonder what Microsoft is thinking.

  Irene nodded, "It's Myhrvold, the technical president of Microsoft, who personally called and invited you to participate in this year's Microsoft's annual developer conference!"

   "Besides us on the Internet, who else received the invitation?!" Song Yang asked Irene.

   "I don't know, but even Feita has received invitations. I am afraid that this time Microsoft has sent invitations to many companies on the Internet!"

   "Microsoft is in a hurry!"

   After listening to this, Song Yang immediately guessed the answer, Microsoft's IE browser may not be smooth, otherwise Microsoft would not be so urgent.

"Then do we want to participate? If we do, I'm afraid Netscape..." Irene said worriedly. Song Yang has no conflict with Microsoft at present. If he doesn't go, he will offend the software empire for no reason. In other words, Netscape is not easy to explain.

  While Song Yang was still thinking, a piece of news suddenly came out on the TV, which attracted the full attention of Song Yang and Irene.

   "A source claims that Microsoft is seeking a settlement with SUN, and may seek a JAVA technology license from SUN..."

  (end of this chapter)