
Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Nameless, Unknown, Forgotten in the passage of time. A man suddenly awakens inside a dark place, crawling out from a suffocating Coffin. With no memories about his past. Driven by an unyielding determination to survive, the man sets on a journey to recover his memory. With each step, revealing a fragment of his forgotten and dark past with the help of a being inside him contently speaking inside his head, and the people that he meets in his journey. A journey that will change the shape of the world because the man Knows one way to answer any problem. Wrath and destruction. *** Hello everyone this is Pride from Shadow Library. First I just want to tell you all, that this is my first novel and English is not my first language so there will be some mistakes. second. I hope you enjoy the ride with me as we delve deep in the story. my goal is to write a story I want to read later and I hope you share this passion with me as a reader, and always remember: The only thing that matters is a good story. One more thing, the story sometimes delves into dark themes, especially when the MC displays his brutality, so please read with caution. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/g5MxH7mkAB Contact Instagram:@Shadow_library_ Support the author: https://www.patreon.com/ShadowLibrary

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasy
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169 Chs

Chapter 97: Tent Of Revelations

"Ouch! My head"

Lying on a rigid bed, Aron slowly parted his eyes in bewilderment. Initially, his vision was hazy as he attempted to decipher his surroundings.

As the fog in his mind lifted, Aron realized he couldn't identify the place he found himself in. Sharpening his senses, he quickly tried to rise from the bed, prepared to summon Python.

"Ugh!" A sharp pang shot through his body the moment he attempted to leave the bed, forcing Aron to bite his lips forcefully to stifle any sound.

Determined, he thought, 'I must find the others.'

Awakening alone in a large tent was both peculiar and unsettling. From what he could remember, there were no tents in the villages, or at the very least, he was certain he hadn't encountered one this sizable.

Concerned about Raum and the girls, Aron endured the pain and compelled himself to sit up. When he uncovered himself, he halted. Surveying his form, Aron observed bandages scattered across his body.

Sniff. Sniff.

'Now that I think about it, the place smells of medicines.'

Noticing some herbs, empty healing potions, and used bandages on a small table next to him.

Aron relaxed momentarily, reassured that his injuries had been tended to with care. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Aron surmised that whoever treated him harbored no ill intentions. He also speculated that the tent was situated somewhere in the village or its proximity.


"!!!" The sudden noise abruptly interrupted his thoughts, prompting Aron to snap his attention toward the source of the disturbance.

He witnessed a young woman with blond hair and blue eyes, who had just dropped a pot of warm water on the ground. The woman stared fixedly at him without blinking or moving, frozen in place.

"Who are–" confusion etched on his face, Aron narrowed his eyes "...Pethra?"

Upon hearing her name, tears welled up in her eyes, and Pethra couldn't restrain herself any longer, leaping at Aron and enveloping him in a tight embrace.

"Is it really you, Aron?..." Pethra's voice trembled with a blend of disbelief and overwhelming emotion as she clung to him. "…I'm not dreaming? Yes?"

"Eh?...of course, it's me," relief washed over Aron as he wrapped his arms around Pethra, seeking more of her warmth. Yet, as he witnessed her tears and felt her trembling, a disconcerting theory insinuated itself into his mind, supported by the physical changes in Pethra.

She matured by a few years, with longer hair, a decently-developed figure, a bigger chest, and some curves here and there. Her face exhibited greater maturity, with less innocence compared to before.

Aron delicately cradled her face, wiping away the tears and scrutinizing the subtle signs of the passage of time.

"Pethra, how... How much time has passed?" Aron asked cautiously, a sense of unease settling in his stomach.

"Three days"

"What?...Repeat that"

Pethra chuckled, fully comprehending Aron's astonishment.

"Did I change that much?" she playfully queried.

A stunned Aron responded with a single word, "Yeah."

"Hehehe~...Imagine my shock when I first awoke, witnessing the changes."

"Pffftt…I bet the look on your face was priceless," he remarked, tousling her new lengthy blond hair.

"Indeed, I was grateful that no one witnessed me running around naked attempting to find something to cover myself with…haaah! That was embarrassing."

The two gazed at each other for a while before erupting into laughter. Their laughter echoed within the tent, breaking the tension and bringing a sense of safety and calmness.

Aron, still chuckling, remarked, "I know what you mean; it happened to me too."

Pethra raised her eyebrows in surprise, "OH! Did you experience an abrupt growth where your clothes no longer fit you?"

"NO! Not that one," shaking his head, Aron recounted, "I woke up in a cave naked, and I didn't realize I was naked until I found a mirror in a room after fighting some goblins."

"Mm…" Pethra nodded. "I see…Now I understand."

Aron blinked. "Understand what?"

"Well, I understood that the sole reason you triumphed against those goblins was that when they beheld your 'Abomination,' they were so shocked they couldn't fight—...Ouch! Ouch!" Pethra winced as Aron playfully pinched both her cheeks.

He flashed a wicked grin. "Control your dirty thoughts, young lady."


Aron held her face, gently rubbing the red spots on her cheek. His eyes softened with a hint of sadness.

"I'm sorry, my little witch. I should have been more careful–"

Pethra didn't let him finish; she placed a finger on his mouth, cutting off his words.

"It was never your fault, Aron. It's this world's fault for allowing so many sick and malevolent people to live and abuse their strength."

Looking at Aron lovingly, Pethra leaned closer and planted a small kiss on his lips. Soft and tender, the kiss conveyed a shared understanding, deepening the connection between the two.

In that moment, both Aron and Pethra felt a link forming, a connection transcending the physical realm. It was as if their souls entwined, each holding a part of the other.

Pethra closed her eyes, savoring and seeking more of this feeling. The world beyond the tent faded away, leaving only the warmth of their embrace and the gentle rhythm of their breaths.

As the kiss concluded, Pethra gazed into Aron's eyes with newfound intensity.

"I love you, Aron. You're the best thing that happened to me in my whole life; only with you have I experienced what freedom truly means." She paused, searching for any reaction from Aron. Seeing him smile gently as he always did, Pethra felt joy.

"And I'm not going to let this freedom and happiness be taken away from me." Gently placing a hand on his cheek, Pethra added, "So, please, Aron, don't leave me alone. Okay?"

Aron held Pethra's hand on his cheek, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions. He leaned closer, placing his forehead on hers.

"Never. I'll always be here as your anchor in this chaotic world. I won't leave you alone willingly."

Pethra smiled, comforted by Aron's words, and they remained in that intimate moment. She tried to kiss him again. However…

"BOSS! You're awake….Oh!"

Freya barged into the tent, stopping upon seeing the intimate contact between Aron and Pethra.

Instead of becoming angry at the presence of another woman with her partner, Freya turned around, attempting to leave.

"Sorry, wrong timing. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"It's fine, Freya; stay," Pethra spoke, preventing the Werewolf from exiting.

Aron squinted his eyes, carefully observing the scene, noting several details from their interactions alone.

'Their relation is different now, they seem closer like genuine sisters; hmm… The events must have strengthened their bond.'

When Freya was nailed to that wall, she was both conscious and unconscious at the same time. The Black nails restrained her, keeping her in a peculiar state between wakefulness and slumber.

Because of that state, she was able to perceive her surroundings without the ability to interact, including the moment when Pethra freed her. Witnessing the blonde girl endure all that suffering and shedding tears for her deeply moved Freya. Pethra's sacrifice had secured a distinct place in Freya's heart - that of a sister.

Aron gestured for Freya to approach. Not bothering to conceal her smile, Freya promptly made her way to the bed.

"How are you, Freya?" Aron inquired.

"Don't worry, Boss. I'm good as new."

Nodding, Aron grabbed her by the waist, pulling her onto his lap for a hug. Freya, initially surprised by the sudden affection, soon relaxed into Aron's embrace. The trio found themselves in a somewhat unconventional but strangely comforting group hug.

"I'm glad to see you safe, both of you," Aron expressed sincerely, casting a warm glance at Pethra and Freya.

Through his connection with Freya, he sensed that the werewolf was anticipating something. Aron chuckled internally, comprehending her desires. Leaning in, he bestowed a gentle kiss upon Freya. Eager for more warmth, Freya leaned in.

Pethra, instead of expressing discomfort or jealousy, smiled warmly and kept hugging Aron, silently confirming to him that the relationship between the two girls evolved.

Breaking the kiss, Aron intended to inquire about what happened during the three days he spent in a coma.

"HEY! Stop don't"

Someone was shouting just outside the tent. The trio turned their attention to the tent entrance, where a little girl with long dark hair and snow-pale skin leaped joyfully towards them.

"FATHER!" she exclaimed, spreading her arms wide.


The little girl descended from her mid-air jump crashing directly into Aron's lap, pushing Pethra and Freya off the bed onto the ground.

"OOF!... Watch where you land, little girl," Aron exclaimed, a mix of surprise and laughter in his voice.

The girl, now nestled in his lap, happily rubbed her head against his chest. "Father!...Father!"

Aron looked down at the girl who claimed to be his daughter playfully and began stroking her hair. "You sure know how to make an entrance."

The little girl giggled, gazing up at her father with sparkling eyes. "Father… Good?"

Strangely understanding her words, Aron nodded with a smile, showing his muscles. "Yes, your father is good, no pain." He was oddly okay with referring to himself as her father.


"!!!" Aron felt a chill coming down his spine when he heard the tone in which Pethra called him; it was cold and uncomfortable in a way.


Smiling 'gently,' Pethra stood next to the bed and inquired, "Would you… kindly explain why this girl is calling you father?"

"!!" The little girl growled, holding onto Aron tightly. "Father, Mine"

 "..." Vines bulged on Pethra's head; she didn't like this girl, she was clearly trying to monopolize Aron with the Father's claim.

"Pfftt…. HAHAHA," Freya burst into laughter.

"Not funny, Freya."

"Heheheh~ S-Sorry, but I couldn't hold it," Freya managed to say.

"A strange girl appears out of thin air and claims Aron to be her father; we need answers."

Aron turned to the little girl and asked, "What's your name, little one?"

The girl tilted her head, trying hard to remember her name. "S-Subject… Five."

The mood in the tent instantly turned grim, everyone understanding the implications of this name. Raum told them where they found the girl. Speaking of the raven, he was currently inside the tent observing everyone without them noticing him.

Aron's demeanor softened as he shifted the girl to sit comfortably on his lap. "Subject five is not an awesome name for a lovely girl like you. How about we give you a real name?" he suggested, trying to ease the tension.

The girl's eyes widened with curiosity. "Real Name… Father?"

Aron nodded. "Yes, a real name that belongs to you. Do you want one?"

The girl's face lit up with a bright smile, and she nodded energetically.

"Good …let me see" Aron pondered, rocking his head, trying to find a good name for the little girl.

He felt a connection with this girl, like her; he too didn't have a name. Aron wasn't really his real name; it was something he read on the coffin when he woke up the first time.

"Hmm?... How about Aurora?"

"Aurora…. Aurora…Mm…Father, like."

"Oh, do you like the name?"

The little girl–now Aurora nodded happily.

Aron smiled warmly at her approval. "Alright then, from now on, your name is Aurora. Welcome to our little family, Aurora."

Aurora's eyes sparkled with joy, and she clapped her hands. "Aurora, family!"

The atmosphere in the tent lightened once again, the tension dissipating as Aron introduced the group to her.

"Aurora, this is Pethra, my little witch,"

Pethra, though still cautious, couldn't help but soften a bit at her cuteness. "Aurora, huh? It's a beautiful name."

"And this is Freya, the big bad wolf."

"What!... Boss, don't ruin my image,"

Aron chuckled at Freya's protest, then turned to Aurora, asking, "Aurora, tell me, why are you calling me Father?"

Aurora tilted her head, not understanding the question.

"Father is Father?"


Rubbing his chin, Aron commented, "Makes sense."

"HOW THE HELL DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?" someone suddenly yelled inside the tent.

Recognizing the voice, Aron turned to the side with a sly smile. "There you are, Buddy. I was starting to wonder— … Who the hell are you, Brat?"

Standing at the entrance was a kid of 12 or 14 years old, with smooth short black hair, red eyes, and pale skin, wearing a simple brown shirt and pants.

"It's me," the kid pointed angrily at himself.

"Raum?" Aron was both confused and stunned. "You… Ahem… changed."

Aron didn't know what to say really. From what he could see, this kid was a younger version of him.


"That's your reaction? I returned from the land of the dead. I was hoping for… you know, something like a heart attack when finding out that a bird was transformed into a HUMAN!"


"Yeah, he's a spoiled little brat now," Aron remarked.

"True, a spanking is needed, " Pethra agreed.

"Indeed," Freya nodded too.

Aurora tilted her head. "Bird-man Bad?"

"YOU!" Raum was irritated seeing everyone messing with his nerves. He hates humans and turning into one was something he never expected.

Aron chuckled slightly. "Glad you're okay, Brother."

"Hump!" Raum turned to the side, still angry. Why? No one knows.

"Father… Hungry," Aurora called.

"You're hungry?...okay let's get you something to eat," Aron said, intending to ask the girls for food. However, before he could, Aurora extended her hand to him.


"Hmm?... Sure." Understanding her request, Aron gave her his hand. Immediately, Aurora opened her mouth and bit his wrist, drinking his blood.

"!!!" The unexpected turn of events left the entire tent silent, their wide-open eyes fixed on the peculiar scene unfolding before them.

Immediately, Freya tensed up, her nails growing longer. "A vampire."


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