
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly realizes that his spirit just has an amazing experience of time-and space travel into one person's body, and there is only a diary beside him on the bed. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read it carefully, the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Fantasy
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93 Chs

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The dark night scared her, but she kept running because her father chasing behind her made her even more frightened. She ran and ran until she ran to a pond in the village. She remembered that the old people in the village said that there was a man-eating monster in the pond. Of course, we all know that this is just a lie, just to keep children away from the pond to protect them.

But she was too young at the time and really believed it.

Seeing that her father behind her was about to catch up with her, she had a normal but terrible idea in her mind, which was to let the monster eat her father so that he could never beat her anymore.

So she ran towards the pond at an accelerated speed, and her father caught up with her successfully at this time. She took advantage of her father's inattention and pushed him back hard, causing him to fall into the water. Because he had drunk too much, his body was out of control and he struggled desperately in the pond.

The lake water became more and more turbid because of his struggle, just like the lake in front of us.

The little girl stood by and watched, watching her father sinking little by little until she could no longer see him. She thought that the man-eating monster in the pond had eaten her father totally. She was a little scared, not because her father was dead, but because she was scared of the monster in the pond.

She ran home in a panic and told her mother about it. Mother's love is great and unselfish. She took everything on herself, and everyone believed it. People would not think that the person who really killed the father was this little girl, because she was too young at the time.

The matter ends here. The mother was not sentenced severely because of her surrender complex and domestic violence. How about this story? "

Alex looks at Yang and the others. Although they do not know why Alex suddenly tells the story, they are also deeply attracted by its content.

Seeing that they do not answer, Alex continues,

"Overall, this story is quite satisfactory. The beastly father was punished, and the kind mother was not severely punished. It fully reflects the human feelings in the law and makes people feel the warmth of the law.

But what about the little girl? People seem to have forgotten her. Isn't it strange? Just because she is too young? "

Yang frowns, "Maybe she didn't mean it in that case. "

"Indeed, she may not have done it on purpose." Alex nods, then turns around and asks in confusion, "Officer Yang, I have a question. You police officers must have met many murderers. I want to ask, have you ever asked them what it feels like to kill someone? Does it feel good? Is it addictive?"

Yang's expression is solemn, "What do you mean?"

"Look, regardless of the right or the wrong of the incident, the person was killed by the little girl. She killed the beastly father and lived a stable life, which was exactly what she dreamed of.

Let me put it another way, you should understand better, let's not worry about whether she did it on purpose or not, we only look at the result, what is the result?

The result is that she got what she dreamed of by killing a person, and she has not been punished, right?

Will she continue to use the same method to get what she wants when she grows up?"

Alex pauses for a moment, thinking of the original owner, and then murmurs,

"I think she will, because controlling the lives of others is extremely tempting to some people."

Yang does not comment on Alex's statement. He takes out his mobile phone and calls Leader Chen. He carefully asks about Tang's information since he guesses that the girl Alex is talking about is Tang.

After getting the answer from Chen, Yang gets more certain, and then he quickly orders his colleagues to search the area as carefully as possible.

Not long after, his colleagues send news that there is a large amount of blood here. Hearing this news, Yang calls someone to investigate the scene immediately, and then walks to Alex and says seriously,

"You have to go back with me right now."

Alex nods. This is exactly what he wants. Although this would increase his own suspicion, the police could not do anything to him without any solid evidence.

When Yang is taking Alex back to the police station, Chen has already led people to the scene. Chen has originally arranged Hu to go to the scene, but Hu insists on meeting Alex, so Hu comes over.

Familiar interrogation room, unfamiliar people, Hu extends his hand to introduce himself instantly,

"I am Officer Hu, cooperating with Officer Chen to handle this case."


Hu smiles and says,

"I know you, Officer Chen has mentioned you, and you should also know that we suspect you."

Alex nods slowly. He already had such doubts when Alice approached him, and he was more certain when Yang arrived.

Hu asks casually, "I notice that your job is to make animal specimens, which is really special and uncommon. How is this job? Can you tell me something about it? I'm indeed a little curious."

Alex looks up at him and says coldly, "No."

Hu wants to continue talking, but Alex waves his hand to interrupt him directly.

"Officer Hu, we are all very busy. Let's just get straight to the point, is it okay?"

Hu is not embarrassed by being interrupted and smiles friendly,

"Okay, okay, in that case, let's get straight to the point. Why and how do you know that is the crime scene?"

Alex frowns and answers in confusion,

"I'm not sure that's the crime scene, to be honest. I just made some guesses based on my understanding and some information."

"Why didn't you call the police before?"

"It's just a guess. Do you want me to tell the police that I guessed where the crime scene is and you were supposed to go there quickly? Do you believe me? bullshit."

"If you said it, I would certainly believe it."

"That's a pity. If I had known this, I would have called the police absolutely and told you."

"It's okay. It's not too late now. I want to ask what your guess is exactly?"

Alex first describes the process of his discovery, and then says,

"We all know Tang's childhood now. No one thought she killed anyone at that time, but in addition, there was a missing case in her school during college. The missing female classmate was exactly in her class, and the police have not found this person until now. Well, what a coincidence. This is the basis for my suspicion that she killed someone.

In addition, Li has a serious voyeurism. He may have found some evidence and used it to threaten her. How could Tang let this be exposed? Definitely not. So the two agreed to have an appointment on a location that day, which can also explain why there were two rows of footprints at the scene.

I guess Tang wanted to kill Li at that time, but failed in the end and was killed on the contrary ."

Hu nods frequently while he is listening, and then he asks after Alex finishes,

"Let's not talk about whether your guess is right or wrong. Now Li was dead, Tang was also dead. What is your purpose in doing this?"

"The purpose is that now the Internet is overwhelmingly sympathetic to Tang and condemning Li. Many well-known bloggers have stood up to speak out. They are filled with righteous indignation, as if they are victims. I don't like it, I really don't like it.

I want to see what their expressions will be when they suddenly know the truth and know that the person they sympathize with is actually a murderer? Don't you think this is extremely interesting?"

Hu puts away his smile, looks at Alex who is talking casually, and says seriously, "Do you think that life-threatening matters are just interesting?"

Alex replies expressionlessly, "Yes, Officer Hu, don't you think this is interesting?"

When Alex finishes this sentence, the atmosphere becomes serious and the interrogation room gets completely silent. At this time, Alex does not care about it at all and suddenly smiles,

"It's just a joke, Officer Hu, don't take it seriously please. How can I find it funny? Just like you said, that's a living life!

I'm also cooperating with you. Don't you guys suspect that I'm a serial killer? How is it? Did I just act like a serial killer who treats human life as worthless? Does it meet your psychological expectations?"

Hu stares at Alex seriously for a while, suddenly sneers, and speaks word by word, "Alex, I will remember you."

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