

The Hangover: Part 2

"That must've been one hell of a party, Harry. I can't remember a thing"

"Me neither" Harry responded as the pair left the Room of Requirement, heading for the Great Hall for Lunch, this was Angelina's and Fred suggestion because this would give them the let them broadcast to everyone in the castle that they were alive and well, well alive at least.

"I'm so going to throw up if I eat anything" Harry told the group as the true effects off a night full of boozing took over his body. He guessed that the effects of his hangover had been nullified by the pain he'd been experiencing when he woke up, now without the pain being present, the true effects could be felt.

"Then don't eat anything" Fred suggested as they rounded a corner.

"You're such a light weight, Harry"

"Well this was my first time, Fred" he directed his answer to George, hoping the twin would realise he was taking about the name of his brother on his back.

"Oh, did Harry Potter make fun of me" George mocked as Harry continued to focus on one foot in front of the other. "It should be interesting to see what Hermione says when she sees you"

"Jesus, I didn't even think about that" Harry mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Saying that, I can't really tell her what I did last night, seeing as I can't remember a thing"

"Ha, good point. You are learning young cub"


"What's wrong cub?" the fireplace lit up as the familiar face of Sirius Black graced the flames, the convicts voice seemed to be agitated as he was called by Harry in the middle of the night. "Where are you Harry?" Sirius eyes looked around the room, trying to find his godson.

"SIRIUS" Harry appeared from the side, making illusion of Sirius's head to jump slightly. "NOW THE PARTIES COMPLETE" Harry screamed to someone as he held himself upright while one hand was grasped around a drink.

"SIRIUS" Fred welcomed the old Marauder. "Long time, no see" he joked. "Never knew your skin shone that brightly" Fred observed as he looked into the flames.

"Woah" Harry seemed impressed as he looked at his Godfather. "No wonder you got so many of the ladies" he slurred.

"Harry?" Sirius questioned as he looked at his Godson while keeping a close eye on the godlily eyed Fred. "What happened, why did you call me?"

Harry said nothing for several minutes as he looked closely at Sirius. "Nothing's happened, we were just having a party and George" he pointed to the boy next to him.

"Fred" Fred corrected him.

Harry slapped him head in a theoretic way "and Fred" he got the nod from the twin "said that we should invite the #1 in womanizing. I asked who until he reminded me off you, Sirius Black" he ended with a smile.

This conversation was interrupted when a new voice entered the fray. "Sirius Black" she questioned. "The same Sirius Black that helped Voldemort" Harry smiled as Katie said the Dark Lord's real name.

The amazing effects of Alcohol

"Oh, how rude of me. This Katie, is my Godfather. He didn't help Voldemort, a rat or rodent by the name of Wormil Tail, No that's not it. Wor miltail, Nope" he stopped as he thought.

"Wormtail" Sirius couldn't help but help his Godson as the recognition of the name seemed to register of Harry's face.

"Correcto mundo. Wormtail was a 'friend' of my parents, then he helped Voldemort" he ran a finger across his neck to indicate 'murdered his parents' which Katie seemed to get as she ran over to him, kissing his neck as her hands went down to his buttocks. "Katiiieee" he moaned. "I really don't want to ravish you in front of my Godfather"

"Quite right Harry" Sirius seemed relieved not to see Harry going at it, especially when he wasn't getting any.

"Pictures would be enough" he told Katie as she seemed content to hold him. The flame seemed to change to a slightly redder colour as Sirius seemed to blush, finally realising what was happening.

"Your drunk, Harry" Sirius sounded both shocked and pleased.

"Nah Huh" he argued childishly.

"Yea Huh" Sirius mocked.

"Am not"

"Fine, but do me a favour and try to touch your nose with your finger" Sirius suggested to the confused boy.

"What are you talking about, old man?" he asked as he tried to rub Sirius up the wrong way.

"You know what I said Harry, do it and it'll make me happy concerning the fact that you're not drunk" this seemed to do it as Harry stretched his arms and attempted to bring his finger to his nose.

"There" he declared happily as he tapped the nose. Sirius just laughed out loudly while Katie and Fred joined him a moment later.

"Harry, that's Katie's nose" Sirius replied as he saw the reaction of Harry which was priceless as the young boy looked down at Katie, a sense of surprise graced his face.

"Maybe I'm an insy bit drunk" he accepted as he narrowed his fingers to show how drunk he was.

"Right Harry" Sirius openly mocked him which Harry didn't seem to catch on. "You know I love to speak with you Harry, but it is 3 in the morning"

"Three" he questioned the others.

"Yep, three o' clock" Fred confirmed as he looked at his watch.

"Cooooool" he slurred.

"Harry" Sirius spoke as he tried to get Harry's attention "Have a fun night, just don't do anything I wouldn't do. No wait, Lily would kill me for that piece of advice. Don't do anything that Lily wouldn't do. That's better. I think I'll leave you now before someone sees you from my end. Sirius out" Sirius ended the conversation as his head faded from the fire place.

"I love you, Sirius" Harry mumbled as he leant into the fireplace, unknowing to the fact that Sirius had disappeared a couple of seconds ago. "Something smells good" he smelt something cooking as he knelt further into the fireplace.

"FIRE" Fred suddenly screamed as Harry leaned away from the fire.

"Where" he asked, completely out of it as Katie took a step back while Fred clambered around the room, trying to find something that Harry.

"On you" Fred screamed as he clambered for a sheet.

"Oh Yeah" Harry mused as he continued like nothing was happening.

****************************END FLASHBACK****************************

That would explain the scorch marks

"Wow" Fred spoke as the group entered the Great Hall. Harry lifted his head upwards at the sound of Fred's awed voice, unprepared to see the scene in front of his eyes. Almost half of the students that were sitting at their table looked like complete and utter crap, resembling Vampires rather than human beings. A large proportion of the student population had their heads on the tables, probably cooling their heads against the coldness of the table.

"That must've been one hell of a party" Harry muttered with his mouth slightly open.

"Look at the Professors" Angelina hinted. Harry looked up towards them, surprised to see the absence of Flitwick and Snape, not that the latter would be missed. Dumbledore was sitting there, that damn twinkle in his eye was still present as he looked directly as him. He only realised at the last moment to avoid eye contact as he felt his mind spinning more than usual.

He isn't, is he? He is, that bastard



"HARRY" he was snapped out of his thoughts as George nudged him while yelling into his year. As he looked up, George indicated to walk to their seats, he responded by breaking into a walk as he made his way to the desk.

"Don't draw attention" Alicia commented. Harry took his seat, the others joining him almost instantaneously. Fred and George observed the room while Harry kept shut his eyes, trying to avoid any contact with the food that sat in front of him.

"This was such a bad idea" he muttered as he inhaled the smell of bacon. His head rifted down the table to see Ron eating the equivalent of an elephant in food. "How can he eat so much?"

"God knows, I swear that our families considered poor because of the food he gets through" George mused as he looked at his youngest brother. As he looked down the table George caught the sight of a very angry frizzy haired girl strutting down to their spot. "Hermione alert, 6 o'clock" he warned them.

Harry took a couple of seconds to understand the terminology of George's statement. He looked up slowly as he went through the different directions. 12 o clock

2 o'clock

4 o'clock

6 o'clock


Hermione did not look pleased to see him as he looked up at her. Her face seemed to look pissed as she made their way over to them. Finally she approached them, taking a seat next to him as he tried to look anywhere else other than the girl that seemed to be glaring at him.

The minutes ticked by in complete silence as he played with his food, trying to look busy. Unfortunately, Hermione wasn't considered one of the smartest witches of her generation for nothing as she saw right through his act.


"What" he tried to act innocent, this did not work.

"What-did-you-do?" she seemed to shake with fury as she hit his arm.

"What are you talking about?"

"Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick and Filch are in the infirmary. So, what did you do?" she asked him again as she kept the glare up.


"Wow, big bed for a small man" George observed as he looked at the small Professor wrapped up in his bed sheets.

"Maybe he's compensating for something" Harry suggested as he walked into the room, planning his next prank.

"I'll check" Fred replied as he attempted to walk in a straight line to the bed, lifting up the bed sheets in the process to check what Professor Flitwick was packing. "Wow, surprising. Come and have a look" Fred waved his hand towards the bed.

"Ewww, Frederick. I don't swing that way" Harry looked at the twin in shock as he looked under the sheets, amazed that Fred would do this, not even he would do that when while he was drunk. "Maybe I should take Angelina of your hands while you spend the night with Flitwick"

George who stood next to the drunk boy giggled as he saw his brothers face change through a number of expressions in a couple of seconds, finally resting on realisation of what he was doing as Fred dropped the sheet like it was infected with a deadly disease.

"Angelina does look editable tonight"

"Shut it, George"

"I bet Harry could get her into bed before you ever do" George continued to taunt his brother.

"Well, I bet Harry could get Alicia into bed before he ever gets Angelina into his bed"

"Deal" George stuck out his hand, only for his brother to shake which sealed the bet. "Now it's down to Har..." he trailed of as he tried to find the young apprentice. "Harry, where are you?" he whispered.

Fred seemed to have noticed this as he looked around the large room which was surprisingly ordinary sized. It had a slightly smaller than average wardrobe and a desk which was currently lean of work. The floor was stone instead of carpet which would've been used in the Common Room.


"WHAT" Harry finally replied as he slid from underneath the bed.

"What are you doing down there?"

"Screwing your sister" George didn't seem pleased with his sarcastic behaviour. "What the hell do you think I'm doing?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I did know would I"

"God, sometimes I think that I'm the brains of this outfit"

"Hay" Fred protested.

Harry continued without acknowledging Fred protests "I'm doing the thing that you've been teaching me to do"

"Oh" the twins responded in unison which always seemed to a little creepy to Harry.

"Yes Oh. Now be silent will you, then I'll focus on trying to bed your girlfriends" he held in a laugh as the twins realised Harry had heard the bed. A couple of minutes later in near silence made the task a lot quicker in completion. "Done" he declared happily.

"What have you done?" George seemed a little worried while Fred was excited.

"This" he brought his wand over to the bed, casting a spell silently. As the spell hit the bed the bed began to gently shake make Harry kick one of the bed posts to free the bed from its sitting position. As the bed became free of their bearings the bed hovered for a couple of seconds, steadying itself for the final act, an act which surprised the twins as the bed bolted into the air, eyes wide when they believed the bed would impact the ceiling.

"Harry" George warned him. "HARRY" he quickly averted his eyes as the bed was a mere couple of feet away from the ceiling.

Harry seemed bemused as he looked at George. "You worry too much"

"Can you blame me? You're becoming more risky than us."

"Talk for yourself" Fred announced proudly as he puffed out his chest. That made Harry smile as he viewed his work with a proud smile on his face, feeling like nothing could kill him while he was in this euphoric state.

**********************END FLASHBACK**********************

"So" she tapped her fingers on the wooden table in front of her. "Did you have something to do with it?"

"I think it would be wise for me and my associates" he trailed his hand over the twins "to not comment on that subject"

"Harry" she put on a tone that promised punishment if he didn't answer to her high standards.

In response, Harry placed his face deeper within his hands, swallowing the vomit that'd graced his throat just a moment ago. "A lot of stuff happened last night, Hermione. Some I can remember, some I can't"

She seemed to think this over for a moment until she finally found the emotion that she'd want to explore further. "I knew this would happen"


"I knew Fred and George would lead you down this path" the twin's reaction was to place a very surprised expression on their faces as they were dragged into the conversation.


"I should've tried harder to discourage you Harry and I'm sorry for that. But I can promise that I'll always be there to get you away from these two..." she waved her hands while trying to think of a word that could come out of a ladies mouth.




"WHAT?" she almost screamed as she heard her friend call her name for about the fourth time.

"Stop acting like a child, Hermione" Harry had had enough of Hermione talking down to him, acting like she was the superior person, like she knew what was best for him. "You're not my mother Hermione"

"I know I'm not"

"Then stop telling me what to do. I was the one that chose to hang out with these two" he waved his hand over to them, keeping his gaze locked on Hermione. "I was the one that organised the party" she gasped out that announcement.

Damn, didn't need to tell her about that

"Harr..." she trailed off as Harry held up his finger to stop her from talking.

"I wasn't finished" he told her. He continued in vain "I was the one that got absolutely smashed last night, leaving me with one hell of a hangover which I'm dealing with. I'm the one that decided to get a tattoo", kind off.

What's wrong with me?

"HARRY..." she seemed horrified that Harry would place a piece of a ink that could most likely never get removed.

"I'm the one that woke up in bed with a number of beautiful girls" he finally finished as he brought his gaze over to Angelina and Alicia, both of which blushed as they realised what he'd said. Hermione seemed to notice this silent proclamation as she looked at the two girls, angry that they would do this to Harry and a tad jealous that she wasn't there when it happened. "So, what do you have to say about that?"

Hermione went into a trance as her brain went into overdrive, going over all the information he'd given her, almost pushing it too far when she thought of the tattoo he'd received. She tried to keep the fact that Harry may have lost his virginity separate as she locked that away to deal with another day. She knew he had a point about him mothering him slightly but that was mainly because she was used to it being that way, her telling the boys what to do, even though she knew that Ron and Harry would probably do the opposite. This just added to the fact that Harry Potter was changing at an accelerated rate.

"I don't mean to mother you, Harry. It's just, I'm used to it, I suppose"

"I know, but this is my life, Hermione"

"I know. I just don't want you to throw it away."

"And I don't want to be controlled" he looked at her as she dropped her head in shame "I want you as a friend Hermione, but if you keep on trying to control my actions then I'd say our friendship has come to an end" he gave her the ultimatum.

"Harry" she seemed flabbergasted as Harry, her best friend gave her the ultimatum over their friendship, the person that'd save her from the troll, the same person that befriended her when no one else wanted to even talk to her. "I'm always with you, never forget that" she told him seriously. "Whatever you do, I will always stand by you, Harry"

"Anything" he baited her.

"Yes Harry, anything!" she stood by her belief, letting Harry with a window of opportunity as he brought her into a hug, well that was what she thought it was until Harry began to kiss up her neck, trailing small kisses and finally giving her a rather large hickey/love bite. Hermione meanwhile froze in shock as she felt Harry lips connect with her throat, both aroused and horrified as he did this in front of the entire student board; the only thing covering the ministrations was her bushy hair which was a definite plus in this situation.

As he separated he was witness to a very red face Hermione Granger who had a very strange look on her face, both anger and excitement seemed to have been mixed somewhat. "You did say anything" he reminded her as he knelt in again and kissed her quickly on the cheek before her reaction kicked back in.

Hermione's reactions kicked back in just before Harry turned back to his plate, a small smile graced his face as she pouted, trying to sought through her feelings for the young ever changing man. When she brought her focus back to her plate she noticed the gleeful smiles of Fred and George. "What" she puffed.

"Nothing, just looked like you enjoyed yourself" George replied as Harry's smile grew.

"Shut up, you two" she pointed her fork at the pair in a warning.

"Rule #54 George. Don't mess with a girl when they're carrying a sharp object" Harry interrupted as he rose a cup of water to his lips.

"Good point, Harry. I'll shut up" George smiled as both of the twins dropped their heads in unison. George followed Harry's example and picked up a bottle of orange juice, a bottle that resembled something from last night.


"Your turn Harry" Sophia announced as the bottle sat in the middle of the room with the entire group surrounded the glass bottle. Harry smiled as he reached for the bottle, knowing the chance of the bottle landing on the twins was pretty low.

The group had been playing spin the bottle for the past thirty minutes which had involved Fred making out with a reluctant Hayley, especially when the twin began to grope her which ended with a very sore cheek for the twin.

Harry spun the bottle, observing who it'd land on as it began to slow, finally landing on the girl, or woman that'd almost taken him to bed several times that evening.

"Sophia" he smiled as she crawled over to him, giving him a brilliant sight of her breasts as she crawled to him.

"Are you ready for me?" she whispered huskily.

"I'm always ready for you, baby" he smiled as he connected himself to her via her lips, tongue pushing into her mouth with force. Her hands went straight under his shirt as she played with his chest, scraping her nails which he seemed to like as he moaned into her mouth. His hands meanwhile were used to hold the pair upright as she put more force into the kiss.


They were knocked out of there perfect moment when Katie looked at her 'boyfriend' as he deepened the kiss, coughing to make them realise that they weren't alone.

Sophia smiled at Katie as she crawled over to Harry's date "Ahh, are you feeling left out" she smiled as she crawled over to Katie. "Let me make amends" Sophia's lips quickly captured Katie's which surprised the young Quidditch star as she didn't even have time to shut her mouth to stop Sophia to claim her mouth with her tongue. She couldn't help but moan as Sophia played with her clothed breasts.


"Fucking Hot"

The kiss was finished as Sophia disconnected, looking deeply into Katie's lust filled eyes. "There, now we're even" she smiled as she crawled back to her space while she looked at Harry hungrily, sending him a silent message of things to come.

"What are you staring at? It's your turn Fred" Sophia spoke as she passed him the bottle, covering her breasts because only certain Boys-Who-Lived had that privilege. Fred reached for it, not really paying attention as he spun it.

"Not again" Harry giggled from his position. The bottle had landed for the fifth time on his brother, refusing to kiss up to this point but this seemed to be fate as he caught the gaze of Hayley who had a evil grin plastered on her face.

"Come on, this is ridiculous"

"Its fate, the gods want to see this magnificent sight" Sophia raised her arms to the heavens in an act of a sacrifice.

"No way, I'm not going to kiss my brother" Fred argued.

"Ahh, come on Freddy" Angelina begged from his side. "It'd be a real turn on"

"Yeah George" Alicia smiled as she twirled her hair with her finger. "Please"

"NO" George responded to the begging girls. "I wouldn't even do it for a million galleons"

"Really" Fred asked his brother who seemed shocked. "Am I really that ugly that you wouldn't kiss me even for a million galleons?"

"Fred, you're my brother for god's sake" George argued like his brother was insane.

"Yeah, but I thought I was good looking, good enough for you at least" Fred pleaded against his brother, all reason leaving his head as the rest of the group seemed just as surprised about this twist in the tale.

"Fred, you're my twin for god sakes, so of course you're good looking"

"You lie, you think I'm ugly" Fred argued downheartedly.

"Fred" George tried to get his brother to get his attention. "FRED" he shouted. As the minutes passed by he picked up a glass of alcohol and downed it in one, crazy for even thinking this over.

As the seconds ticked by, George finally came to a decision. "5 seconds" George placed the amount of time that the kiss would commence for.

"20" Harry bartered on the time.






"Agreed" Harry shook George's hand as the twin agreed to the kiss. Amazed that Fred had somehow gotten his brother to agree to this. George looked back to his brother who seemed to have finally realised what he had done as a horrified expression graced his face. "You wanted it brother" George slurred drunkenly as he went in for the kiss.

Meanwhile the others all wore different expressions as the kiss between the twins deepened. Harry was shocked but couldn't turn away as his eyes seemed to be glued on the new 'couple', Angelina and Alicia were both turned on while the rest seemed to be giggling and in awe.

"Ewwww, no tongue" George moaned as he separated from his brother, wiping his tongue in his clothing.

"Then don't shove your tongue into my mouth"

"I didn't" George swore to the group as he looked at their doubtful expressions. "I didn't"

"Sure you didn't, George" Harry replied sarcastically as Alicia and Angelina treated there men, proud they would do that for them.

"That was so hot, George" Alicia responded as she climbed onto his lap.

"Yeah Fred" Angelina replied huskily. "Maybe you can persuade your brother to join us" she whispered in his ear as he looked up to see if she was kidding, she was not as she whispered all the things she would do for him if he did this one little thing.

"George" Fred called his name, surprising the teen. George got the point of the calling straight away as he looked at Angelina who was looking at him with a lustful look while being interlocked by his brother's shoulders. Fred put on the puppy dog face for him which would usually work in any other situation.

"No, just no"



"Hay, don't rule anything out just yet. The game hasn't finished yet, making the possibilities endless" Harry announced while downing his point. George looked at Harry with a new whole loathing of the boy who sat there with his arm looped around Naomi. The girls looked hopeful.

The possibilities were indeed endless

*******************************END FLASHBACK******************************

Gives a new meaning to brotherly love

Author's Notes:

What did you think? I've added a lemon if you want to read it

Please Read & Review (no, flames please) constructive criticism welcomed.

Bonus Flashback: Lemon

(Don't need to read it if you don't want to)


Unbelievable Pleasure

Blow your mind Pleasure

This was what the young teen was experiencing as he laid on the bed with a mop of brown hair over his groin, treating his manhood to the attention it needs. Katie Bell was stroking Harry's impressive 'wand' size as she used her tongue to tease the head which was received by moans from the young man that'd now placed a hand in her hair.

"Bloody hell, Katie" he moaned as she finally opened her mouth, letting his manhood into her wet and warm mouth which made Harry gulp for air as he felt the feeling as she used her hands at the base while using her mouth with the tip and further as she continued to drive down onto Harry.

Harry Potter was in heaven as this was happening, the way her tongue teased while her beautiful full lips moved up at down, adding to the sensation. Katie suddenly moaned out, causing vibrations around Harry's manhood, the reason for this moan was the girl that was positioned behind her, lying on her back. Sophia used her tongue as she massaged Katie's clitoris, managing on getting the girl off as Katie pleased Harry.

"I think that's enough Katie, he should be ready by now" Hayley suggested from the side as Naomi massaged her breasts with her while her fingers went in and out of her womanhood at extraordinary speeds as the girl got extremely wet as she continued to please her band mate.

When Katie heard this she grudgingly took her mouth of Harry's manhood, giving it a few more strokes just so he could cherish them. Of course Harry wasn't happy as he pouted adorably making Katie smile as she crawled up his chest, breasts dragging against his ribs in the process. "Don't worry Harry. This is only the beginning" she promised him as she positioned herself above Harry, grasping his manhood in her hand and aiming it towards her. "This is gonna blow your mind" she promised him, plunging down quickly which made Harry leave out a breath of hair as the pleasure nearly blew his mind.

"Fucking hell" he yelled as Katie began to move at a steady pace. When he got the ability to of his eyelids back he nearly had to shut them again as he saw the magnificent sight of Katie Bell bouncing up and down, doing magnificent things to her breasts making him reach out, pushing them upwards as he felt the pressure build up in his groin.

Seeing Harry intrigued by her breasts, she began to lean towards his mouth, offering herself to him which Harry realised immediately as his lips latched around her right nipple while his left hand massaged her other. He circled her nipple lovingly, biting down which got a small moan from the girl.

"That's it Harry" she whispered out of breath. When she got some time she looked around the room to see what the others were up to. Naomi was on her back as Sophia laid in between the young girls legs while she played with her breasts. Hayley meanwhile was looking and her and Harry lovingly as she had her legs spread while a wand was plunging into her warmth. Katie was immediately turned on as she signalled for the orange haired girl to join them, making Hayley crawl over to them.

When Hayley made it over to the couple she was immediately assaulted by Katie as she shoved her strong tongue into her mouth, massaging her tongue while one hand played with her breasts and the other went in between her legs, placing several fingers into the girls warmth.

"Jesus Christ" Hayley stuttered as she felt the supposedly inexperienced girl assault her like a pro. Harry heard this and halted his actions when it came to Katie's breasts, disappointing the girl as she leaned backwards with disappointed Hayley in the process. The reason for his actions was because he wanted Hayley badly. Hayley saw this as she grinned an evil smile as she positioned her heat above Harry's mouth.

"Lick" Hayley told him. He looked at her with a confused expression as he'd never done this before. "Lick" she repeated.

Here goes nothing

Harry sighed as he slowly intended his tongue as she brought her heat lower for him to envelop him. As his tongue contacted he could already taste her, the taste and smell of which were...AMAZING! This left to him feasting as he licked greedily over her warmth, every now and then grazing over a nub which seemed to make her lose control as she clamped her legs around his head while moaning his name.

This was the ultimate fantasy as Harry met Katie as he thrust into her while Hayley was on top of him as he attacked her heat and just to top it off, the girls were making out above him as he heard the sounds of the tongues going into each other's mouths.

"HARRY" Katie yelled as she began to buckle on his manhood, coating his 'wand' with her juices as Harry followed as he erupted like a volcano into her, coating her in his juices. Hayley came a moment later as she filled Harry's mouth with her own juices.

"Wow" Hayley sighed as she dropped to the side of Harry.

"How'd I do?" he gasped for air as Katie dropped on his other side.

"Sloppy but determined" Hayley laughed as she gave her grade.


"I'd say you're a stallion, Harry"

Thank god I placed a pregnancy ward on this room