
Rebelling Against Heaven

In a world where cultivation reigns supreme, Liang Chen, a young and determined cultivator, embarks on a perilous journey to defy the shackles of fate and forge his own path to surpass the heavens.

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Liang Chen examined the memories and was excited but not as much as he was first introduced to this new path

'Thank you senior, for your faith in me, I will not let you down and I will try everything within my power to make this path my ' Liang Chen thought

Liang Chen now knew what he had to do and nothing could stop him so he decided to sit down and start looking through the orifice-clearing transformation stage.

For the orifice clearing stage, there were thirteen orifices to be cleared and each one had a corresponding benefit: they were,

The mind orifice; is located on the forehead and when cleared it allows the speed of your thoughts to increase and also increases your body's connection to the mind allowing one to have a faster reaction to any scenario

The eyes; This orifice was very important as it allowed one to see things fast and quickly which allows the brain to interpret them faster. One sees clearly and further and has greater attention to details. It also allows one to be able to possess and activate visual techniques

The nostril; increases the sense of smell which could be useful in certain situations

The ears; increase the sensitivity of the ears allowing one to pick up frequencies that normal people can't

The mouth; allows one to be able to cultivate sound techniques

The heart; allows one easy access to the blood and other internal organs and makes it easier to strengthen them

The hands; This orifice helps with response and increases strength

The legs; This orifice helps to increase the response and speed of the individual

Now the challenge Liang Chen faced was unlocking them—he knew it was not going to be easy.

He sat down in a meditative position and started with the mind orifice, It is important to note that the orifices can be unlocked in any other.

Liang Chen began directing astral qi towards his forehead and this was easy because any astral qi that was not used to refine his body was stored in the astral star on his forehead. As he pulled the astral qi to the point between his brows he did not find much success at first but through his persistent effort he finally saw some result—he noticed that some of the qi that he pulled there gradually disappeared and he could not explain where it disappeared to, all he knew was that he started noticing slight fluctuations at that point, he knew if he continued like that he would surely succeed.

Liang Chen stayed in that position and other than meditation, the only thing he did was hunt during the hunting process he fought with a lot of beasts and although his strength had increased he knew it was not from the nine transformations technique but from the totem cultivation. Now when he starts battle one could notice the image of a flood dragon behind him and every action he did was mimicked by the dragon image as though he was a puppeteer.

Even though the nine transformation technique did not help him increase his strength he knew it was just the beginning of the technique.

Right now using the totem art he could battle the newly advanced middle-rank 1 demonic beast and he was very happy about this.

After more than a week of living a life of hunting and meditating, Liang Chen felt intense fluctuations coming from between his brows today as though a gate to another world was going to open up soon. He was ecstatic and just kept stimulating till he heard a kacha sound as though something within him had cracked then he felt a cool and soothing feeling wash over his mind and body.

The feeling was quite pleasant and gave Liang Chen a sense of liberation—he felt like he had broken through a limit today, something that had been holding him back preventing him from achieving his full potential.

As he opened his eyes he felt that his reasoning faculties had improved—he could not quite place his hands on this feeling but every little thought of his came to a completion with extreme speed and he felt like he was not living up to his full potential.

liang chen got up and went hunting again and after about two days he decided not to stay any longer on this mountain—he did not delay and immediately acted upon it and left but this time it could be seen that his speed had greatly increased and a journey that could take him a whole day in the beginning on took about three hours now and within the day Liang chen walked out of the forest. 

He turned, looked at the mountain and the village to the side and a lot of memories came to mind. He walked in a martial artist and walked out an astral cultivator