
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly realizes that his spirit just has an amazing experience of time-and space travel into one person's body, and there is only a diary beside him on the bed. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read it carefully, the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Fantasy
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93 Chs

The stage has been set and characters appear

Tom doesn't say anything, which is considered as tacit agreement.

Alex mocks,

"You are so ridiculous. You have lived in Hua City for so long but you can just find such a person. Seriously? I have thought you are so awesome? That's it?"

Without waiting for Tom to speak, Alex continues to mock,

"Do you know that it is ridiculous for you to send someone to watch me? Why? Want to observe me? Learn from me? I tell you, you are wishful thinking, we are not at the same level at all.

I will give you a chance, don't say I am bullying you, the location is in Hua City, aren't you familiar with it? Let's have a hunting game, I will let you see the gap between you and me, do you dare to come?"

Tom does not hesitate after hearing Alex's "challenge" and agrees directly.

What Alex doesn't know is that after he hangs up the phone, Tom throws the phone away angrily. At this time, Tom is very angry like a volcano and even loses his mind.

The reason why Tom agrees is not because of Alex's ridicule, but because of what Alex said that the two of them are not on the same level. Someone has said this to him too and it is deeply engraved in his heart.

This is also why he pays so much attention to Alex. He wants to see where he is behind Alex and let 'that person' say that he and Alex are not on the same level.

Now, the opportunity is right in front of him. He wants to prove to that person that he is not worse than Alex at all , and even higher than Alex. He quickly packs his luggage and couldn't wait at this time.

Alex looks at his mobile phone and this is why he is sure that Tom would come. Through several contacts with Tom, Alex has long discovered that Tom is very concerned about him and he thinks it is because of his father. Tom might have regarded Alex's father as his own father. Then the existence of Alex is equivalent to robbing his "father's love"?

Of course, the most important reason is the "pride" in Tom's bones. Rather than pride, it is arrogance. Can such an arrogant person accept his provocation calmly?

Alex thinks it is impossible, and it is indeed true. Now the stage has been set, and it is time for the characters to appear on the stage.

Not long after, Simon calls Alex and tells him that Tom is coming now and asks Simon to pick him up later.

Alex nods and this is expected.

Simon now admires Alex a little who actually gets it right. Incredible, Tom is really coming now.

After hanging up the phone, Alex calls Wang and tells him that Tom will arrive in a few hours, and tells him the license plate number. Wang is very surprised since he has thought he would have to wait for his target a few days.

Alex reminds again, "If the phone rings, it means Simon has betrayed,"

"Got it."

Wang hangs up the phone, looks at Florian and says,

"Get the stuff and this time it's just the two of us, the fewer people who know the better."

Florian nods calmly but his mind is full of Alex 's reminder.

Then the two begin to prepare as fast as possible.

 More than four hours later, Alex comes to Mr Lian's place again, signaling that they are supposed to leave and then secretly winks at Mr Lian, who nods solemnly.

Then Alex takes Sofia away. Everyone has left, and it is not appropriate to leave her alone here, and Alex also has a task to give her.

On the way, Sofia looks at Alex and asks,

"You guys go in and out today without telling me, what on earth are you doing?"

Alex turns his head and looks at her and asks, "Do you really want to know it?"

Hearing this, Sofia knows that Alex does not want to hide it from her, and she says with some excitement. "Yes!"

Alex nods,

"There will be a big show soon. If nothing goes wrong, it will be very exciting. I need you to be my 'on-site reporter' and report to me in real time. You know someone is watching me and it is not convenient for me to leave. Can you do it?"

Sofia gets even more excited when she hears it, and shouts, "Make sure to complete the task!"

Alex's mouth curls up. Sometimes people with poor brains are really useful. He takes out a mobile phone and hands it to her again.

"Call me later."

Then Alex explains her task in detail that she doesn't need to do anything and just follows them from a distance.

After the explanation, Alex asks her to leave. What he has to do now is to appear in front of Yang and others again and prevent them from disrupting the situation.

On the other side, Yang and his colleagues are also very confused. Alex has become extremely busy since the accident. They really don't know what he is busy with, but Alex's abnormal behavior makes them highly alert.

Yang hesitates and says, "The three people who were locked up have already left. Should we stop them?"

Alice frowns, "If we stop them, what will happen to Alex? Who knows if he is trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain?"

Yang also thinks of it, but there is no any good idea. What's more, there are only three of them and they do not have enough police force right now. Then he looks at Max and asks quickly,

"Why don't we ask the local police for help? I always feel uneasy."

Max is the same and he also felt difficult. Without hesitation, he calls for help. After the call is connected, Max's face becomes gloomy little by little. Until he hangs up the phone, his whole face turns black.

Yang asks. "Do they not agree?"

Max responses with a terrible face, "Well, they say that they are short of manpower."

Yang angrily hammers the car door, and then asks, "What should we do now? Are we supposed to follow Alex or change our target?"

Alice looks ahead and says in a low voice, "Alex is just ahead."

Yang looks up and discovers Alex. He could tell that Alex is waiting for them on purpose, which makes him hesitate a little, and says,

"Well, you guys watch him here, and I'll follow that woman before she gets far away."

Max nods in agreement. Now it seems that this is indeed the best way, then he advises, "Be careful."

Yang nods, then gets out of the car and looks at Alex deeply, then runs away without looking back, however, Alex does not stop him at all. Looking at the direction Yang runs, he knows that Yang is pursuing Sofia. Then Alex calls Sofia,

"That policeman appeared that day is following you, could you get rid of him? If you can't do it successfully, you just don't go there."

"Don't worry, I promise that I can definitely get rid of him."

"It's good if you are able to do it. But, if you really fail at the end, just don't go there. Don't do anything bad, remember it please. If you do something bad, I won't take you to play anymore."

Alex hangs up the phone and walks towards Max and the others, asking knowingly,

"Where does Officer Yang go? I saw him running so hurriedly just now. Is he on a mission?"

Max doesn't answer this question. He looks at Alex seriously and warns,

"Alex, I warn you, you'd better be honest and don't do anything you are not supposed to do."

Alex responses innocently,

"Comrade police officer, you are suspected of abusing your power. What did I do? Why are you warning me like this?"

Max stops talking, but Alex continues,

"Although I don't know why you doubt me so much, I really want to say that I have a clear conscience and I didn't kill anyone. Since you are worried about me so much, I will stay here. You can keep an eye on me as long as you want and I promise that I won't call the police absolutely. Is this enough to cooperate with you guys?"

Alex returns to the car and sits down. Max and Alice look at each other, not knowing what Alex is up to.

Time passes slowly, and Max receives a call from Yang, who says in a frustrated tone,

"I lost her since I'm truly not familiar with Hua City."

Max let out a breath and says, "Well, then you just come back first."

Alex also receives a call from Sofia not long after Max hangs up the phone, which means that Sofia has gotten rid of Yang successfully. Alex nods, hangs up the phone, and begins to wait patiently.

Not long after, Yang comes back dejectedly and Alex extends his hand to greet him.

"Officer Yang, thank you so much for your hard work. I'm going to have a midnight snack right now. Would you like to go with me together?"

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