
Rebellious Path

People are naturally oblivious, they don't know the pain others are going in and continue with their ignorant lives. Well, some say that ignorance is a bliss. Ryu was not amazing, yes, he has high IQ, but now in this world, only riches and wealth, figures and looks matters. In fact, he was poor, a sad soul, he only had his mother, sisters, and his childhood friend to rely on. He was not just bullied by students, no, he was always beaten up by his father, warned here and there. He didn't want to live anymore, sometimes, he even asks, "If there is a god out there, why did you make me, only to suffer?" The World is changing as of time. Various meteorites, comets, and such are descending upon us, not just destroying cities, but countries as well. Ryu was chained up, beat up and tortured. He had no idea of what was going on outside. He died without even knowing what had caused his death. Knowledge, abilities, power, it all suddenly rushed to him as he woke up in the abyss. He was unbinded by the rules as he began to devour. His path getting revenge has started, not only to those who bullied him, but to the creature who decided to mess with the cosmos. Upload Schedule: 2 Chaps Per Week, Thursdays & Fridays Regular Word Count: 1.5k

Omniverse_Creator · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 5: No one is blood-related to anyone?

"It was a pleasure doing business with you too, Alex," Ryu said as he and Alex shook hands. Ryu had already set plans and thought of ideas to make Alex his ally, especially from the Aura Tracking ability Alex seemed to have.

Alex left with a smile on his bearded face. Lilia went ahead and closed the door and looked at Ryu's charming face, and spoke in a worried tone, "So, it's that serious, huh… your father and the other guy are all part of the yakuza. I don't know the current state of the yakuza right now, but all I know is that it's filled with dangerous people, especially now. I do hope that you know what you're getting into."

"Don't worry, Lilia, I won't endanger myself," Ryu said as he hugged Lilia. Lilia just sighed as she hugged him back while saying, "Alright, if you say so. I'll go cook lunch."

"Lilia, I noticed this when we arrived here earlier, but why don't you have any maids or butlers and such. With a huge manor such as this, I'm pretty sure there should be at least a few." Ryu was really curious. He hadn't seen anyone who owns a huge mansion but doesn't have any maids or caretakers. But, of course, that includes him in his past life.

"I don't like relying on maids. It makes me feel… lazy, especially since I'm a workaholic. Hahaha, I have a few people cleaning the house and the courtyard, though. They were hired by my friend." Lilia couldn't help but laugh. She likes working and is very good at completing all the tasks at hand, whether it's difficult or not.

"I see; I should've expected that answer," Ryu chuckled while pulling Lilia in his arms, tightly hugging her. Lilia giggled and pulled away. "Let's do that later; I have to cook."

Ryu let her go and went to mind his business while Lilia went to the kitchen. "Hmm! I should prepare a feast for them as a celebration! It's been a while since we were here. I really need to thank Fumiko for keeping my place look good as new!"

She started humming while she cooked a feast for the four.


Ryu sat down on the sofa in the living room and looked at the TV. "It's been six years… Is this the latest model of a TV? It seems too high-tech… Maybe it's just cause I haven't seen technology in six years… I wonder what the phones look like?"

He started talking to himself as he tried to find the remote for the TV which he hadn't seen. "Shit, why is there no remote?" Ryu couldn't help but murmur. He didn't want to ask Lilia, probably because he might look stupid, but he had no choice. "Lilia, where's the remote?"

Lilia, who was in the kitchen, looked to peek at the living room and just said with a slight smile, "My friend told me that it's the latest model. You don't need a remote, just voice input."

"Okay! Thanks!" Ryu said, seemingly amazed. "I didn't expect that technology would go this far in this world. So I guess when they say that technology would evolve faster than anything, they weren't lying."

"TV on," he said, and the TV turned on. The channel it was set on was the news channel, and Ryu was bombarded with news that he didn't expect would happen in this lifetime.

[Heroes have banded to create an association to be able to have a larger ground against the Villains that endangers society and its people.]

[Magic is now widely known! Even people who didn't evolve into other races are now able to use mana after a mana implosion happened in the Pacific]

[Get your official Aurora International ID by registering your aura in the nearest Aurora branch! Since our DNA changed through the mutation after the apocalypse, our DNA doesn't match anyone, and the database cannot find your information! Get registered with the new international ID, and your identity won't be mistaken for someone else!]

"I didn't expect to be bombarded with this shit so early… Oh, I didn't know that DNA matching is useless now… Maybe that's why Alex wanted a photo… I guess only the descendants of today's generation will have their DNAs to be related to someone. Of course, all of those incest-loving weirdos are probably screaming in happiness," Ryu chuckled at his own joke.

(A/N: I guess I'm a weirdo now?)

"Hey, whatcha watching?" Nila said as she clung to Ryu's neck from behind. Ryu smiled lightly as he held onto her hand and said, "I haven't seen you since earlier. Where have you been?"

"Geez, we were on the same helicopter, yet both you and Master just disregarded the three of us and went to your own world. I wanted to give you a tour too… despite not knowing how to operate the stuff in this place, but that's not the point!" Nila spoke and pouted so cutely that Ryu couldn't hold his chuckle.

"Sigh~ you two just walked away like we didn't exist! And you had sex too!" Nila playfully hit Ryu's head, causing him to smile. He turned his head around to look at Nala and pulled her onto his lap. "There, are you happy now, you mischievous little brat?"

Nila nodded as she hung her hands on Ryu's neck with a wide grin. Just after that, Anna and Emma joined. "Hey~ Ryu~ give us some love too~," Anna said as she kissed Ryu on the cheek, her green hair fluttering lightly.

"Yeah, yeah…" Ryu said with a slight tone of defeat as he hugged the three.


After an hour or so, Ryu watched TV with the three girls while Lilia finished up with her cooking. With a lick of her luscious lips, she looked at her food with delight, "I'm sure they're gonna love this! Ryu! Anna! Emma! Nila! Food's ready!"

The four in the living room heard this and smiled as the three girls rushed to the kitchen. "I can already smell that it's delicious!"

Ryu watched the girls humorously and walked towards the kitchen. When he arrived, the aroma of the food overflowed, and he was amazed at how much food Lilia cooked. Not only that, but it smelled amazing!

"Umm… Lilia, are you sure we can eat all of that?" Ryu couldn't help but ask. Lilia only looked at him with dignity and said with proudness evident in her voice, "Yep! I am confident that you won't even leave a single crumb!"

They all sat down, and with a quick, "It's time to eat," they all started to chow down the food. It was actually a wonder how the food was quickly consumed, and in a matter of minutes, none was left. "I guess your confidence was right, hahaha."

Lilia looked proud and just smiled. Just after that, she said, "So, as you may have known, I'm also a teacher at a well-known magic academy in this country, and I made preparations for you to enter as students. Well, it was only these three girls then this handsome man just suddenly appeared."

Lilia giggled lightly as she continued to speak, "I'm gonna have to contact the headmistress in the academy and tell her I have another person I'd like to enter the academy, so there is a week delay. By next week you'll be attending the academy, alright?"

The four nodded their heads at Lilia, and she smiled. "Let's clean up! After that, we should roam the city! It's been five years since we went to the island! Probably six for you, though, Ryu. I want to go shopping!"

Ryu listened attentively till she reached the shopping part. Although he never shopped in this life, he clearly remembers how horrendous it was in his past life. The stuff that you had to carry… The number of items… It struck fear in his heart, and he clearly didn't want to go.

"Uhh," He lightly said. "Can I just stay? I'm pretty tired—"

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, he was suddenly cut off by Lilia. "No rejections~!"

He couldn't help sigh as he knew how stubborn Lilia was from time to time. After that, they started to clean up quickly since Anna, Emma, and Nila was also excited to check out the new trends and clothing. More suffering for Ryu, though.

(A/N: Why is shopping so tiring. I went shopping with my family and GOD. I hated every single second when they started picking clothes. My legs felt like it was burning through burning hot coal.)

"Let's go!" the four girls simultaneously shouted as they changed their clothing for something more presentable in public. Lilia then led them to the underground parking area, where multiple expensive cars were present. Lilia was astronomically rich.

(A/N: I remember how cringe the things I wrote were in the older version of this novel. Bruh, I fucking wrote the cars in detail WTF.)

The five got in a car that could fit all of them with Lilia driving. "Be prepared, I'm quite a fast driver, and I haven't driven in five years!"

"Umm, Master, are you sure that's safe?" The cool-headed Emma finally spoke. "I'm pretty sure that isn't safe since you haven't touched a vehicle in five years aside from the helicopter!"

"Oh, don't worry, elves have a pretty strong memory that can probably last a few centuries! Aren't you also an elf, Emma?" Lilia asked.

"Oh! That's why I can remember a lot of things clearly!" Emma exclaimed. Anna and Nila on the side couldn't but facepalm as Anna said, "Emma-nee, you're incredibly smart, but sometimes you're incredibly stupid…."

'Wahahaha! That was a nice roast, Anna!" Nila laughed loudly. Emma didn't even refute as she leaned her back against the chair as she said, "Aren't we all? Especially you, Nila."

"Pfft," Anna's face contorted as she looked away, clearly laughing loudly inside her heart. "Oi!" Nila pouted as she looked incredibly annoyed. Ryu on the side was smiling widely from hearing the conversation.

"Alright, that's enough! Let's go!" Lilia stepped on the gas pedal, and the car drove off. The door that covered the underground garage automatically opened after sensing that a vehicle had driven towards it.

Lilia was driving at a really fast speed as they reached the highway. Despite the multiple warning signs, Lilia still didn't slow, and she even went faster! This caught the attention of a few patrol cars, and blazing police sirens sounded throughout the highway as they chased the vehicle.


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Welcome to my christmas present to you guys! I know that I haven't even been uploading like I promised. Well I have to tell you, DON"T BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY SHIT LMFAO, jk.

I've been really busy and there was a typhoon at my place but good thing there was little to no damage. Workloads are just dropping from left to right.

I hope you do enjoy this chapter and this mass release! I'll even try to write a lot more except for the fact that I have 20+ modules that I still have to answer. Wish me luck and I wish you the best christmas!

Also if you want to support me, please donate to my ko-fi. I've been struggling with money so every cent counts LMAO

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