
Rearing Monsters in Tensura

A delicate balance was broken the moment a unique slime was born, or was it?

DarkPrison · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

(21) What is the perfect way to die?

While the Empyrium is steadily preparing their invasion. The Cardinal World is already in turmoil with the onslaught of the Armageddon.


The secret tunnel underneath the Capital.

A slime-like cell was beating rapidly in these dark corridors.

"Hehehe! You got me this time. However, when I return here, I will surely consume all of you and steal your powers!" A creepy voice resounded from the pulsating cell as it echoed throughout the corridors.

"I shouldn't have spawned those Evil Dragon Beasts! If I had known that they would suck out my powers then I would not have wasted energy and killed all them right there and then!" Another frustrated roar came from the tiny cell.

Slowly but surely, as time passes. The tiny cell was slowly growing larger and larger and the energy that it emanates was already reaching the level of an Awakened Demon Lord!


Another furious roar echoed inside the dark caverns and this lasted for more than half a day.

"I could have consumed those bitches and obtained more powers!"

"If I could have consumed that Masayuki idiot, I wonder what powers could I have obtained?"

"If I consumed Velgrynd there, or rather even a sliver of her being... I could have stepped into the ranks of a True Dragon. In that way, I could have fought Feldway and devour him."

The shaking of the cell, the monologues that came from it and the roars that reverberated in the dark caverns all fell in the eyes and ears of black-haired youth as he lazily stared at the slowly regenerating cell.

Several months have already passed in the real world after Aldrich ordered Kael to hatch his Hero's egg in the Cardinal World. He did just that and he went over and beyond as he massacred his way through the Holy Empire Ruberios and the Eastern Empire, slaying vampires, humans, sages and saints alike. Only suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of Luminous Valentine herself and Velgrynd, respectively.

He intends to recuperate first after his consecutive losses and take this time that the whole world is preoccupied with the Tenma Great War and fuse his Material, Spiritual and Astral body to achieve the complete evolution of a Divine Human.

Reaching the domain that no mortal could ever dream to touch!

As Kael continued to watch and await Vega's full regeneration, he fell into deep thought as to his next moves.

'Lord Aldrich only said to hatch my Hero's egg. Now that I've succeeded, I am at a loss to what I should do next.'

'Should I wait until they come or should I pave the way for them?'

'With my current strength as a Divine Human, I could fight toe-to-toe with the Giant and Pixie that saved me. After I finish my evolution, I am confident of defeating them in a one-on-one battle.'

'There are 12 such beings inside the Empyrium, if I could fight all of them. The progress of my skills and strength would reach unbelievable levels.'

'Defeating even 1 of the 12 will take an unimaginable amount of energy from me. Just what are the goals of Lord Aldrich that he wants to achieve that he created practically created catastrophe-level monsters and hid it so deeply?'

'And if I sensed correctly, there are 4 auras that are completely different from the 12. A much more sinister aura and I can't even begin to describe their difference in strength.'

'Even right now, I'm trembling in fear with just the thought of them'

Kael looked down at his trembling hands and sighed heavily.

'At least we're on the same side.'


A beastlike roar that shook his very bones broke his train of thoughts. Kael shifted his gaze towards the source of the sound and he saw a towering figure of a muscular man roaring his lungs out.

"You're finally healed. You kept me waiting." Kael grinned as he wielded his dagger and walked slowly towards the fully regenerated Vega.

Kael flicked his fingers while walking as a barrier was erected instantaneously in the tunnel to contain the shockwaves of the battle to avoid the beings above to sense their existence.

Vega just regained his body when he sensed an extremely weak aura approaching him. When he turned his back, he saw the pitch-black eyes of Kael that was darker than the night and he sneered and said.

"Perfect timing! Give me your powers!" Vega said as he instantly erupted with unbelievable strength and dashed towards the calmly walking Kael.

Kael eyed the aggressive Vega with no fluctuations in his eyes. He studied Vega intently and thought to himself.

'After regenerating, he grew more powerful than before and he continuously extracts energy from all organism around him. Making him unkillable, if I were to kill this beast, I would have to destroy our surroundings in the process... A perfect test subject for my newly acquired strength!'

Vega's magicule reserves were extremely deep but his fighting experience is worst than an amateur. Kael was extremely disappointed and furious for what he waited was nothing more than a magicule storage with no fighting power.


After one hour of exchange. Kael sighed deeply as he finally got accustomed to his newly found powers.

"Despite your strength, you strongly reek off death." Kael suddenly muttered amidst their clash.

"Waddya say, shrimp?" Vega asked, clearly annoyed.

Desolation's Call.

In response to Vega's annoyed groan. Kael just used a spell to draw out the every drop of magicules from Vega and use it as his own.


Vega's excruciating cry of pain reverberated as he failed to control his body, skills and even his mind. Everything about him was leaving him eagerly like something was returning to its original owner. With the painful torture that he's experiencing coupled by the fact that he just regenerated, his mind has already been broken.

"I surrender. Spare me..." Vega's weak voice didn't stop Kael from absorbing everything about Vega.

"You didn't spare the ones you've plundered, why would I spare you when your death is more beneficial to me." Kael stated expressionlessly as he studied the memories flowing into him.

Desolation's Call is a spell conjured using his Ultimate Skill to siphon everything from the target, including skills and integrate it to his own skill and create another that suits his repertoire perfectly. He only created this skill when he received permission to access one of Aldrich's Ultimate Skill. He just needs to siphon everything and transfer all information back to Aldrich and receive the byproduct. A one-sided skill that mostly benefits Aldrich, but Kael was unperturbed as his life is already in the hands of Aldrich.

Desolation's Call only lasted for several minutes as Kael stopped when he received a transmission from the Empyrium. After digesting the information he received, he smiled wickedly and muttered.

"They are finally making a move!" Kael was high in spirits as his strength was required in the very first mission of the Empyrium and he was glad that he managed to hatch his Hero's Egg before the Empyrium reached out to him.

"But whose voice was that?... Never mind" Kael shook his head as threw the lovely voice at the back of his mind and stared down at Vega who already lost all signs of life.

"A perfect incarnation medium for that lizard!" His eyes glowed brightly at the treasure that he'll present when Aldrich steps foot upon this world.




Just as the flames of war raged on unto the Cardinal World

Several groups of individuals were neatly arranged in a small island in the Ocean. They all stood at erect like terracotta soldiers awaiting their orders.

15 individuals with distinguishing auras stood at the very front of this army and like the soldiers behind them, no one dared to move without permission.

The Triskaideka Commanders and Dragon Corps Commanders-in-chiefs all stood solemnly as they await the arrival of someone. Someone beyond their comprehension combined. They didn't even dared to speak telepathically to one another and just stood there motionlessly and silently.

Ever since Aldrich shifted back to his original self, along with it was the atmosphere of the Empyrium. Even the weakest ones inside the Empyrium already felt the tense atmosphere inside, they could feel it, they could feel that the upcoming war will decide the fate of the Empyrium, their fate.

Days passed by and none of them moved a single inch, nobody even dared to raise their heads and look around. Even if they didn't move a single inch, nobody dared to complain.

"It's time." After waiting for several more days. A soft whisper resounded throughout the island and it woke everyone up.

Keanala floated down with her hands behind her back and looked towards the unmoving army. She nodded her head in satisfaction and thought to herself.

'At least they have discipline.'

'Aldrich may have given up on them, but I can't deny the fact that they are way stronger than what this world could offer.'

Keanala then looked towards the main continent and smiled. She then pointed towards it and whispered, "Go!"

Several thousand streaks of light dashed through the air as every Legion of the Triskaideka and Dragon Corps rushed towards their assignment leaving Keanala alone in the island.

"Bring down their guards for us." She muttered under her breath.





"Oi! Why did you send those fools now?!" Kalahi asked Keanala in an exasperated tone.

Not only Kalahi, even Kamuina and Kailani carries the same question in their minds. The Triskaideka and the Dragon Corps are already abandoned soldiers, why did she send them during these critical times?

"Yes, I know what you guys are thinking.. But give me a break, will you?" Keanala said in a tired tone. Dealing with these guys is really tiring for her since she has the most contact in the outside world. The moment any of these guys step foot on the Cardinal World, the powerhouses will immediately sense them because of the sheer amount of energy alone.

"They are useless, yes. But there are still possibilities and circumstances in which they can be utilized." She said patiently

Seeing that her fellow Heavenly Emperors kept their mouths shut, she continued.

"Right now, the whole world has been engulfed by the flames of war. No one would pay attention to anything else aside from survival. I've sent those guys away to reinforce the front line against the Angels." She said slowly and she watched the other's reactions. Since they are still listening intently without any intentions to interrupt her, she continued.

"One of the reason is I wanted a continuous flow of information from the battlefield to us. Another would be the timing. After fighting Guy Crimson, the whole world is on guard against me, if I sent my forces to aid them, they may or may not take it as goodwill but they will have no choice but to accept it because of the strength and numbers of the angels." Keanala said sagely

The Horsemen nodded in enlightenment as they finally understood the actions of Keanala. Indeed, sending them right now is the best choice since she can't really mobilize the Zodiacs. Aside from their power level being too high, they all have the guts to disobey them and will only listen to Aldrich himself.

"I see. What are your plans then for the Sacred Tree, will we go out this time?" Kamuina asked after several minutes of silence.

Keanala shook his head and said, "Aldrich sent Pisces and Aries out."

"Will they succeed? I know their strength but I can't help but fear the strength of the enemy this time around." Kailani asked in a worried tone.

"You don't have to worry there, Scorpio has enough information from the Heavenly Star Palace to sway that angel." Keanala said.

"Ohhh... That Demon really succeeded in infiltrating that place? I'm impressed." Kalahi said while whistling

"Not only that, we also have some information about Ivarage." Keanala revealed nonchalantly

"That's the dragon sealed by Veldanava, right?" Kamuina asked

"Yes. And we may have to move out this time around." Keanala chuckled




Sacred Tree of Sarion.

3 beings with perfectly concealed auras and presence stood above the clouds as they watched the battle happening below.

"It seems like Milim and the others would be here anytime soon." One of them said suddenly as she sensed the imposing auras coming towards the one of the remaining two relics in world, the Sacred Tree.

"When will we make a move?" The anthropomorphic monkey asked as she casually swung her 'Bo'

"Waiting is boring. I suggest we should swoop their asses right now!" The smallest of them, the Pixie shouted excitedly.

"Shut up, Gemini! Why are you even here in the first place?" Aries asked as she was visibly irritated

"Stupid monkey! Of course that is to help your stinking ass out!" Gemini retorted as he put his hands on his hips.

"That is enough." Pisces said emotionlessly as she kept eyes downwards

Aries and Gemini looked towards each other with looks that can kill and fell silent. Even though they hated each other, their priority is the mission handed by Aldrich.

"Aries, go." Pisces ordered and Aries swiftly flew downwards

"Stay put, Gemini." Pisces said as she saw the intentions of Gemini to follow the Cryptid Zodiac.

Gemini shrugged his shoulders and flew to the side of Pisces.

"Hey, mother Zodiac. Isn't too reckless to send Aries on her own down there?" He asked the Dragon Zodiac. Aries maybe powerful even amongst the Zodiacs, but she was alone and there are clearly several powerful creatures down there.

"She's fine." Pisces said succinctly.

"Alright." Gemini gave up asking as this was the attitude of the Oldest Zodiac, he just have to trust her like normal times.

'This is already the second time that the Zodiacs have been mobilized outside the Empyrium... It was understandable for that human to be saved as he had the potential to surpass even us.' Gemini silently thought to himself as he looked towards the unmoving Pisces

'But that Angel is clearly weaker than any of us here, why would Lord Aldrich send 3 Zodiacs and 2 powerful Zodiacs at that?' Gemini continued his thought process but was unable to come up with an answer thus he asked the Dragon Zodiac.

"Mother?" He said lovingly

Pisces turned her head towards the cute-looking Pixie Zodiac and tilted her head to the side.

"What's up with that winged bastard? Why is the Zodiac mobilized?" He asked confusingly while pointing down below.

"Hmmm." Pisces hummed as she pondered over the question of the Pixie Zodiac.

"I'm not exactly sure but based on the information sent back by Scorpio. He should have made contact with Veldanava. That alone is a major cause for the Zodiac to move. Moreover, his strength is also amazing. If we can sway someone of that caliber to our side it would be beneficial for us." She said patiently

Gemini fell silent and thought through it.

"I understand his contact with Velda. But I don't understand his strength, he's clearly weaker in energy levels and watching him fight is like watching a Triskaideka Commader at most." Gemini asked back cautiously. Pisces may be the Mother Zodiac but she severely injured Aquarius and Scorpio before when they fought over the gender of the Supreme Lord Aldrich.

"I see. You have misgivings." Pisces said emotionlessly

"T-T-That's not exactly true, Mother. I'm just confused." Pisces hurriedly while stuttering.

"That's because he hasn't completed his incarnation into a Deathman. It's not even half complete." Pisces then turned towards the shocked Zodiac and continued.

"He's already a being comparable to Guy Crimson before incarnation and without half completing his incarnation, he's already approaching our level." She said and it caused the Pixie Zodiac to narrow his eyes.


Aries reached her destination in no time and watched as Souei and Leon duke it out with Zalario.

'I see. The mission's target this time is incredibly strong.' Aries thought to herself as she pondered over the information about the target.

An Original Angel created to watch over the mindless beast, Ivarage and was corrupted by the magicules of the Otherworld and was reborn as a Phantom. Zalario spent his countless years fighting the powerful Insectars until Feldway came and took control of him.

Her target this time.

Zalario, the Chief Subordinate of the 3 Mystic Admirals.

The Catastrophe-class individual that Scorpio claimed to be on par with the likes of Guy Crimson.

'I'm getting excited after several centuries of staying inside the Empyrium.' Aries thought as she moved at speeds faster than light.



Aries swung her staff two times and immediately knocked the air out of Leon and Souei.

"Gemini! Move us out!" Aries shouted suddenly as she grabbed the left arm of Zalario.

The sudden turn of events took Zalario by surprise and the moment he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a vast expanse of black clouds. He tried using his skills to detect and investigate his surroundings but he was shocked that none of his skills are working, not even his passive defenses!

"Zalario, was it?" A calm voice that carried the warmth of the sun broke him out his trance and when he traced the source of the voice. He was met with a pair of scarlet eyes that seems to gaze upon the deepest parts of his soul.


Zalario stood up and distanced himself from the being who spoke and panted heavily.

'I'm exhausted? But why?' He thought to himself as he watched everything around him in a different perspective.

"So this is an Angel?"

"Do you have knotholes for eyes? Can't you see that he's not an Angel anymore?"

"So the information sent by Scorpio is real then."

"Yup! That one's a Phantom."

"I can't believe that Ivarage was powerful enough to corrupt an Original Angel with just his magicules."

"Who knows, an old fart like you Taurus should be able to do it also."


As Zalario was frantically investigating his whereabouts, several voices that echoed throughout this vast expanse of black clouds resounded. He heard everything and his usually cold face turned paler every moment. He was just fighting Souei and Leon together when he suddenly saw a shadow striking them and almost killing them with one hit. Even for him, a trained warrior that lives its life fighting, he couldn't follow the movements of the shadow.

Just as he was reminiscing, he felt something furry touch his shoulders and something whispered to his ear.

"Don't jump around like a cat." A rough female voice was echoed in his ears.

Zalario turned his head slowly and he saw an upright monkey clinging to him. Looking past his shoulders, he saw several creatures walking towards him. An Elf, a Dwarf, a Giant, a magical beast that he hasn't seen before, even an Insectar. Different creatures are walking towards him without haste and the only difference they have to the current him is their strength.

'Too strong!'

All of them are stronger than him currently!

Just as he was lamenting his weakness, he suddenly saw these creatures lined up perfectly and kneeled, or at least tried kneeling until a force grabbed them and forced them to stand.

"We greet the Supreme Lord Aldrich!" All of the creatures in front of him shouted loudly but their voices were filled with respect and awe.

"Zalario, the Chief Subordinate of the Mystic Admirals serving under Feldway. Controlled against his will and fought in the recent Tenma Great War. Fought countless powerful Cryptids and Insectars and killed them. Safeguarded the World-Destroying Dragon, Ivarage and prevented his awakening. Swore absolute loyalty to the Creator, Veldanava and the reason why he's following Feldway was because he was put under the command of Feldway by Veldanava himself... Hmm, what else did Scorpio miss out?" A white-haired human with a pair of scarlet eyes was sitting on a rock not faraway while seemingly reading a newspaper. The human wore a pitch-black tuxedo with snow-white overcoat and paired with glistening golden gloves.

As Zalario was eyeing the human, the human also stared back with his pair of scarlet eyes. Upon seeing those eyes, Zalario shivered uncontrollably.

Those eyes! Those are not the eyes of an ordinary God! Not even his Master have such soul-shaking gaze! It was just a simple gaze, yet he was shaken to the core that he even questioned his own existence!

The eyes of a being that clearly surpassed divinity!


His exhaustion has gone up to the point of his own collapse, yet he refused to yield in front of a terrifying enemy.

"Cancer." His consciousness is already failing him until he heard the human whisper something.

Was it a name?

Was it a skill?

He have too many questions until he saw a Magical Beast with a head of an eagle and body of lion approached him shyly

"I-I-I'll heal him at once, Milord!" The beast stuttered as she casted a spell and felt that his fatigue was being washed away and his strength is returning. However, his skills was still nowhere to be found within his soul.

"That's enough." The human said and the Magical beast nodded her eagle head and backed away and returned to her position.

"Say, Zalario. Do you know if your Master, Veldanava is still alive?" The white-haired human asked without raising his head.

Zalario was taken aback at the question as he didn't know how to answer such question. Without realizing it, Zalario blurted out the answer deep within his heart.

"I don't think so." He said while shaking his head.

He was taken by surprise at his answer as he hurriedly covered his mouth. He didn't have the intention to answer however, his mouth answered on its own.

"I see. Then how will you explain to me his blessings? If he's dead, his blessings on you, on the world should have disappeared, right? Even he can't escape the rules that he left behind unto this universe." The white haired human asked him another question with curiosity being laced upon his voice.

That's right!

If Veldanava is truly dead, then this world should have ceased to exist!

Despite his confusion, Zalario still shook his head and this time, he answered wholeheartedly.

"I think Lord Veldanava is truly dead at this point." He said emotionlessly

Aldrich nodded his head at the response of Zalario and asked as he stood up while dusting his clothes.


He said as he slowly walked towards the unmoving, or more like restrained Phantom.

"Did he achieve the perfect way to die?"

How about you guys? Do yout think that Veldanava achieved the perfect way to die?

DarkPrisoncreators' thoughts