
Rebelling Against Heaven

In a world where cultivation reigns supreme, Liang Chen, a young and determined cultivator, embarks on a perilous journey to defy the shackles of fate and forge his own path to surpass the heavens.

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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20 Chs

increasing strength

After their return, life seemed to settle back into its usual rhythm for Liang Chen and the gang members. However, something incredible had transpired in the two months since their journey into the forest. The ten members who had received totems from Liang Chen had undergone a remarkable transformation. They had swiftly risen to become renowned star hunters, accomplishing numerous missions and amassing substantial wealth for the gang. With their newfound resources, they financed the marking of totems for other gang members, gradually strengthening the entire group. The gang's status soared, and their influence extended throughout the kingdom of Zhou, making them the wealthiest and most powerful gang in the entire country.

The sudden rise of an ordinary gang to such unprecedented power left many in disbelief. How could a group that had once been considered insignificant now wield such extraordinary might? The answer eluded them.

In the grand hall of the Blood Saber Gang, Chief Ouyang presided over a meeting. Reports were presented detailing the progress of each member, while Chief Ouyang, now adorned with three bronze stars on his robe, signifying his elevation to a 3rd level Qi Condensation cultivator, exuded a newfound youthfulness and exuberance.

"Chief, our businesses are flourishing, and our net worth grows with each passing day. Feel free to peruse the books for further details," reported one member.

"Excellent. What about our mission completion rate?" Chief Ouyang inquired.

"With each new member who receives a totem, our resources increase. However, the costs of imbuing totems offset our income," another member interjected.

"So, we need to expand our resource stream," Chief Ouyang concluded.

"Yes, Chief."

"Very well. We shall discuss this further at our general assembly in a month. For now, maintain the status quo. And what about the other gangs? Have they posed any recent challenges?" Chief Ouyang questioned.

"No, Chief. They wouldn't dare," a member confidently replied.

Chief Ouyang nodded, instructing the gang not to exert excessive influence over smaller gangs as long as they paid their levies. All seemed well.

With the meeting adjourned, Liang Chen was notably absent. He immersed himself in cultivation, striving to break through the next stage of the Nine Astral Transformations. Having cleared all his orifices, his strength had skyrocketed, especially after merging with the Ice Flood Dragon. Though the totem on his back indicated that he had yet to fully assimilate all the energy, his steady progress in strengthening his body was evident.

After successful integration with the Ice Flood Dragon, its image manifested on Liang Chen's body. When he entered combat mode, dragon horns adorned his head, and scales covered his hands and legs, enhancing both his offense and defense. His nails transformed into durable and razor-sharp claws, impervious to damage from conventional weapons. Liang Chen tested them against a blade, only to find them completely unscathed. Furthermore, his aura now exuded an icy chill, capable of freezing anything in its path. Though it lacked the power to harm others at present, Liang Chen anticipated that its potency would increase in the future. The ongoing changes to his body promised continuous augmentation until he completely absorbed the totem's power.

The next stage of the Nine Astral Transformations, known as the Bone-Form Transformation, involved drawing astral qi into the bones to fortify them. Successful completion of this stage would imbue the bones with a radiant, star-like glow, rendering them impervious to harm from weapons or any form of attack.

Within his icy chambers, Liang Chen emanated a dragon-like presence. Dragon horns adorned his head, though he remained oblivious to their manifestation, deeply engrossed in meditation. Cultivating his bones proved to be a daunting task. The previous strengthening from the totem art had already made his bones incredibly robust, making further reinforcement a formidable challenge.

As Liang Chen concentrated, astral qi swirled around his bones, only to disperse after some time. The objective of the Nine Astral Transformations was not merely to gain strength but to transform into an astral being capable of efficiently absorbing large quantities of astral qi. Currently, Liang Chen struggled to gather even a small amount, and when he did, it failed to penetrate his bones, dispersing instead—a source of immense frustration. Yet, he persevered, hoping that with each attempt, a glimmer of progress would emerge. After persisting for over six hours, just as he was on the verge of giving up, a strand of astral qi finally infiltrated his bones, circulating within them. Witnessing this breakthrough, Liang Chen felt a surge of joy.

Although completing this stage would demand considerable time, Liang Chen was undeterred. Utilizing his mental orifice, he peered inside his body, observing a minuscule section of his skeleton where tiny stars rotated within the bone. The sight filled him with contentment. After three more hours of effort, he succeeded once again. Satisfied with his progress, Liang Chen decided to take a break and nourish himself with food. A smile graced his face as he savored the knowledge that he grew stronger with each passing day, eagerly anticipating the fulfillment of his hidden objectives. All that remained was to attain the strength he sought.