
Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Trash novel, don't read if you are easily triggered by my shitty writing. Anyway, the title is self explanatory and literally what this fic gonna be. World? -Youjo Senki -Fate Zero -Genshin -Honkai -Warhammer [Current] -Rwby Power? -OC and nerfed [The Gamer] system. Edited [21-04-21]: Mc become op but also didn't when compare to the last boss. Harem? -Dunno, my readers mostly dislike harem so no plan for now. Edited [02-02-23]: I never said there will be no harem. So... -We have Tanya Degurechaff and an OC character named Charlotte. Edited [21-04-23]: Artoria Lancer Alter and Venti(F) join the harem. OP MC? -I hope no and trying to avoid it. Smart MC? -I'm literally equipped with 1 brain cell and negative IQ. So an SI with idiot MC probably. What else I missed... Oh yeah, most important one infact. How about my other fics? -Honestly I wanna delete them all. But the effort I spend on them stopped me from doing it. Even myself find them to be a failure. Like for real, do ppl seriously even enjoy the shits I post anymore?

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 34: The Battle on the Port and the False Caster

"Hoh, someone did appear. As unlike the others, someone that actually has the honor to heed my challenge for duel instead of hiding like a coward." The Servant of Lance stood between the shipping containers that filled the port while taunting the presence hiding in the shadow, intending to only observe. "Such a pristine valor and air of chivalry similar to me. You are the Saber, correct?" Lancer greeted Saber who walked forward with Irisviel behind her and still wearing her bodyguard outfit.

Seeing that Saber is silent despite acknowledging the challenge and his presence, he dally no more and summons his crimson and golden spear which are also his noble phantasms that are obscured with enhancement to hide its nature.

He continues to talk despite Saber having no intention to reply and is genuinely serious for this duel. "It's a shame we cannot reveal our name and duel as a proper knight does. However, I will do my best to provide an entertaining fight."

Saber gives a light nod as she knew Lancer purposely didn't attack yet to allow her time to prepare herself for the duel. She closed her eyes shut for a moment and mana burst out of her body and a regal dress mix with armor appeared on her body with mainly blue and hints of white clothes and an invisible weapon shrouded by wind appeared in her hand.

Without any signal or notice, both Servants tensed their legs and accelerated toward each other like a magnet attracted to one another. An invisible sword clashed with two spears where its existence shrouded to prevent recognition.

Six clashes happened at once as the speed was too fast for humans to keep up and all it sounded was the sound of explosions like sonic booms.

Saber retreated a few steps and looked at the red spear warily because it managed to tear off the veil of invisibility she put on her Excalibur. Lancer keeps a charming smile as he is looking at Saber with joy in his smile. This is indeed what he seeks, a worthy battle for him to satisfy his craving for combat.

They are about to continue but interrupted by the sound of hands clapping from above the containers. Both servants, Irisviel, Kiritsugu and Maiya who are hidden in a vantage spot to snipe the Master of Lancer and others that remain hidden.

"Magnificent indeed, both a knight. One hailed from Britain while another is a demigod from Irish mythology. However, I don't think there is a need to conceal your identity any longer as I already learned the identity of all other servants." Ray, who is wearing a robe and covered by a lot of illusions declared as Tanya, also wears a robe and walks out of the shadow behind him.

All the attention immediately shifts to the newcomer. He sat cross-legged on one of the containers and looked down at all of them as if someone was superior to the rest.

"That's rich coming from you who didn't even dare to reveal your face." Lancer said with some anger and dissatisfaction for interrupting his duel with Saber.

The others also nodded as Saber lowered her blade from pointing at Lancer and retreated to Irisviel's side.

"I am indeed, Diarmuid of the Love Spot. Wielder of Crimson Rose of Exorcism and Golden Rose of Mortality. However, I am sadly a hypocrite. Not that you care if I reveal your identity because you are going anyway, considering your pride and thirst for a noble battle to correct your betrayal." Ray recites the details in glee which are the results of countless sleepless nights to research material when writing his fanfics.

In pure shock that his literal identity and both noble phantasms were laid bare to everyone listening, he disregarded his Master's order to retreat immediately and demanded an answer from Ray.

"You! Who are you? How do you know this much about me?" Diarmuid questioned because the only people that know him this much must be people from his time and mythology to see through him even with enhancement to obscure his and his spears appearance.

"Me? Who knows. I am not stupid enough to reveal mine. Even if I did, I doubt anyone would recognise me." Ray said confidently before looking at Saber who was also very interested in him. Not because he knew her identity but the odd feelings that she managed to pinpointed and also the thing that shocked her.

"Ah. Greetings, your majesty." Ray respectfully greeted Saber but she only replied with a wary look and look of suspicion. "It hurts me a lot that you see me as a stranger. However it is understandable because you are not the Artoria I meet." Ray sighed as he remembered his old FGO account that he painstakingly collected all Alter servants. Primarily Salter, Latoria Alter, Jalter and MXH Alter.

These are his most favorite servants of all for various reasons. But his most favorite has to be the OG, Artoria Alter.

Hearing his voice filled with reminiscing and pain(salt) while speaking her name does make her wonder and filled with curiosity if they both knew each other.

Saber looked at Irisviel and Iri understood what she wanted to do and nodded to allow her to go ahead. After all, she is also curious about the identity of this servant.

"Whoever you are, can you tell me who you are and where we met before?" Saber asks while the others stop forming their theories and listen to them.

"Where did we meet before, you ask?" Ray asked to buy some time while his head was trying to form an explanation on how he played FGO before and had her Alter as one of his favorites. "Hmn, you could say we once met each other from another time while pursuing Holy Grail."

"Another time?" Both Servants said and found it hard to believe because the rule of Servant is they will not remember what happened in a Grail War.

Ray didn't confirm or deny the answer before he stood up and stared at the tall buildings.

"King of Conqueror, will you not reveal yourself?" Ray called and no response. Then he channeled the weak divinities he had in his body. "You too, King of Heroes. How long do you two plan to sit back and enjoy instead of introducing yourself." Ray taunts them with a smirk.

He isn't afraid of Enkidu at all because it's power scales with the divinity. Ray's isn't even a complete one. Just a fragment and a very weak one. Other than producing aura, it has literally no other use but to bait Gilgamesh and confuse other Servants.

"That's…" Lancer and Saber can sense it correctly. "Divine aura!" The two answered and sent a wave of shock among others that still remain in hiding.

"What! That's impossible! The system was never designed to summon a divine being into existence." Irisveil said as her family is one of the three involved in the creation of this ritual and thus familiar with it.

Ray smirks under the guise of his robe. He is successful. Now everyone is going to be more wary of their every move since they thought a game breaker had been summoned as a servant.

Suddenly a blue lightning bolt struck one of the containers and a chariot pulled by two bulls arrived. On the chariot is a giant of a man wearing armor and a red cape while accompanied by a cowardly Master that is berating his servant for acting without proper thought about planning.

"I ask for your forgiveness. O, god. I am Iskandar, the King of Macedonia and the King of Conqueror. One of the sons of God Zeus and a demigod." Rider appeared and introduced himself to Ray.

If they all realize this was all a ruse conman , they probably chase him to the end of the world and bash him to death. However, plenty of preparation had been made to prevent this and they were still unaware they were standing in his territory.

He already located Kiritsugu, Maiya, Waver Velvet and Kariya Matou that on his way to the port, dragging his feet through the dark alley. Those that are undetected are Kirei in the church, Tokiomi the collaborator in his home and Kayneth the Master of Lancer in his hotel sipping wine with his wife while spectating using familiar.

"I had heard your greetings, King of Conqueror. I am sure you are going to ask for my identity and if I want to join your army. However, I have to decline your kind offer and instead propose a counteroffer. Be the servant of my Master."

Iskandar shut his mouth close and frowned as this god managed to guess his action very well as if they were very close or he could see the future. Whichever it is, none of them is good.

Lancer that was ordered to retreat now ordered to stay because his master is interested in this divine spirit. Saber is looking at Irisviel with concern and wants her to retreat but Irisviel stubbornly wants to stay and listen because this information could be useful for Kiritsugu.

"Hahahaha." Iskandar laughed heartily at the counteroffers Ray proposed. "Interesting. To think I would one day be recruited by a god of all things." Iskandar was immensely humored instead of offended since he was looked upon highly by a being untouchable even at his prime.

"Oh, honorable god. There must be a reason for you to ask such a request. Would you explain it to me, the reason why you want to recruit me into your Master's service?" Iskandar asked with intent on knowing the reason because the gods he knew from the pantheon his father originated, the gods rarely do something unless it is important and weakening his divinity to descend into the world definitely is.

Ray was caught off guard by this question and had no answer prepared for this. No, wait. There is one. The corruption on the grail. This can be used as his answer, Ray thought.

After a momentary silence, Ray shifted his gaze to Irisviel which made Saber immediately lift her invisible sword up if Ray wanted to attack them but he only shook his head with disapproval before sighing.

"I am sure all of you answered the call of the Holy Grail because you all have a wish to be fulfilled. That's why you all even bother to come here in the first place." Ray then looks at Saber. "From changing your past." Then he looked at Rider and Lancer. "To unfulfilled wish."

"I am sure everyone has a wish they want to be granted. However, due to the idiocy and greed of the Einzbern family, the Holy Grail had been tainted by an malevolent god. It will grant no wishes as it's now a monkey paw instead of a wish granting device. No, it isn't one in the first place as it's a device made by Magus to reach the Swirl of Root using Servants as fuel. Its ability to grant wishes is limited and not omnipotent." Ray casually reveals the truth behind the whole ritual which leaves Saber in shock and denial as she turns to her false Master to confirm if this is true. Irisviel couldn't even face Saber with the shame in her face and turned away. That's all the answer she needs from Irisviel.

Her wish to save her home country, her people and her loved ones from the cruel end under her rule. It was impossible from the very beginning. It couldn't be achieved in the first place and they knew it yet lied to her to get her cooperation. The brilliant radiance became dim and dull as her will was broken into pieces. However, this is his opportunity. Ray purposely wanted to shatter her willpower and he did it.

Instantly Ray vanished from the container and appeared in front of Saber who lost her will to resist as she was drowned by her negative emotions. He quickly uses Alteration on her with bursts of his mana to stimulate Angra Mainyu black mud corruption on her core to cause an inversion. He altered her alignment and belief into her Alter version and implanted an impulse to obey him. He wanted to change her memories all together but that is too tedious and noticeable by her.

In front of everyone, Ray did something miraculous and turned Saber into a totally different being. A monster almost, with the wild mana gushing out her newly awakened Dragon Core. Even without a Master, she can sustain herself indefinitely.

Saber Alter looked at the person who awakened her and smirked because she could feel the Mana Reactor Core inside him resonating with her's. "I assume you now want me to serve you since you go to such lengths to awaken me."

"However, I will only serve those that I acknowledge and you have not. Even though I am grateful for your assistance." In her blackened armor and gothic dress. Saber Alter summoned her also blackened Excalibur Morgan in preparation for a fight while ignoring everyone else as her attention is only on Ray.

Ray replied in the same manner to summon his weapon. A crimson spear that made Diramuid doubt his eyesight and confirmed multiple times it's Gae Bolg. Then he activates Reinforcement to the limit.

Once again, the spark of battle is reignited and a duel is starting between Altered Saber and false Caster.
