
Student Welcome Ceremony(05)

"Solace aren't you glad ,we are in same class?"(Ignia)

Solace didn't replied as he still considered what he should do so he could have peaceful school live.Ignia knows what he is brother thinking and didn't bother him any longer and sit right behind him. On other hand lily eyes still a dot?After all she never considered for Solace to have that kind of relationship.

"Was Solace is a siscon?Thought his past action indeed hint toward that kind of thing."(Lily)

If Solace knows what Lily thinking he would surely cry. On other hand,even thought there is numerous killing and jealous gaze toward Solace. There was a single curious glance at him.Thought it soon vanish . While the teacher continued to explain about what they study for 3 whole year and what they need to graduate,but soon stopped saying anything as no one bother to listen to him. He then sighed.Then the teacher bring them to sport field ,There is bunch of student from other class too..But's 1/3 of student here is second year. Soon the teacher make an petty excuse and leave every the 'student alone'. Since it was like that,Solace find empty corner and start reading book on his PDA. Lily followed Solace and sit beside him while peeking on the book he read. Ignia want to do it but immediately surrounded and started asked question by many people,Unlike Lily who was infamous,Ignia was famous for being honor student,school flower and many things. But Ignia was most famous for being Flame user and her N-gene is S Rank,that's why many people want to pursue her as they want to rise in higher position. Ignia keep answering like good girl,but inside she blame her brother for not helping her.

Solace of course knows what Ignia thinking,but he didn't move. Mother order's was only to protect them from danger,not from buzzing fly. Also,Ignia kept spouting nonsense made him too lazy to move. For example,Ignia is said they already going out since childhood,and Solace so overprotective

at her. Lily at first also want to know about Solace and try to listen to ignia. Well Technically she wasn't lying,since Solace often followed ignia to make sure ignia didn't stir a trouble,while he being so overprotective is also True. It's her tamother order to protect her from shadow in exchange He is taught sniper skill . Also for the record of it,Solace only shoot the people who try to harm her or bully her and such. Even thought it was like that ,Ignia solve majority of problem that's why there is no need for him to act. Soon,All of their phone rang and notice there is a same notice ,which is +1000SC to everyone.

"Solace,looks like it's time for you to start moving."(Lily)

Solace take out his notebook and write something then show it to Lily. Lily read it and at the same time Solace stand up.

"There is no need."(Solace)

Since the trouble already coming to him. No he was surrounded,by majority of student. Well of course...Solace belong to E rank ,which means normal human. The reason why second years know ,probably because they researched for a student who is easy to bully.That's why there is no more better prey than him. Even thought they surrounded him ,Solace didn't bring any weapon with him since before going the teacher told him to leave every weapon on class.Since it was like that he didn't bring his weapon weapon with him and fighting people with N-gene ability is impossible or so people thought. Solace prepared to fight,but Lily already take off the scarf and chill aura enveloped the whole area ,even their classmate from far away feel it. Ignia also felt it.

"I see,No wonder She is asking for brother help.She was a monster after all."(Ignia)

Ignia muttered it and only examine lily power .She try to do a little experiment,While observing the of people. Thought these people are a fool,but not they are completely fool either.Someone who got the infamous princess protection isn't someone you can easily bully and they didn't want to risk their

life for 1 thousand SC. But on other hand Solace pick the scarf and throw it toward Lily face. The cold immediately subsided. lily who is confused immediately asked her?

"What are you stopping me for?"(Lily)

Solace then take out his notebook and write something.

"10 SC For Each new Information. Limited to 20 people."(Solace)

Read that everyone dumbfounded,but soon a guy started surround him,Lily who were beside him didn't understand his action,while Ignia who were far away also begin doing the same and begin asking the senior but the female one especially. After around an hour ,Ignia go toward her brother and asked.

"Brother,Let's compare the information we got."(Ignia)

Solace nod and write on something on his notebook and show it toward Lily.

"Lily ,take off your scarf and use your power to make sure no one go near us."(Solace)


The area surrounding him immediately begin to freeze,but both of Ignia and Solace were fine with it. Lily on other hand felt similar feeling from ignia and noticed like herself ,Ignia held similar item but at the same time different. The white flame just what is it?Lily deep inside thought,some people try to send some drone,but it freeze in mid air and Lily immediately freeze the drone controller which lead it to unusable.

After 15 minutes,Lily got a private message from Solace on her phone,While Lily wondering how Solace got her phone number,but Lily didn't ask him anything and slowly read through the message.

SC(School coin)

-Can be used to buy everything at school shop(Any shop in school).

-Can be transferred between student and school's attendant.

-Reward from school's task.

-1000 SC is rewarded every week.

-Further Information will be added as we still didn't know it is true or not .

Lily then look toward both of them and said.

"Thank you,Ignia,Solace."(Lily)

"I only do it for big brother,There is no need to thank me."(Ignia)

Ignia didn't dare to look at Lily,she is still bit happy to be praised and she didn't want to show any weakness toward lily. While,Solace already resumed his cold demeanor and started reading the book. 1 hours later ,the teacher is back and 50% majority of people Sc were taken,There is even a guy who only left with 10 SC.Also.A student even sent to clinic. Some of new student even protest while the teacher only said.

"Do you know? If you form a group you won't be bullied. Since the bully wasn't that strong enough to deal with 30-40 people at once.So,it's your own fault for being arrogant."(Teacher)

"Then teacher,do you ask us to be like him and be protected like loser?"(Student 1)

One of student said that as he pointed on Solace who is on the back??Without one noticing ,Solace already gone . All of the classmate wondered where he goes,but 5 minutes later Solace come back with some 3 smartphone on his hand,seeing that the classmate immediately become baffled...but Solace ignored them and then pass it to Ignia who

"Distribute this equally for they who lost their SC,I will play you 100 SC later."(Solace)

The teacher is dumbfounded but do as he said. Deep inside ,He is really curious about him,but there is someone glared at him and made him unable to ask anything. Obviously the one who glare at the teacher was Ignia. Just shut up and do your job!!Her eyes conveyed that to teacher and then she glare to the student who mock her brother. The student immediately cowered in fear.While Lily who followed him know that Solace is taking the SC not for his classmate,but for himself. He pick the 6 weakest second year and defeat them quickly then took their smartphone .Right now there are still human pillar on toilet on the first floor..

After the SC is divided ,the rest of the classmate immediately calm down. But then one petite girl approach him.Then bowed to him.

"Thanks,I owe you one."(Girl?)

After that the girl(?) parting from him ,while Ignia have her eyes become dot and Lily wondering another else.

"Brother,Is she a trap?"(Ignia)

Trap refer to a man who have appearance of cute girl. Of course Solace didn't respond as it was obvious he wasn't a trap. While Ignia kept rubbing her eyes as she can't believe it . Lily is more curious about the beautiful guy from before,from his tone...He know it was Solace deed instead of her. While the other student think it was her,only him who believe in Solace's is who helped them instead of her. Also,she have seen him before and Lily was sure of it. Soon the teacher clap both of his hand and they immediately going back to their own classes. While on their way,they noticed majority of people SC also taken and notice how lucky they are. They immediately thanked Lily who they think helped them. Lily only give a disgusting look toward them,then she remembered a question that Solace didn't answer yet.Lily then whispered toward Solace.

"Solace,Why you take all of their SC?Don't you afraid of their revenge?"(Lily)

Solace is silent for a while,but then he take out his notebook and replied to her with it.

"I want to the check the depth of water,You can never know how dangerous the lake is without knowing its depth ."(Solace)

"Just make sure,you don't hurt yourself in process."(Lily)

"There is no need for your concern."(Solace)

Solace write it as soon as Lily finished talking. Lily then stopped questioning him anything. Once he arrived at their class,the teacher than begin to explain some study curriculum and which classes must be taken. But Students quickly get bored,majority of them of started ignoring what the teacher says. Some of them event started throwing paper trash toward Solace. Solace Ignored it all and continued write something on his notebook,while Lily also do this as she was really interested in school. Thought Ignia on other hand write something on his notebook the list of name that throw trash toward her brother and prepare punishment especially for them. 30 Minutes later the teacher finished explaining and told all of them to stand up and go toward gym hall like before.

The student immediately grumbled ,but The Trap from before immediately rush toward gym hall and this only not happen to him,a few from student from other class also run toward gym hall,While majority of them didn't understand,Solace already running followed behind the Guy from before.

While running,Solace take out his notebook and throw it in front of the guy,where the guy barely catch it. It's written,"Which class I shouldn't take and which class I should take?,you owe me nothing after this".Solace already searched for information about the school before,but he didn't know it was true or not,It's better for him to crosscheck with other people. The trap is quit for a moment but then open his mouth.

"Class 14,23,39,41,44,while the course you should take for score is ,13,21,34,40,43 and for knowledge is 1,5,8,34,47. This is just 5 classes,The rest can be choose freely ,also I still owe you a lot. This isn't enough to pay what i owe to you.You will understand when you see the price of the class."(Beautiful trap?)

Solace then continued running and notice while the first year class booths still empty ,the second and third class year already packed with student. Solace immediately check the board and noticed how expensive for good class,for example the class 13 which teach basic 'Monster knowledge ' have price 1000k Sc,which is all every first year barely can afford and there is much more expensive than that,There is much more class more expensive but Solace buy as the trap suggested. Solace bought all 5 class for 5 student and still leftover with 5 K SC. The trap From before also buy Class 34,but the rest is all of the worst class which is cost absolutely zero. As they finished ,the rest of student come and slowly buy the rest of class,some Idiot even buy all the free classes. Will they regret it or not ,only They will know a year later. Ignia and Lily later rejoin Solace with bunch of food at their hand.

"Solace,why you told us to buy food for 4 people."(Lily)

"Are you hungry?"(Ignia)

Both of them were ignored,instead Solace stand up and approach the 'Trap' From before then he go toward the trap beside him.

"What do you want."(Trap?)

Then he take out his notebook and write something on it.

"You are repeater right?"(Solace)