
Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Nameless, Unknown, Forgotten in the passage of time. A man suddenly awakens inside a dark place, crawling out from a suffocating Coffin. With no memories about his past. Driven by an unyielding determination to survive, the man sets on a journey to recover his memory. With each step, revealing a fragment of his forgotten and dark past with the help of a being inside him contently speaking inside his head, and the people that he meets in his journey. A journey that will change the shape of the world because the man Knows one way to answer any problem. Wrath and destruction. *** Hello everyone this is Pride from Shadow Library. First I just want to tell you all, that this is my first novel and English is not my first language so there will be some mistakes. second. I hope you enjoy the ride with me as we delve deep in the story. my goal is to write a story I want to read later and I hope you share this passion with me as a reader, and always remember: The only thing that matters is a good story. One more thing, the story sometimes delves into dark themes, especially when the MC displays his brutality, so please read with caution. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/g5MxH7mkAB Contact Instagram:@Shadow_library_ Support the author: https://www.patreon.com/ShadowLibrary

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasy
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169 Chs

Chapter 117: The Hidden Chamber

The changes were….captivating.

After consuming Aron's blood, the girls underwent a remarkable transformation. Much like Kasumi, they experienced significant growth in height; the skin became smoother, and proportions well-defined. Their muscles seemed to ripple with newfound strength, their once delicate features now imbued with an air of confidence and power.

Some experienced a surge in their magical abilities, reaching levels they had never fathomed possible. Meanwhile, others manifested entirely new magical affinities—mostly centered around the elements—Yet surprisingly, two girls—a human and a beastwoman—unveiled entirely new forms of magic.

Formerly, the human girl could only muster basic magical spells due to her limited mana, while the beastwoman—a Tigress—could solely camouflage herself within her surroundings for brief durations.

Thanks to Aron's blood, the human girl awoke to a unique magical prowess: illusions.

Her newfound ability enabled her to craft intricate and convincing illusions capable of beguiling the senses. With a mere flick of her hand, she could conjure vivid images of enchanting maidens dancing ethereally in the air, weaving narratives of fantasy and deceit to confound her adversaries.

'This could prove invaluable,' Aron mused, contemplating the myriad ways to leverage the girl's illusions to his advantage. He then turned his attention to the Tigress.

The Tigress, on the other hand, found herself blessed with magic that allowed her to blend in completely with nature—Similar to Kasumi's magic.

With a mere thought, the Tigress could meld seamlessly into her surroundings, becoming one with the forest or the plains around her. Her fur would shift and change colors, matching the foliage or terrain with uncanny accuracy.

No longer limited to mere camouflage, she could move undetected through even the most hostile environments, given sufficient training, of course.

Aron observed the girls, examining the changes and testing their magic. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that his Treasures had become even more powerful.

Yet, a tinge of disappointment lingered, as none of the girls exhibited draconic features akin to Kasumi's. No horns, wings, or tails.

The awareness that he might be the last of his kind weighed heavily on his heart, driving him to yearn for companions bearing traits reminiscent of dragons.

'Though we didn't get draconic attributes we got something else.' His gaze fixated on one girl in particular: Aria.

Aria found herself encircled by several girls, who marveled at and scrutinized her transformation. The lower half of Aria underwent a dramatic evolution—a transition to her next stage: the half-spider form.

As a Royal Arachne, her evolution diverged from that of typical Arachnes, presenting her with six blade-like spider legs, each a lethal weapon in its own right.

Her form now bore an almost complete light-pink spider visage, save for her head, where her human half was connected. Speaking of which, Aria had acquired an extraordinary beauty that was truly breathtaking to behold. Her skin seemed to glow with an inner radiance, her features delicate and ethereal.

She stood second only to Kasumi, a position that made sense given the nature of their exclusively female race, which relied on their capacity to enchant men and ensnare them completely through guile and allure.

However, what these men failed to comprehend was the inescapable fate that awaited them after mating with the Arachnes—their consumption to provide nourishment and energy for the offspring.

A totally different purpose to the beauty of the Fox Yokai. The first Yokai spirit had bestowed upon the females within the race extraordinary beauty and potent natural charm to fulfill their role. Assassination.

After all, there is no better way to reach your target's heart than to charm your way in.

Leaving the girls to their things. Aron stood at the center of the underground chamber. He decided to activate one of his skills.

"I lay claim to this territory as my Dragon's nest."

[Skill activated: Dragon's nest]

Instantly, a translucent azure banner—visible solely to him—materialized in his grasp. Upon contact with the floor, the banner dissipated, releasing an invisible force felt by all present.

The girls stopped everything that they were doing and turned their attention towards Aron, feeling a sudden connection forming between them and him.

With the establishment of the Dragon's nest, another skill came into play: Blood Bond. Forging a connection between the dragon and those who consumed his blood, contributing to his overall strength.

Some were tempted to inquire what he just did, yet upon observing the serious look on his face as he gazed into the 'Air' before him, they refrained.

A system window materialized before his eyes, revealing the entirety of his Nest's domain. Every detail was cataloged, from the expanse of the land to the individuals connected to the nest, and those beyond its reach.

However, what captured Aron's attention was a holographic map depicting the mansion and its underground chambers.

Aron's gaze alternated between the hologram and the eastern wall.

The girls exchanged puzzled glances, wondering if something was wrong with Aron as he fixated intently on the eastern wall. Thyra, understanding her disciple better than anyone present, approached him cautiously.

"What's wrong, Aron?"

Aron pointed towards the eastern wall. "A hidden chamber lies beyond that wall."

Thyra scrutinized the wall with her keen eyes but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Victoria, investigate the wall," she instructed her maid.

Thyra didn't question Aron's instincts, she knew he had some secrets, having witnessed him multiple times lost in his thoughts or speaking to himself. She guessed that must have been one of his vast skills.

Victoria approached the wall, pressing her hand against its surface, instantly a shadow covered the whole wall, leaving no place exposed.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated on discerning any anomalies within the wall. After a few minutes of searching Victoria's voice echoed in the chamber.

"Found something!"

Opening her eyes, she guided with her hands the shadows forming a strange writing on the wall.

"Runes? Of course," Thyra opened her eyes in surprise seeing the runes on the wall.


Immediately after Victoria finished guiding her shadows based on the mana links that she could sense on the wall.

A click was heard signaling that a door was opened.

The chamber fell silent as the door clicked open, revealing a hidden passage beyond. Aron's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he stepped forward, followed by Thyra and the rest.

With cautious steps, they entered the newly revealed chamber. The chamber was small, illuminated by the same crystals on the ceiling, however, what caught their attention was the boxes.

The small room was filled with hundreds of glass boxes, each containing ten red pills. Thyra stepped forward, taking one of the pills and examining it. Immediately her expression shifted from curiosity to anger

"Damn these BASTARDS!" she exclaimed, her aura flaring momentarily.

Quickly approaching, Aron placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "Thyra, calm yourself."

Drawing a deep breath, she reined in her aura, though her anger remained palpable.

"What are these pills?" Aron inquired.

"These pills..." Thyra began, her voice trembling with rage. "These pills can enhance one's magic temporarily, but at a grave cost."

Aron arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean by 'at a grave cost'?"

"These pills are drugs. Once someone starts relying on them, they become dependent, risking their health and sanity for temporary power,"

"However, what makes these pills evil and forbidden by every kingdom and law, was the ingredients which they were made from."

Thyra gazed at Aron's eyes with intensity. "The primary ingredient is the heart of a mage."

Everyone's expression darkened as Thyra revealed the horrifying truth behind these pills.

She placed the pill in Aron's hand and said, "What you hold was once a person, a mage with a bright future ahead, but their life was cruelly cut short by some insane alchemists."

Aron's grip tightened around the pill, his jaw clenched with fury. "I see…what should we do now?"

Thyra shook her head saying, "Not we, but I...Aron leave this matter to me, I'll make sure to get to the bottom of this okay?"

Aron nodded, handing her the pill. "Very well, I leave it in your hands."

Departing with the girls in tow, Aron left Thyra and Victoria alone.

Taking ten pills for further analysis, Thyra sealed the chamber with her metal magic, safeguarding its contents from everyone and ensuring that these pills would not fall into the wrong hands.

Retiring to a chamber on the first floor provided by Aron, Thyra placed a black orb upon the desk, infusing it with her mana.

"Ara…Ara~ I was beginning to wonder when you would grace me with your presence, my dear sister," a hologram materialized, depicting a woman bearing a striking resemblance to Thyra, albeit with emerald eyes.

"I was busy Eleanora," Thyra replied, settling into her chair.

"I know.." Eleanora, the Queen of Avaloria, teased with a sly smile. Busy with a man, should I expect a nephew in the near future?"


"Stop it, Eleanora. I'm not in the mood for jests."

Noticing the tone in Thyra's voice, Eleanora immediately asked, "What troubles you, sister?"

Thyra didn't reply and simply showed one of the red pills to her sister.

The Queen's eyes widened in disbelief. "Is this…"

"Yes, sister. These are the same pills that claimed our mother's life."

"Where did you find them?"

"I found hundreds hidden in a secret chamber in Aron's mansion."

"In his mansion? Is he—"

"I know what you're going to say, and No," Thyra quickly interpreted, "Aron is not the kind of man who would do such things, heck! he didn't even know what they are."

"Do you trust him?" Eleanora asked seriously.

"With my life," Thyra affirmed without hesitation.

Eleanora flashed a smile heading her reply. "It's rare for someone to earn your trust, sister…Anyway, so I take it, you're going to stay in Larton investigating the red pills?"

"Yes, Is there something you require of me?" Thyra asked.

The Queen sighed heavily. "Yes, I was hoping for assistance. As you know, a conflict looms between myself and the King."

"What manner of assistance?"

"The monster waves"

Tilting her head in contemplation, Thyra queried, "Is it that time of year?"

"Yes, and due to preparations for war and the assassination of my commanders last year, I am unable to dispatch aid to the northern castle."

Thyra listened intently, her mind already racing with plans. Suddenly, a wicked grin spread across her lips.

The Queen narrowed her eyes warily. "I do not like that smile, Thyra."

"OH please, I'm just going to send my dear disciple to clear the monster waves for you."

Eleanora regarded her sister with skepticism. "Your disciple? Are you sure that's wise? The castle is barely holding, with criminals as soldiers and lacking resources.

Thyra's grin only widened at her sister's skepticism. "You say this because you don't know him as I do, he's a beast, I assure you, sister, if he keeps the same motivation in a few years' time, he will surpass even my own strength."

Eleanora sighed, still uncertain. "I hope you're right, Thyra."

Thyra waved off her sister's concerns with a confident smirk. "I am always right. just prepare the documents for the new commander of The Frostguard Keep."


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