
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly realizes that his spirit just has an amazing experience of time-and space travel into one person's body, and there is only a diary beside him on the bed. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read it carefully, the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Tao picked up three million yuan!!!

Alex looks at her pleading expression, rubs her head, and says in a gentle tone,

"It's so pitiful, but don't worry, business is business, and I will not cheat you."

After getting Alex's affirmative answer, Tao looks much better.

Alex seems gentle, but in fact, he doubts his judgment for the first time in his heart. From the contact just now, Tao had no impression of him at all, which is obviously not a good phenomenon.

Because if according to his guess, Tao was the one who put the note, she must know him, otherwise how could she transfer the note accurately on Dong's plate without the original owner's order?

Maybe she forgot? But this possibility is too small.

His expression does not change, and he thinks for a while and asks, "Where did the money come from?"

Tao hesitates and says, "I picked it up."

Alex raises his eyebrows. Did she lie to him? It seems unnecessary, so he doesn't intend to hide it anymore and asks directly,

"When you were in the fast food restaurant before, did you do anything for anyone?"

Tao doesn't know why Alex asks this, but Alex is her lifeline now, and she doesn't dare to hide it, for fear of making Alex angry and not letting her launder money.


Alex frowns, "Think carefully, has anyone asked you to help him do something special?"

Tao sees Alex frowning and becomes even more scared, "No, really not."

Alex could see that she doesn't lie, but how could it be possible? Who else could it be if not her? Did he guess wrong?

Impossible, he couldn't have guessed wrong, because he was sure that he didn't do it by himself, it must have been someone else, but who else could it be if not Tao? Who else could it be?

Tao sees Alex silent and serious, she is so anxious that she almost cries,

"Really! Believe me! It really didn't happen!"

Alex frowns and looks at her. If she didn't do it, then she would be useless to him, and there is no need for him to help her. Thinking of this, he plans to leave directly.

But then he thinks that even if Tao hasn't done it, she might know something when she was in the store. He looks at Tao and asks,

"How much is it in total? How did you get it?"

Tao feels relieved when she hears Alex asking about the money.

"A total of three million yuan, and now there are two million and eight hundred and sixty thousand yuan left."


Alex gets a little surprised. The amount of money is too much, much more than he imagined before, which indirectly proved that Alex's previous guess was wrong, because it really didn't cost so much money. He frowns and asks,

"Three million in cash, how did you get it back?"

"A suitcase, a full suitcase. This is the first time I've seen so much cash. I've only seen it on TV before..."

Alex interrupts immediately and says,

"Don't tell me how surprised you are. You haven't told me how you got it yet."

"I picked it up."

"You picked it up? Where did you pick it up?"

"Hugo Road, No. 37."

Hearing this familiar address, Alex gets stunned. This is the place where Alice's body was dumped, and it is also the place where Dong tied him up. Is it a coincidence? It can't just be a coincidence, absolutely not a coincidence.

He stares at Tao blankly and asks, "Why did you go there?"

"There was a piece of paper with that address written on it. The paper looked spliced ​​together, which make me wonder who was so bored. I was going to throw it away directly at the beginning, but I didn't throw it away in the end.

Who knows what I was thinking at the time? Maybe I watched too many TV dramas and novels. I kept thinking about this address in my mind, and then I went there alone after get off work.

When I arrived at the address, it was dark and I didn't dare to go in. I went there again early the next morning.

When I arrived, I went straight into the room and saw the money scattered on the floor. There was a suitcase next to it, and I didn't think much about it. After putting the money away, I went home directly and put the money away. I knew I had to look normal, so I went to work.

But I was uneasy at work because I was afraid that the person who lost the money would find me. This big box of cash must have come from an illegal place. Who knows what he would do? Just like you said, who would carry so much cash?

If I was found by this person, what would I encounter?

And I was also worried that the money was stolen. After all, the place I lived was very cheap, so I left directly the next day. "

After listening to Tao's words, Alex asks in confusion, "How did you get the note?"

"I found it when I was cleaning the table. "

Tao may also feel that people will not believe what she said. She picked up a note and then picked up lots of money. How could she be so good at picking up things?

She looks at Alex and raises three fingers, "I swear, what I said is true. If I tell a lie, I will die a miserable death."

Seeing Tao's solemn look, Alex narrows his eyes and says in an inexplicable tone,

"This oath may really come true."

He could not see that Tao was lying or not, but he would not completely believe it, because he always felt that this matter was too outrageous.

A fast food restaurant waiter picked up a note inexplicably, and then inexplicably went to the place on the note, and finally inexplicably picked up three million cash. Isn't this outrageous enough?

This is simply outrageous, okay?

He thinks for a while and asks, "Where is the note?"

Tao shakes her head and says, "I lost it. Maybe I was so restless at the time that I forgot where I put it. "

Alex looks at Tao. Did the situation match up? It matched up completely. She picked up the note, picked up the money, and then went back to work. At noon, Alex came. Tao was restless and left the note on Dong's plate, which was finally found by Dong.

The time and events matched up, but it was just too coincidental.

Why was the address on the note the scene where Alice's body was dumped?

Why did the note appear in a fast food restaurant? Who put it there exactly?

Why did she go to that address alone after she picked up the note?

Why did the note appear on Dong's plate at the end?

These questions really confuse Alex. Either Tao doesn't lie to him, and everything she says is true, it is just such a coincidence.

Or she is lying to him, but there is one thing Alex couldn't figure out no matter how hard he tries. If Tao is lying to him, then she was instructed by someone. Even if this person was not his father, he must be related to his father.

What he couldn't understand is, with his father's mind, how could he make up such a flawed story? Would anyone really believe this story?

He thinks for a while and says, "This is not a small amount of money, and I have to prepare first. You come home with me."

Tao is very happy when she hears Alex say that he is going to start preparing.

Then the two got in the car. Alex is observing her all the way, but still doesn't see any problems.

When they get home, Tao sees Alex's residence and her eyes widen.

"Wow, is this your home? unbelievable!!! Is money laundering so profitable?"

Then she thinks of Alex's 30%, and she feels that this business is really making money.

Alex ignores her. He takes her back to his parents' home instead of his own home, because he wants to see what expression Tao would have when she meets her father.

Entering the house, Tao is a little reserved, which is normal, just like someone would bring more than 5,00 euros when eating fast food for the first time, since they are reserved because of unfamiliarity.

The mother is a little stunned when she sees Alex bringing a girl back. This is the second girl Alex brings back. The first one was Sofia. In fact, in her heart, Sofia was already regarded as her daughter-in-law.

At first she was still repulsive because she knew Sofia had a mental illness, but three years later, Sofia behaved more and more quietly, and the mother slowly forgot that Sofia was sick.

The mother comes up and glares at Alex secretly. Alex smiles and says,

"My friend is called Tao. By the way, where is my dad?"

"Your dad is in the room now, and go call him. " After that, she smiles at Tao and says, "The little girl is really pretty. How old is she this year?"

Here it comes again, and Alex gets a little speechless.

He runs straight into the house and wants to call his father out to see Tao's expression. After all, he knows that it is impossible to tell anything from his father's face.

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