
Ch 5 - Ep 5 : ⟩ Happiness

So as soon as Mr. Rajput opens the door and looks inside, he becomes happy and says son, you have woken up, you have regained consciousness and says loudly, Doctor Seal, the doctor comes running fast and is shocked and says, what happened? Looking at the head and in front, he becomes silent and thinks as if his condition was like this, I was feeling that he will not wake up before two-three years, but somehow I am not able to understand what is happening, how is this happening, but he He also gets happy and says that son, you have woken up and here .

Ayush's face becomes strange and he is looking at everyone with surprise and says who are you guys, who am I, what is my name and how did I come here. I was dead. Hearing this, his mother says no son, you are not dead, your name is Ayush, you are my son. Hearing all this, Ayush falls on the ground and becomes unconscious and his parents get worried and say doctor. quickly see the doctor also quicklyWhile picking him up, he says that there is nothing to be afraid of, he has just become unconscious due to excessive bleeding and weakness, pick him up, put him on the bed and wait till he regains consciousness, then Mr. Rajput says when can we take him home. Then the doctor says to wait till the condition gets better, then Mayank comes running and says brother, what happened, is everything fine, I heard that Ayush has met with an accident. Meanwhile, Aarushi is looking at Mayank in Ghurghur. Then Mayank says with eye gestures, if you say anything, I will kill you.

Seeing everything fine, everyone starts leaving from there. Everyone was happy. Mr. Rajput says doctor, when can I take my son home? Doctor says, I told you that when he gets a little better, then you can take him. Meanwhile, if something happens, it will take a month or two, then Mr. Rajput says that this is my only son, I do not want to lose him and goes away from there, then the doctor says, what can I do now and He also leaves, meanwhile Mayank calls someone and says that if we do not remove this thorn as soon as possible, it will increase later and he disconnects the call.

Next day we see that Aarushi goes to school and she is very happy then a boy says look today she has come to school and is looking happy too then Aarushi's best friend Meenakshi comes and says Aarushi are you okay? Then Aarushi stays yes I am fine and Meenakshi stays and how is your brother I heard that he is in the hospital is he okay can I see Aarushi says laughing no no there is no need for that she is fine now and the other On the other hand, Mr. Rajput also reaches the office and then he happily says to everyone that Hello everyone, as you all know that my son is alive and he is in the hospital, that is why I will give double bonus to all of you and hope that you Everyone will work wholeheartedly, thank you. On hearing this, a lady says in a low voice, I had heard that her son had died, he had a big accident, but how could he survive, I am feeling something wrong, then the other one says, yes, I did. I had also heard that no one can survive after such a horrific accident.

Then a man says that God should not do this to anyone, what a good person he is, he has provided free hospitals, free schools and even orphanages for poor children and he gives 40% of his company here and the remaining 40%. They study among the workers and keep 20% with themselves so that they can take the company to greater heights but this is happening only with them, only one woman remains. Yes, this is luck. Bad things always happen to the person who is good and true. And you know who is his younger brother Mayank, I don't like him at all, I feel like he just wants to take over the company, then the other guy says softly, Hey, shut up, if someone hears and tells, then there will be an uproar. Then he says leave it, let's do our work, then on the other side we are shown that Mayank is angrily sipping his glass of wine and says how the hell did this happen, I was just about to kill him, now those people have come. Also tell Aarushi that I want to kill her, I am just scared of letting her tell the story, then he thinks why not kidnap her, then he calls someone and says, Hello, I am Mayank, I am calling you a boy. When someone has to be kidnapped, the guy on the other side of the phone says, "Okay, it will be done, tell me how much money will you pay?"

Then Mayank smilingly says that if I tell you one thing, I don't think that you will have to give me money. Banda on the other side of the phone says what is this? Then Mayank says, a son of a famous businessman Mr. Rajput, recently met with an accident. Then the guy on the other end of the phone says that yes I know he is dead, no one can survive such a dangerous accident, then Mayank interrupts him and says that it was not me who did that. From the other side of the phone he says, you bastard, you are his uncle, so why do you want to marry him? If I tell this to everyone, then you will neither be of the house nor of the ghat, only then I One says smilingly, the thing is that I have killed him not once but twice, that is why he is still alive. The other on the other side of the phone is shocked and says what are you saying and says loudly that he I want a boy, tell me how much money do you want, I am ready to give you, I just want that boy, I want to see how he comes back to life after death.

After all, Mayank called and told the truth about Ayush. Keep reading to know whether Ayush is really in danger now.

Rebirth again for love

To Be Continued....