
Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Trash novel, don't read if you are easily triggered by my shitty writing. Anyway, the title is self explanatory and literally what this fic gonna be. World? -Youjo Senki -Fate Zero -Genshin -Honkai -Warhammer [Current] -Rwby Power? -OC and nerfed [The Gamer] system. Edited [21-04-21]: Mc become op but also didn't when compare to the last boss. Harem? -Dunno, my readers mostly dislike harem so no plan for now. Edited [02-02-23]: I never said there will be no harem. So... -We have Tanya Degurechaff and an OC character named Charlotte. Edited [21-04-23]: Artoria Lancer Alter and Venti(F) join the harem. OP MC? -I hope no and trying to avoid it. Smart MC? -I'm literally equipped with 1 brain cell and negative IQ. So an SI with idiot MC probably. What else I missed... Oh yeah, most important one infact. How about my other fics? -Honestly I wanna delete them all. But the effort I spend on them stopped me from doing it. Even myself find them to be a failure. Like for real, do ppl seriously even enjoy the shits I post anymore?

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 24: The War Against Being X Part 4.5 (Second Half)

"Sir, the Naval Fleet is ready to engage. The Admiral informs that sir can deploy immediately to search and eliminate the enemy Aircraft carrier fleet while his fleet and Marine Mage stall the escorts."

Ray who stood at the bow of the flagship along with Tanya and the 203th Aerial Mage Wing heard the crew loud and clear. Ray been looking bored after two hours of sailing slowly to prevent detection, suddenly broke into a smile. A very dark and bloodthirsty smile that he almost never showed before.

"Do we have an order to break mana silence?" He asked back to the clueless crewman who just nodded because the order had been given to initiate the battle.

"Good. Come, everyone. Let the hunt begin. I'm getting tired of this anyway." Ray said while mentioning the whole world instead of the war. "Slaughter those sheeps and harvest their souls."

"Yessir!" Even Tanya followed to salute and reply before they all fly into the air and accelerate up to the sky along with thousands of other Flight Mage and Marine Mage.

The Flight Mage immediately left the Fleet behind and fly to the back of the enemy's line and seek out the Aircraft carrier which their scouts had already discovered and identified. 6 Carrier from Albion Kingdom and 10 from Unified States. Each should have around three to four dozens of planes and a crew of half a thousand including their Mage.

When a Carrier enters Ray's detection range, he doesn't hesitate to flare up his mana and turn himself into a beacon to distract all detection devices to him while others are undetected because of his mana presence.

"Blitzkrieg Doctrine, Napalm Strike!" Immediately 72 floating rifles appeared and insta-charged large scale spells.

"FIRE!" The rifle launched the spell in coordination and peppered the deck of the Carrier with Napalm Spell and prevented the planes from being taken to air.

Taking the opportunity, Tanya and her Wing dived down and started attacking the hull of the Carrier with Explosive spell. Intending to sink into the depth of the ocean or at least incapacitate the warship.

Ray moves on and does the same to the next Carrier in his sight while also sending his Wraiths to attack the crew of a Carrier hoping to capture another ship into his collection.

Unfortunately, the easy part was done and the escort ships and other carriers started to deploy their Marine Mage to take down the Empire's Mage while the AA batteries unloading an unrelenting hail of metals to mow down their enemies. The Imperial Mage are taking significant hits and casualties start to pile up very fast.

Ray then unleashes Cluster Shots to the magicless crews manning the AA batteries. The Gae Bolg attribute allows those shots to easily kill those crews without resistance and lessen the amount of AA batteries shooting at the Imperial Mages.

"Leave the Mages and AA batteries to the 203th Wing! The rest of you focus sinking those ships!" Ray ordered as he continues slaughtering the Mages and crews manning the AA batteries.

"Affirmative, Sir!" The Mages replied on the general communication line.

Tanya gave order to her troops to split into smaller group of four and engage the enemy Mages.

The 203th Flight Mages also fought with immense ferociousness. Diving into close combat using Magic Blade or bayonets to secure swift and assured kills. Almost like a pack of rabid wolves or piranhas that smells blood, pouncing at any prey presented to them.

Even Tanya herself out done herself, dominating the airspace with overwhelming magic power granted by her orb and mana overflowing from Ray. She takes the position high in the sky, sniping Mages that her troops cannot defeat or overlooked in their frenzy.

Though overwhelming power, killing efficiency increased. Even when overwhelmed by numbers, the Imperial Mages are winning the fight as six carriers are already sinking as holes are torn open in their hull. Holes are so big that patching up is impossible. However, the Unified States and Albion Kingdom solders and crew isn't yielding either as they fight even harder after knowing their defeat is imment. As if they were religious zealots, not fearing death that come if they are defeated. All attempts from the Imperial Navy to declare their surrender was successful.

"We fight till our death, our service will be rewarded by god in the afterlife. We rather fight to our last breath than surrendering to the devils." The enemy admiral said as he add few more colourful profanity directed to the Empire.

As they get desperate, they even put their warship to full throttle and try to ram the Imperial Navy fleets to drag at least one ship with them to the ocean floor. Crews jump over to board an enemy ship and wreck havoc, hoping it will sink faster.

"Tch, this is why I hate dealing with religious zealots. They don't play by rules and think it's all forgiven just because they fight in god's name." Tanya commented on the side to Ray

"I know. That's why we are 'farming' them in the first place. They might be annoying but the faithful tend to have better quality soul to harvest from. Maybe I can even create a powerful mystic code for you later." Ray replied carefreely as if discussing what's for dinner. "Do you want sword or maybe a whip or perhaps auxiliary gears instead?"

"Why would I want a whip? I don't have weird hobby like you, pervert. Don't group us together." Tanya recoiled immediately and defend herself. "Something practical like rifle or pretty like accessories maybe?"

"I see what I can do." Ray easily agrees while shooting another daring crew trying to sneakily reach a nearby AA battery. "Though, don't have high hopes. I'm not really that proficient in making Mystic Code."

Ten more Aircraft carriers left and the Imperial Navy is winning their battle. The Imperial Navy fleets will soon advance to our position to assist with our battle.

Curious about the strength of his Ghost Fleet, Ray summons it at the edge of the battle and covers it along a carrier with an Optical spell. Since most are busy dealing with their own target, none noticed a Carrier missing from the battle.

The Ghost Fleet immediately sailed toward the lone Carrier with fog accompanying it. The fleet went unnoticed for a while until they fired the first shot. The cannon at least works like a normal one. Nothing special from what Ray can observe. The shot cleanly penetrated the hull and was followed by a large volley of explosive shells from a smaller warship that set the breached hull on fire.

The people on board the Carrier soon discover the existence of enemy warships hiding behind the fog and deploying mages and planes to do reconnaissance. However, any attempt to fly will immediately be denied by a barrage of AA shells. Here Ray discovered that when attacking a person, the Ghost Fleet can apply debuff in a similar manner as Wraith when they attack any living organism.

The Ghost Sailors also start boarding the Carrier and attacking the crews, turning few into lesser Wraiths and turning against their former brothers in arms. The horrified crews fought back while clinging to their wavering faith in god as no prayers could stop the dead from turning against them when the Wraith possessed the corpses by Ray's order for fun just to spite Being X.

The entire ship fell to the Wraith after half an hour of battle. Took quite some time because Ray wanted to try absorbing the ship into the fleet. But it failed because the Captain of the Carrier didn't have that strong of affection to the ship he led unlike the Captain of HMS Warspite. The ship unfortunately sank to the ocean floor and Ray dismissed the Ghost Fleet to conclude his experiment.


By sunset, the Allied Fleet was wholly decimated and the Imperial Navy came on top after all the Carrier was taken down along with its crews numbered to a hundred of thousand. However, the victory is not without cost. 40% of the Imperial forces were deceased.

While a victory parade was on the way and heroes were celebrated on pedestals. Ray, Tanya and Charlotte are hiding up in Ray's temporary workshop in Francois capital.

"So, is everyone ready to challenge the Boss?" Ray said nonchalantly but actually nervous and worried if he couldn't win against Being X.

Despite how much Ray looked down on Being X, it still a god and within this world Being X cannot act personally but once he left this universe to its edge. Everything is free game for Being X.

"Oh, also here is the promised Mystic Code." Ray tosses a ring he crafted with Phantom Pearl and ornate with a series of small diamond shaped jewels made for his extremely condensed mana.

"It's a rushed work but shouldn't be an issue of quality. It should help increase your mana control and mana pool." Ray described its effect proudly.

"Really, of all things you can make. You made a ring? I don't know if I should feel flattered or shocked by the significance of this gesture." Tanya replied with sarcastic and faux shock considering how Ray had been denying her advance all this while. Though, Ray's next reply leaves her speechless and mouth hanging.

"Don't misunderstand me. Making the chain for a necklace or creating earrings is annoying and too time consuming due to the attention needed for the details and enchanting. A ring was coincidentally to be convenient and easy to inlay with those enchanted mana stones. Of course, unless you prefer something like a collar I made for Charlotte." Ray gave Tanya a side eye while flicking the small bell on Charlotte's collar to emphasize the equipment he is referring to.

"On second thought, I prefer the ring. No way I'm going to wear something made for… a pet on my body." She said before putting on the ring and felt a qualitative leap on the capacity of her mana pool. Around 30% increase.

"The ring can also store your excess mana as backup like your former Elenium Type-95 and of course without needing prayers to unlock." Ray added when seeing Tanya fiddling with the ring. "I also wanted to add a mana absorbing function but I reached the limit attribute slot. So, that's the best I could make. In general, it's just a more compact form of Operation Orb but stronger."

"Is that a flex I heard? You should be careful lest your pride eats you, Ray."

"Pssh, what are you talking about? Me? Pride? Nah, That isn't even the best I could do if I have better material. I can create a legendary weapon of heroes from scratch when I'm half as achieved as my current self. That ring couldn't even be used to compare against Gae Bolg." Ray shrugged while his hand was already unconsciously roaming freely.

"Besides, pride isn't really my thing. Perhaps slothfulness suits me more to be honest if not for my life being on the line." Tanya however didn't look convinced at all when looking at the activity his hands were engaging in.

"Nope, lust suits you more, you horny dog. You didn't even bother to hide it from me at all anymore while you were lusting over your bitch." Tanya said with a deadpan face while looking at Charlotte carefully when she felt something was different about Charlotte.

"Hehehe. I was kinda nervous. You know, we're gonna fight against a god for our freedom. A legitimate god that we win all this time because he is restricted from affecting the world and us directly." Ray defended. "Also, don't tell me you are jealous? Hmn..?"

"A-As if, idiot. Why would I be jealous of you playing with… with your toy? You are getting full of yourself." She replied with blush hidden by the fake disdain before trying to kick Ray on his shin but he jumped back a step to avoid it.

"Anyway, aren't we getting side tracked? We can finally leave this god forsaken world. I miss the peace of the modern world and can't wait to leave this hell hole. Even if God is our opponent, I will fight to the bitter end." Tanya clenched her hand into a fist and looked at Ray for his response but it turned out he wasn't paying attention, fornicating with his bitch.

She uses the magecraft Ray taught her and conjures a taser gun before pointing it at Ray. Definitely wouldn't affect him much but enough to make him uncomfortable. She aimed but suddenly a dangerous glint passed her eyes and aimed lower.

"Ah! I remember reading an article that stated electrocution can help with curbing horniness. Maybe this can cure your illness." She aimed at his family jewel and pulled the trigger without any shred of pity for the insufferable rascal that kept toying with her feelings without repercussion.

The rest was too gruesome to be stated in words. The pain was something indescribable with words and there Ray learned the full definition of heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned with first hand experience of being electrocuted on the testical and the worst is that a taser gun isn't magic and thus he suffered the full brunt of it.

Three hours later, Ray woke up and felt like he had experienced his worst nightmare. He vaguely remembered someone electrocuted his balls.

"What a weird ass dream I was having… couldn't be a sabotage from Being X trying to give me trauma…" Ray groggily returned to consciousness and felt his pants were wet.

He opened his eyes and discovered himself lying on the floor of his workshop. Then he looked at his wet attire.

"The heck! I pissed my pants." Ray exclaimed when seeing the puddle of urine and his wet pants.

He quickly cleaned it using a spell and dismissed his clothing that he Traced before using a cleaning spell to clean himself and the floor. Then he Traced a new fresh uniform on his body.

"Dang, I must be very terrified by the nightmare that I pissed myself. Thankfully no one saw it." Ray made a relief sigh before trying to remember today's date and time before his schedule for the day.

"Ahem…" A cough from behind made Ray freeze and slowly crank to his back to see Tanya with her arm crossed looking at him with an odd expression and Charlotte that sat on her knee next to Tanya while staring at the floor to avoid looking at him.

Perhaps in a panic, Ray's subconscious mind immediately detects the missing memories when he tries to remember when Tanya is in his workshop and restores his sealed trauma. He fell to his knees then on all four, muttering a complex string of formulas for a magic ritual that sounded gibberish to Tanya and Charlotte.

"I.. I'm sorry Ray. I don't know what came over me… and I acted by my emotions… I didn't mean to do that…" Tanya apologized awkwardly and Ray finished his gibberish chanting and a magical aura washed over his body. Ray helps himself up before looking at Tanya weirdly.

"Sorry? About what?" He continues to look at Tanya confusedly. "Anyway, aren't we going to leave this world? Let's go and kick Being X ass before escaping this universe."

Ray took out a giant chunk of pure condensed mana stone and used his Mana Manipulation to power the Dimension Tear ability.

"Let's go, I already set all my workshops across the Empire to self-destruct in thirty seconds." He invited the two to enter the pitch black opening in space and time. "I'm not gonna let my stuff other than what I allowed fall into other's hands."

Ray then jumped in when the other two just stared at him speechlessly. Ray thought they didn't trust the portal so he jumped ahead to prove there's nothing wrong.

Only when Ray disappeared did they snap off their shock of what Ray did. It was unmistakably a memory altering ritual. They just didn't expect Ray to set a countermeasure if a memory is too shocking to the extent of crippling, his Self-hypnosis will be triggered to chant the ritual and prune off the memories from his conscious mind. After all, if he can't remember a trauma. It cannot affect him at all.

(Removing Memory completely from the head like Tanya's case needs a complex magic surgical procedure to achieve.)

Remembering this workshop will explode in less than 30 seconds, they rushed and jumped into the portal. After that, Ray cut off the mana to maintain the gap in space and time after both of them appeared next to him.

"I know this is raising flags. But, I hope we can get off this place alive." Ray said when looking at the edge of the universe's bubble.

If they succeed to exist, they will be free from Being X influence as he is a deity bound to this universe.



[Name: Rayark

Age: 10

Alignment: Neutral Evil (44.44%)

Level: 115 (457 / 80,000) [+4]

Main Class: Animancer (New)

Support Class: Commander

Title: Expert Magus, Knight of the Realm, Devil Incarnate, The Blazing Destroyer

HP: 4570 / 4570

HP Regen: 208 HP/Min

MP: 25,445 / 25,445

MP Regen: 1202 MP/Min


STR: 34.7

VIT: 104

AGI: 57.8

DEX: 69.3

INT: 319

WIS: 259

LUK: 31

Stat Point: 20



Fiction Adaptation LV -

Mana Manipulation LV 55/- (Supreme)

Pseudo Reactor Core LV 50/60 (Legendary)

Alteration LV 30/50 (GrandMaster)

Tracing LV 50/50 (Legendary)

Supernatural Physique LV 31/50 (GrandMaster)

Pickpocket LV 25/30 (Master)

Enhanced Mind LV 41/50 (Legendary)

Time Alter LV 21/50 (Master)

Tri Formation Array LV 37/50 (GrandMaster) [+3]

Dimension Tear LV 20/20 (Adept)

Dimension Shift LV 23/50 (Master)

Future Calculation LV 27/50 (Master)

Soul Butcher LV 80/- [+1]

Mass Murderer LV 32/- [+11]

Sadist LV 7/30 (Novice)

Spiritual Subjugation LV 17/80 (Adept) [+6]

Omni Arms Mastery 8/90 (Novice)

Precognition 7/70 (Novice) [+3]

Magic Resistance 6/80 (Novice) [+1]

Psychokinesis LV 2/50 (Novice)

Ghost Fleet -/-


??? Series

??? Lust LV ?/? ?

??? Greed LV ??/??

-Devil's Contract

-Aura of Greed

??? Pride LV ?/??

??? Wrath LV ??/??