
Complex Operation

The biggest lodging of Kathmandu located in the outskirt, it was a giant pavilion. Henry already knows why Sajit would move out from his house because to settle a whole tribe contains 400++ people is hard.

Especially since the tribe basically just have a little contact with the outside world. Without someone guiding them, it will be very chaotic. Since Sajit is part of them and already live in the city for 10 years, he is the one who must take care of them.

Henry already gives $10,000 to Ahupathi because he knows this is going to happen. After paying the tricycle, he can already saw all the Gurkhas back and forth. One of them seems to notice him, he immediately shouted, "Rājā yahām̐ cha!!!"

Henry who already know the majority of Nepali language know the man shouted the king is here. Well, it's the Gurkhas tradition to call their employer/master by the king, so he just smiled.

Just after the man shouting, all the Gurkhas nearby immediately convene around the man and saw Henry. They shout like the man too, but Henry raised his hand to stop and say, "Āhupati kahām̐ cha?"

Then Henry guided by them to where Ahupathi stays. Because this is a giant pavilion so after the commotion, all the Gurkhas here already know that their king already arrived. So they too followed Henry crowd toward the center of the pavilion where Ahupathi stays.

In the center of the pavilion, there is 10 separate tent that inhabited by Ahupathi, Sajit, and the Elder. There is one biggest tent in the middle, then Henry enters the tent. Inside the tent, there is Ahupathi, Sajit and the Elder who had a discussion.

They already know Henry already arrived from the commotion outside. So now they having the final discussion as this is the last chance. Ahupathi and Sajit rise up from their seat walk toward Henry and salute to Henry.

Henry feels funny when he sees Ahupathi and Sajit salute toward him as he knows they just learned it from the movement. But since they already salute, of course, he must give it back. There is only 8 seat available, Henry takes Ahupathi original position so Sajit can only stand as he has no seat.

The rest of the Elder just nodded toward him as after all Henry is their employer now. Even though some of them not happy with Ahupathi decision, they can only choose to accept it.

Seeing all have ready, Henry directly asked Ahupathi in the Nepali language, "Is everything ready? My preparation already ready, we can immediately go tomorrow morning."

Ahupathi then answered, "All of us has ready since 1 week ago, we can leave anytime."

"I want to inform something in advance, have all of you go to sea?" Henry asked

Ahupathi confused why Henry ask about that, but he still answered, "Never, all of our tribe never even left Nepal before, how can we go to sea ?"

"Well, because all of you will take a ship to the United States. It will take 10 days at longest, so I want you to prepare." Henry will send the Gurkhas through the sea as it is more secure and less noticeable. If Henry sends them by the plane, it's too hard to make them not noticeable.

Henry already discusses this with Senator John before, the sea route is the most perfect. Henry already rented a cargo ship in Singapore through Senator John relationship.

Singapore and America relationship relatively harmonious during the 1970s and with Senator John help, a cargo ship that originally transported American goods to Singapore and scheduled goes back to the US at 10 April will be filled with Gurkha people.

The ship will sail from Singapore to San Francisco where all the preparation settled. The ship will arrive on 18 April night time if everything going well. Senator John people have waited at that time to record all the Gurkha people.

All the Gurkhas will be given the United States citizenship, which what Henry wanted. After all, if the Gurkhas don't have the citizenship, it means they are an illegal immigrant. Henry did not want this used by his enemy in the future from the legal way, so he rather pay more money to get it done.

They will be transported by plane first to Indonesia as the Gurkhas doesn't have legal identity at Nepal too. As a secluded tribe. they never officially recorded by Nepal, so they don't have a passport. So Henry can't directly send them by plane to Singapore as Senator John can't help about this either.

They must transit first to Indonesia then go to Singapore by boat. To get them without a passport to Indonesia, it was Senator John business. After getting $10 Million from Henry, it means he must use his full power to make this success as he already received the money.

The Indonesian government relationship in the 1970s with the United States is very strong. As the pro-American Soeharto rise into the throne, Indonesia relationship with the US has been strong since then.

The example of the most biggest deal between them is the famous Ertsberg Mine. Ertsberg is the biggest gold mine in the world. There is a proven more than 2000 ton of gold in the Ertsberg which can be mined.

To get his position as president stable, Soeharto seeks US help by exchanging mining right for Ertsberg mine. So the relationship between Indonesia and the US is in the honeymoon period for now.

Last year in 1973, the mining right for the mine has fallen into 'Freeport Minerals Company' which established by a Texas businessman Eric. P. Swenson. Eric has been known to be Democrat supporter since 1901.

In the 1971-1993 period, one of the Senator of Texas is a Democrat people named Lloyd Bentsen. As a fellow Democrat, of course, Senator John seeks Senator Lloyd help. Henry must agree anyway as there is no better way than this, but he also manages to know Senator Lloyd through this exchange.

With Senator Lloyd intervention, Freeport which hold a vital position in Indonesia raises a demand toward the Indonesian government. They tell there will be 400+ of their people arrived in Indonesia capital Jakarta on 9 April as a worker.

The Indonesian government, of course, comply with Freeport request as this is nothing major. So the Gurkhas would wait at Jakarta until the cargo ship arrives. Then from Jakarta, the cargo ship would directly go to San Francisco.

After a series of a complex operation, this is how Henry gonna brings the Gurkhas to the United States. There is no better way than this if Henry wants to bring the Gurkhas in a silent way.

My brain is just bursting on this chp just how to think a series of the operation. I write 4 hour just for this. so please gift me with some stone guys :)

Xandarxcreators' thoughts