
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly realizes that his spirit just has an amazing experience of time-and space travel into one person's body, and there is only a diary beside him on the bed. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read it carefully, the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Alice is a paranoid who wants to take revenge

On this day, Alex is making specimens in the store as usual and someone comes in from outside the door. He looks up and sees that it is Alice whom he has not seen for three years.

She has changed a lot, and Alex even could not recognize her. She no longer has the heroic feeling she had before, and she looks particularly gloomy.

Alice walks in, finds a seat and sits down casually without saying anything.

Alex glances at her and does not say anything either, making specimens by himself.

After a long time, Alice says,

"Don't you want to ask me why I shot you back then?"

Alex responses while making specimens, "No, it's all in the past and it doesn't matter at all."

"Heh." Alice snorts coldly and continues to say, "You look like you have let it go? Have you let it go?"

Alex is silent.

Alice suddenly becomes so angry and asks Alex loudly,

"Why do you let it go? How could you let it go easily? Why do you live so comfortably?"

Alex looks at her calmly and asks without any emotion, "Why not?"

"Don't you feel guilty at all?"

"Why should I feel guilty? You are the one who is supposed to feel guilty. You betrayed your faith and you were blinded by hatred."

Hearing this, Alice suddenly laughs, but her smile is very gloomy.

"Yes, right. I betrayed my faith, which did make me depressed for a while, but now I have figured it out. To deal with the devil, you must use the devil's means.

Do you know? When I figured it out, I felt like I was sublimated. Without the constraints of those rules and regulations, I felt very free."

Alex stops his work and looks at Alice and asks softly,

"Can I understand that you are declaring war on me?"

Alice shakes her head, "No, it's just a simple punishment."

Alex shakes his head and laughs, "Then I want to ask how you are going to punish me?"

"I will do to you everything you did to the victim, I want..."

Alex waves his hand to interrupt Alice's vicious words and say to the phone,

"Officer Chen, did you hear that? Someone is threatening me here at my store."

At this time, Chen and Yang come in. They look at Alice with complicated eyes, and Chen whispers,

"Let's go now."

Alice does not resist, but just stares at Alex.

Alex looks at the three people who leave and say nothing. The call was made after Alice came in. He doesn't want to get himself into trouble again, so calling the police is obviously a very good choice.

Alex actually knows that this is only a temporary solution. Even if Chen takes Alice away, she would be released again soon. Alex shakes his head and sighs,

"Alas! Why is it so difficult to live a peaceful life?"

At this time, Sofia comes in from outside and looks at him puzzledly,

"What happens? Why does the police come to you again?"

Alex shrugs, "A paranoid wants to take revenge on me."

In the past three years, his relationship with Sofia has not taken a step closer. They are still friends and he also knows the reason why Sofia was cold to him before. His father said that it was because Sofia's condition has improved a little.

Before, Sofia admired him because she thought that Alex was a serial killer. After her condition improved a little, she realized the mistake in her thinking and of course she would not continue to admire Alex as before.

Alex asks, "How come you have time to come to my place today?"

"Your mom wanna ask you to go home for dinner."

"Can't you just make a phone call? Isn't it simpler? Why do you run all the way?"

"I just feels too stuffy, so I come out to take a breath, and I come here because of this."

"Okay, then you can walk around or sit for a while, I'll finish my job first."

Sofia nods, doesn't go out, sits down, and asks, "Tell me about that woman."

Alex frowns, and actually he doesn't want to say it. Now Sofia's condition has shown signs of improvement, he truly doesn't want any changes. Although the original owner has not killed anyone in the past three years, this does not mean that the original owner has disappeared completely.

Alex knows that the original owner must still be there, and the nightmare is the best proof, so he still has to rely on Sofia to completely cure himself.

Alex says indifferently, "There's nothing to say, and she's just a paranoid."

"She was the one who shot you at that time?"

Alex is not surprised that Sofia knew about this because it's easy to guess, then he says,

"It's all in the past, so let's not talk about it."

Sofia nods and doesn't ask any more questions. After a while, Alex finishes his work and takes her home.

The mother has prepared a large table of dishes. In fact, A lot has changed in the past three years. His father is not so angry with him anymore, and his mother is used to Sofia's existence and is not as repulsive as before.

Alex's visits home have also become more frequent, but he still never stays at home overnight. To be honest, he doesn't know the reason, but Alex just resists staying at home overnight from the bottom of his heart.

In the interrogation room, Chen and a female police officer sit opposite Alice. Chen sighs, "Alice, you have already broken the law, do you know that?"

Alice's expression is gloomy and she remains silent.

"Why are you staring at Alex?"

Hearing this, Alice raises her eyelids and looks at Chen and asks,

"Why? Of course it's because he's the murderer."

Chen looks at her and says with great sorrow,

"I know what you think, but do you have any evidence? All this is just your guess.

Moreover, the murderer has disappeared for another three years, which indirectly proves that Zhen is likely to be the real murderer of the 609 case. Only in this way can we explain why the murderer stopped committing crimes."

Alice snorts coldly and asks back,

"Leader Chen, do you really believe what you said? Don't deceive yourself anymore. You think the same as I do, and you also suspect Alex so much."

Chen knocks on the table twice lightly,

"Give me the evidence."

"It's been six years, almost seven years, and there is still no evidence. I believe you also know that the hope of finding evidence is very slim. Are you just going to let it go? I certainly can't do it."

"Six years is indeed a long time, but it's not like we haven't solved those old cases before."

"Haha, Leader Chen, I was also a policeman before. You and I both truly know how those old cases were solved. It was because the murderer left some evidence.

But what about now? What did the murderer leave behind? Nothing, how to solve the case then?

As for Zhen, he was definitely a scapegoat deliberately introduced by Alex, just in order to make us think that Zhen was the murderer."

Chen looks at Alice but doesn't say anything, since he knows he couldn't persuade her.

If she is dealt with according to the law, with Alice's understanding of the law, he believed that Alice would be released soon.

After leaving the interrogation room, he asks Yang to keep an eye on her after she goes out and not let her do anything stupid.

After returning home, Alex turns on the TV, not to watch TV, but just to make his home less lonely with some noise.

Alice's visit makes Alex kind of worried. He knows that Alice would definitely retaliate against him, but he also knows that it would take some time.

Because she couldn't get out for a while, after all, she had shot him before, he believes that the police would be more cautious this time.

Alex finds that these three years has brought him a lot of help. Although he seemed to be living a life of debauchery every day, he was calmer than when he first traveled time. Naturally, the most important thing was that the original owner has not appeared in the past three years, which was a very good thing for him.

However, this peaceful life would soon be broken by Alice, which he absolutely could not allow.

Although Chen has hardly looked for him in these years, and everything seemed to have ended with Zhen's death, Alex knows that he is still suspicious in Chen's eyes, but it was so quiet because there was no evidence.

"Alice, Alice."

Alex paces back and forth, unconsciously repeating the name. This is dangerous, but it indeed could also be his chance.

Alex did things much more hastily with Zhen, because he had not expected Zhen to steal the diary, which made Alex very tight on time. Now it is different. Alice is arrested, and he has plenty of time to prepare in advance.

Just as Alex is thinking about what he should do, a voice comes from the TV,

"Today, the Beijing City Police Department received a report from the masses that a resident of "Sky" Community, Hao, disappeared on August 2. This is the third missing case in Beijing City recently. The Police Department immediately organized forces to conduct an investigation and search.

During the search, many suspicious points attracted the attention of the police. Evidence proved that the three missing cases were all committed by the same person. A special task force was set up to carry out the investigation.

The case is currently being investigated with all its strength. The police will hold a press conference in the near future to report the development of the case in a timely manner based on the progress of the case investigation."

"All three disappeared?..."

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