
Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Nameless, Unknown, Forgotten in the passage of time. A man suddenly awakens inside a dark place, crawling out from a suffocating Coffin. With no memories about his past. Driven by an unyielding determination to survive, the man sets on a journey to recover his memory. With each step, revealing a fragment of his forgotten and dark past with the help of a being inside him contently speaking inside his head, and the people that he meets in his journey. A journey that will change the shape of the world because the man Knows one way to answer any problem. Wrath and destruction. *** Hello everyone this is Pride from Shadow Library. First I just want to tell you all, that this is my first novel and English is not my first language so there will be some mistakes. second. I hope you enjoy the ride with me as we delve deep in the story. my goal is to write a story I want to read later and I hope you share this passion with me as a reader, and always remember: The only thing that matters is a good story. One more thing, the story sometimes delves into dark themes, especially when the MC displays his brutality, so please read with caution. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/g5MxH7mkAB Contact Instagram:@Shadow_library_ Support the author: https://www.patreon.com/ShadowLibrary

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasy
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169 Chs

Chapter 105: The Naive Hero and The Aspect

"Thank you for all the help you have given me these past days," a young blonde girl offered a profound bow, displaying respect and appreciation towards another woman clad in a priestess robe.

"Do not concern yourself; it was our obligation to serve The Hero Historia," The Oracle responded, delicately resting a hand on Historia's shoulder and elevating her.

"Now, Hero, in recognition of your endeavors over the past four days and as a token of appreciation for your rigorous training and noble aspirations aligned with our cause," The Oracle traversed to the opposite end of the room, where the ceiling seemed nonexistent. Gazing skyward, she continued

"Our Holy Aspect has granted you an opportunity to be reborn as one of her devoted Knights, The Angels." Turning to the Hero, she inquired, "Hero Historia, are you prepared to embrace this Honor?"

"Yes, Your Highness, I am," Historia responded without hesitation.

"Excellent. We applaud your noble spirit, Hero Historia." Waving her hand, a staircase crafted from pure golden light manifested behind the Oracle. Historia looked up, unable to discern its endpoint, as if it extended into the heavens.

Stepping aside and giving a slight bow, The Oracle placed her left hand on her chest and gestured for Historia to proceed. "Climb this staircase, Hero Historia, and you shall find your rebirth awaiting you at its pinnacle. May your soul shine brightly in service to our Holy Aspect."

With gratitude and determination in her heart, Historia ascended the radiant staircase. Each step felt like a transition between worlds as if traversing the boundaries between the mortal and divine realms. As she climbed higher, the ambient light intensified, filling her with a sense of serene purity.

Finally reaching the summit, Historia found herself in a breathtaking realm of celestial beauty. Pillars of light emanated from the ground, intertwining in an intricate dance. The air carried an ethereal melody, soothing and uplifting.

Standing before her was one of, if not the most beautiful woman, Historia ever saw, a divine beauty with long golden hair and eyes. She was wearing what appeared to Historia as an ancient Greek-like sleeveless white robe.

The woman's presence exuded an aura of ethereal grace and boundless wisdom. The radiance of her being seemed to illuminate the entire celestial realm. Historia, awestruck, felt a deep sense of reverence in the presence of this divine figure.

The woman extended her hand towards Historia with a warm and reassuring smile. "Welcome, My Hero, to the Celestial Heavens, I am Serenity Sol, The Aspect of the Sun."

"Did you find him?" The Oracle inquired with a frigid tone.

Having guided Hero Historia, she entered a meeting room where all the significant figures in Solara Sanctum were assembled.

"No, Your Highness, we have not, but the search is ongoing," Dorn replied, prompting curious glances from those at the table.

The Oracle massaged her temple and sighed. "So, you're telling me that a boy without magic managed to escape the grandmaster of the holy order after insulting our aspect in front of THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!"

Dorn lowered his head, a trace of shame coloring his expression. "I will find him, your highness; I just need more time."

The Oracle sighed again, frustration evident in her voice. "Time is a luxury we can't afford, Dorn. Sooner or later, Our Lady will learn of Leo's escape, and she won't be pleased about it."

"!!!" A shiver ran down Dorn's spine at the realization of his worst fear coming true if he didn't find Leo quickly. "I'll find him, even if I have to search every inch of the city," he declared with determination.

"What makes you think he's inside the city?" a man at the table interjected.

Dorn narrowed his eyes facing the man. He never liked this man; he was a legion commander just one rank below Dorn, always looking for a chance to take his position as a Grandmaster, but Dorn's real reason for hatred was The man's legion.

They are called Tartarus Custodians and they specialize in one thing. Summoning demons. They found a way to summon and trap demons in empty armor, using them as cannon fodder and foot soldiers.

Dorn, with a stern expression, responded to the man's question, "Leo had in his possession a teleportation bracelet, and somehow my magical attack activated the bracelet teleporting him somewhere inside the city."

The man from the Tartarus Custodians leaned back in his chair, a cunning smile playing on his lips. "Teleportation, you say? That complicates matters. He could be anywhere in the city by now. Our best chance is to gather intelligence and track his movements."

Dorn nodded in agreement, acknowledging the man's experience in dealing with magical anomalies. Despite their mutual dislike, they both understood the urgency of the situation.

The Oracle, still visibly frustrated, interjected, "We can't afford to wait. Every moment he remains free is a potential threat to our Lady's plans. Dorn, use all the resources at your disposal but be discreet. We don't want unnecessary attention drawn to this matter."

Understanding the gravity of the task, Dorn stood up, saluted, and left the room, resolved to locate Leo before news of his escape reached the Aspect's ears.

"Can I have the boy when you find him, your highness?" an elderly man suddenly asked.

"For your research, Professor?" The Oracle immediately grasped the old man's request.

"Yes, this is the first time I've heard about a boy with no magic. If I could run some experiments on him, maybe I could discover things that could aid us."

"I'll see what I can do, Professor."

"Thank you," he bowed deeply to The Oracle.

"So, Historia, what are your thoughts on my abode?" Sol asked, strolling through her celestial garden with Historia.

"!!!" Historia blushed hearing the Aspect calling her name; she's been doing that since she met her, unable to start directly in her golden eyes. Why? Because the Aspect was a divine beauty, an aura of ethereal grace surrounded her that made it difficult for Historia to not have certain thoughts about her, even if she didn't want to.

Historia stammered, her cheeks flushing even more. "Your Highness, your home is beyond anything I could have imagined. It's like a dream, a place of unimaginable beauty and purity."

Serenity Sol chuckled a melodic sound that resonated through the celestial garden. "I'm pleased that you find it enchanting, Historia. This garden is a sanctuary, a haven for souls like yours who have chosen the path of service to the divine Sun."

As they continued their stroll, Serenity Sol gestured towards a magnificent fountain, its waters shimmering with a radiant glow. "This is the Fountain of Dawn; it holds my essence and the pure energy of the sun. Just one drop could allow any mortal to be reborn as a Sunborn capable of using holy magic."

Historia was drawn to the fountain, feeling a warmth emanating from it. She could sense the divine energy that permeated the entire celestial realm. "It's magnificent," she whispered, overwhelmed by the sheer beauty and sacredness of the place.

"So, I am a Sunborn? Can I use Holy magic?" Historia inquired.

Sol smiled warmly. "No, Historia. The Sunborn draw their magic from me. In this world, being born with Holy magic is impossible. However, since you're not from this world, you were born with it. I assume your world has magic?"

Historia shook her head. "No, it doesn't."

Sol rubbed her chin in contemplation. "Strange?... you possess magic in a magicless world. Tell me about your world, Historia."

Historia's face instantly darkened; she lowered her head avoiding Sol's gaze. "It's not a pleasant tale, your highness. My world is a harsh and unforgiving place. Magic doesn't exist there, but humans have found other ways to harm each other. They fight over resources, power, beliefs, and some stupid things. I'm glad I left that world behind."

Sol approached holding Historia's face with both hands; she gazed at her with radiant golden eyes. "You've endured much, My Hero."

"Mm," Historia mumbled under Sol's touch.

Sol's expression turned compassionate, and she spoke with a gentle tone. "I am like you, Historia. I came from a different world, but unlike you, my world was destroyed by the civil war, so I had to escape with my brothers here."

Historia looked up, meeting Sol's golden eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"No need to worry. Now, my Hero, are you ready to be reborn as an Angel?" Sol's tone became serious. "Historia, are you ready to give yourself to me and forever be in my service as my loyal angel?"

Historia felt a mixture of emotions swirling within her—awe, compassion, and a profound connection to the divine being before her. The weight of the decision hung in the air, and she took a moment to contemplate the significance of Serenity Sol's offer.

With a resolute expression, Historia knelt before the Aspect of the Sun. "Your Highness, Serenity Sol, I am honored by your offer. I am ready to dedicate myself to your service, to become an Angel in your name. I wish to stand by your side and uphold the virtues you represent."

Serenity Sol's eyes gleamed with approval, and a soft smile played on her lips. She leaned forward planting a soft kiss on Historia's forehead. "Thank you, Hero. Your sacrifices won't go in vain."

"Sacrifice?" A puzzled expression crossed Historia's face.

Crack. BOOM!

Instantly, numerous golden chains burst out from the ground, wrapping around Historia.

"What's happening? My Lady–" She gazed at the Aspect, and when she did, she froze.

Serenity Sol, her expression changing from warmth to coldness as she stared down at Historia. She didn't reply and just waved her hand.

Immediately, a woman with two white wings landed next to her, kneeling.

"Do it," Sol ordered firmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty," The Angel replied, standing up and approaching The Hero.

The celestial chains tightened around Historia, their golden glow dimming as if absorbing the very essence of her being. Historia struggled against the unexpected restraint, panic gripping her heart.

The Angel placed her right hand on Historia's head; immediately, a bright golden light engulfed the Angel, blinding Historia. When the light subsided, the appearance of the Angel changed completely, shocking Historia. Why? Because she was staring at a copy of herself with wings.

The Angel, now wearing Historia's face, returned to her Aspect, kneeling in front of her. "Well done, now descend to the mortal realm and present yourself as Hero Historia," Sol commanded, her voice resonating with authority.

"It will be done, Your Majesty," The angel replied with unwavering devotion. With a graceful movement, she spread her wings, the glistening white feathers catching the celestial light, and soared down from the celestial heavens towards the mortal realm.

"Why are you doing this?" Historia asked, her voice shaking with fear.

"Oh, my dear Historia, you have no idea how vital your existence is to me," Sol approached, wiping tears from Historia's cheek. "No need to be scared; you will be in a better place, with me, forever."

Snapping her fingers, white flames burst from the golden chains, vaporizing Historia instantly, leaving nothing but a floating golden ball of energy—A death with no pain.

Sol grabbed the ball, staring at it. "I hope this is enough."

From her back, five celestial wings appeared. The wings weren't as majestic as her statues showed them to be; instead, they were torn and bearing visible scars and wounds.

Sol opened her mouth wide, consuming the golden ball. The golden light enveloped her wings, healing wounds and scars rapidly, and it didn't stop there; a sixth wing began to form.

"Yes, finally!" Sol exclaimed in happiness, yet her joy was short-lived as the wing growth halted halfway. "Aaah! I don't have enough Holy magic for the healing to finish."

She stood there in silence thinking. "Should I go for that boy Valarian, with his magic I should have enough—....No! Too risky, his existence is well known to my worshipers''

"But my wings…" Looking at the remaining scars on her wings, a memory came to her mind. Sol suddenly felt a tremendous amount of terror when she remembered a colossal Black dragon ripping her six wings from her back, consuming them.

"Damn that Dragon! For eight thousand years, I was struggling to heal these wounds slowly restoring my wings"

Taking a deep breath, she glanced at the sky.

"It's good that he's dead now; he was the only one who could truly kill us."



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