
Rebelling Against Heaven

In a world where cultivation reigns supreme, Liang Chen, a young and determined cultivator, embarks on a perilous journey to defy the shackles of fate and forge his own path to surpass the heavens.

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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20 Chs

the power of totems

Two days later, Liang Chen woke up to a splitting headache.

"What the… where am I?"

Those were the first words that came out of his mouth reflexively but soon his memory started returning and Liang Chen immediately just up looked around only to discover that the whole formation he drew on the ground had disappeared so he immediately knew that he had successfully imprinted the tattoo on his body. If it was not successful, there would have been blood splatters all over the ground.

Liang Chen could feel strength coursing through his body and knew he had grown stronger thus he immediately decided to put his strength to the test, he knew exactly who his opponent was going to be but he had only one problem and that was how to get out of the hole. The only way he could do so was to climb out.

'To climb out of this hole would be a problem and immediately I go out I have to be ready for battle in case that guy is still waiting for me up there '

'But first I need to practice to get used to my strength'

Without delay, Liang Chen started doing some of his martial arts exercises and without a doubt, his abilities had increased

'damn I've grown strong, exercises I used to find difficult and now way too easy and my speed has increased to '

'When I fight that guy, it is not going to end the same'

Liang Chen continued in this way for the next two hours and then lay down to have a nap. An hour later he got up fully rested and started climbing. He climbed slowly but steadily and discovered that his breath was still even after climbing more than half of the hole.

The darkness at this point has started receding and he even started to hear sounds from above. A full 30 minutes later Liang Chen finally climbed out and although he felt a little tired he was still ready to fight whenever it came.

As expected the karil snake did not disappoint, one could already see its serpentine body with black scales and white lines curving in the forest and approaching Liang Chen with speed.

"Ha, finally I get to take my vengeance on this bastard"

Laing Chen immediately jumped and threw a punch at the snake's head and one could hear cracking and could hear the snake flying backward. It hissed in pain and deep within its intelligent eyes one could see a hint of fear and confusion. It curled its body and prepared for the second attack and the clash continued. To Liang Chen's surprise, he felt like he was getting stronger during the battle. One could observe that the snake had been seriously injured and was trying to escape but how could Liang Chen allow that?

Liang Chen wanted to kill the snake and finally got the opportunity so he wasn't going to let it go. He still bore a grudge after being terrorized by the snake.

A little while later the snake finally dies from all the injuries it had sustained and seeing the corpse of the serpent lying there liang chen could not help being proud of himself. He took out a knife from the satchel, cut up the snake carcass well, and started making barbecue. It has been some time since he ate good food.

After eating Liang Chen realized that the quantity of meat he had eaten today was enormous.

"What is up with my appetite, could it be that with my increase in strength comes an increase in my food consumption?"

"Oh well what a price to pay"

Sigh " The price one must pay for power…Anyway I am willing to sacrifice and eat to my heart's content if this is what it takes '

"Sigh, the troubles of a common man"

"It's time to continue training, I need to fight more in other to better understand my power therefore, for the next week I will stay here hunting beast."

Thinking again for a little while Liang Chen stood up and headed off to search for more beast within the forest.

"No time to waste"

Throughout the next few days, Liang Chen hunted and killed many demonic beasts in the surrounding area, and sensing that he had grown more powerful he no longer felt any threat in this part of the forest. Nothing could pose a challenge to him so he decided on heading deeper in the forest.

As he went deeper he kept fighting with demonic beasts here and there until today he was standing in a clearing and standing opposite him was a fire leopard.

This beast emitted a scorching heat from its body as it glared at Liang Chen with seeding killing intent then it made its move. It opened its paw and one could see sharp claws coming out as it immediately attacked Lang Chen from above. The leopard was very fast and its attacks came very frequently, each attack released waves of heat that constantly put pressure on Liang Chen.

He did not give up and wanted a test of endurance with the leopard. The battle was very difficult for Liang Chen as he was already bleeding a lot and his movements had become clumsy. But Liang Chen did not give up and kept attacking and suddenly he felt his finger go into the body of the leopard. It was only for a moment so he couldn't be sure so he observed his hands and saw blood stains on one of his fingers, he also saw blood oozing from the side of the leopard and figured it had something to do with him

'What is this around my hand'

Liang Chen was in doubt but had no time to think as he could not be distracted. It might cost him his life. The battle continued but the flow of the fight was not the same as Liang Chen could severely injure the leopard with every strike and after a few minutes the beast fell dead.

Liang Chen looked at the ethereal-looking aura-like claw shape around his hand and understood this had increased his attack and penetrating power. At this moment Liang Chen did not know that during the fight when his satchel fell, a bowl had fallen out of it. This was the same bowl he drank water from inside the hole when he almost died. His blood had dropped on it and some subtle transformations were happening to the bowl but Liang Chen didn't notice it because he a preoccupied. He cut open the beast to get it ready for barbecue when his knife struck a solid object within the beast.

He removed it and it was some kind of gem glowing fiery red. Just as he was wondering what this was he heard a voice say

"Hand it over"