
Rebelling Against Heaven

In a world where cultivation reigns supreme, Liang Chen, a young and determined cultivator, embarks on a perilous journey to defy the shackles of fate and forge his own path to surpass the heavens.

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Humiliation, rebellious words

Liang Chen standing there looked at these two master and disciple in indignation, he did not wish to kneel and kowtow to anyone in this life or the next so he thought of going against the demands but looking at the coldness in Heartless' eyes and the slight smirk at the corner of his mouth, Liang Chen knew that is exactly what he wanted, for him to refuse and provide immortal Jiang with a reason to kill him. Nevertheless, Liang Chen was still hesitant deep within his heart but as time passed he began to feel a pressure come down on him, wanting to bring him to his knees but the pride in him could not allow this. Liang Chen thought he had successfully resisted when he felt the pressure disappear. He knew he was not the opponent of Jiang Nan but he never thought he couldn't resist just the spiritual pressure after putting in six years of intensive training.

This was why he felt very satisfied as though he had proven himself when he felt the spiritual pressure withdraw without successfully making him kneel, only when he lifted his head did he know how wrong he was.

He looked at Jiang Nan and saw the playful look on his face as though a cat playing with a mouse. He saw the disdain in his eyes

'Those eyes, could it be I am still not different from an ant in their eyes?'

'Are the immortals really that powerful?'

'What has my training been for all these years

As these thoughts kept running in Liang Chen's mind he felt an irresistible pressure emanating from Immortal Jiang Nan, a pressure he could not resist.

Liang Chen understood that he would either kneel here today or die

'No, I'd rather die than live an ignoble existence, live without dignity '

As the thoughts kept repeating he asked himself

'But what is my existence, what is my dignity in front of an immortal, what is the dignity of an ant in front of an elephant if it can just be squashed anytime the elephant wants'

'If I die here then what's the purpose of the hardships I've had to undergo all these years '

'Ten years is never too long for a gentleman to get his revenge, I will bid my time and look for an opportunity to start getting stronger '

At this thought Liang Chen gradually went down to his knees, lowered his head, and kowtow.

This caused Jiang Nan to raise an eyebrow as from his little understanding of this young man since they met he thought this man would rather break than bend. This made him look at the young man in a different light but the disdain in his eyes never left After all trash is still trash. Is a large Ant still not an ant? He didn't have time to pay attention to existences that are destined to live their lives in mediocrity.

"A wise man submits to circumstances"

"Lord immortal, may I leave now?"

Liang Chen stood up and asked and realizing that Jiang Nan did not want to pay further attention to him, he turned and left. As he was leaving he heard Jiang Nan order for the continuation of the examination but that had nothing to do with him but he could feel the burning gazes of the onlookers and the pity on their faces. This brought him great pain and he slowly walked out of the village


"Immortality, power, do these words have no fate with me?... haha haha fate, what is fate? Why should it be my fate to have no destiny with the path of cultivation"

"Who decides who gets to cultivate and who doesn't?"

"Heaven, yes, it's heaven, Chief Ouyang once told me, cultivation is an act that defies the heaven and to be immortal is to seize longevity from the heavens, but... Is that really the truth? If the heavens can decide who gets to be born with a spiritual root, it means those that cultivate don't defy the heavens but follow heaven's chosen path for them".

"Haha haha haha so before I was born I was already forsaken by heaven...what a joke"


"If heaven forsakes me then I will find my own path that will rival the immortals. Yes, I must, ... I have to,... I will"

Liang Chen was currently sitting in a small forest beside the Village, drunk, and he had been like this for a day and a night.

He lay there not knowing what to do, he knew that practicing martial arts was a dead end but what could he do, he had no idea of how to move forward other than to keep training but this time he would sharpen his battle prowess by facing his mortality in combat.

As the last thought ran through his mind he got up and slowly moved south towards the direction of the southern mountain ranges.

It will be a long time again before anyone will lay eyes on him.