
Reaper: The Paranormal Adventures of Zach and Evelyn

A student by day and the Grim Reaper by night! Follow the paranormal adventures of Zach Reaper, son of Grim Reaper (the Grim Reaper) and the next in line to become Head of the Reapers, who doesn’t want to reap human souls. Instead, Zach works as a paranormal investigator, dealing with the occurrence of mythical and magical beasts in his hometown, Nestant Town, by reaping their souls. From ghosts, to Devils, to Supernatural Investigators after Zach’s bounty, NOTHING is off limits here in this supernatural action-comedy! Chapters every Monday/Friday at 4pm EST, starting January 1st, 2024!

Palewhale · Action
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49 Chs

Case #5-The Supernatural Tournament, Final Round

"Welcome, everyone, to the FINAL ROUND of the Supernatural Tournament!" Loki booms, and the crowd cheers louder than I've ever heard them cheer before going absolutely crazy.

"They're…ecstatic," Koga comments.

"It is the final day afterall…" Circe sighs.

"Ohh…I'm so nervous!" Raiden whimpers

"Without further ado, let me announce the teams that will be battling today!" Loki continues. "On my right is Team Reaper's Paranormal!" Loki booms, and the five of us step forwards. The crowd goes wild.

"They've won two matches in a row!" One audience member booms.

"Keep up the momentum!" Cheers another.

"Hey, we have fans!" I exclaim as I wave to the audience.

"These…aren't the kind of fans you want," Crimson replies.

 "And on my left, is Team Satan!" Loki booms as Team Satan enters the arena. The audience goes crazy, cheering far louder for team Satan than they did for us.

"Hey, where's our fans?!" I snap.

"Team Satan does consist of Devils after all," Koga replies. "And we've already established that the more evil you are…the more popular you are in the Supernatural Tournament."

"And now, for the last time, will the team captains enter the ring?" Loki orders, and Sapphire and Crimson step forwards.

"Crimson?!" Sapphire exclaims.

 "Crimson?!" Loki cires.

"Yup!" I exclaim. "I've given Crimson ownership of the team for this match!"

"That's not how this works!" Loki snaps. "How…will Zach Reaper please step forwards!"

"BOO!" An audience member booms. "I want to see the chicks!"

"Who cares, just get on with it!" A second audience member snaps.

Loki sighs. "Fine, I'll allow it…" he says. "Now, er…Team Satan, what will be the rules of this match?" Loki awkwardly asks.

Sapphire opens her mouth up to answer, but Crimson raises a hand, shushing her sister up. "I don't care what you do for the rest of the matches, but for the final fight…you and I should face one another, Sapphire," Crimson growls.

"Um…Crimson, this isn't up to y-" Loki begins to say, but Sapphire interrupts him.

"Fine by me," Sapphire smirks. "You've grown bolder, haven't you? You used to never make decisions by yourself while you were under dad's thumb."

"Er…excuse me-" Loki begins to say, but the two Devils ignore him.

"I've changed," Crimson replies. "Thanks to Zach, I've become a better person now."

"Excuse me?" Loki asks again, but just as before, he's ignored.

"The Reaper?" Sapphire asks. "The only thing he's done for you is make you soft."

"EXCUSE ME!" Loki booms, shutting Crimson and Sapphire up. "As per the rules of the Supernatural Tournament…" Loki begins to growl, trying to keep from screaming. "The more variable team has the right to decide the rules, and that would be Team Satan. Therefore, Crimson has no right to decide the match up!"

"It's fine," Sapphire smirks as she turns to face Crimson. "I like where her head's at."

Loki sighs.

"For the rest of us the fights, hmm…let's see…" Sapphire begins to say as she puts a hand to her chin.

"You mean…you didn't think of this beforehand?" Crimson asks as her eyes widen.

"Nah," Sapphire replies. "Your team isn't all that, so I figured we didn't need brother prepping." A light bulb then goes off above Sapphire's head. "Oh, I know-!" Sehs begins to say as she turns back to Crimson. "We'll do it like this: Emerald and Bronze will take on the rest of your team, one at a time! When someone falls unconscious, they'll swap out with one of their teammates, until your team has no one left to fight."

"You mean until your team has no one left to fight?" Crimson asks

"No!" Sapphire answers.

"Hey, no fair!" One of the Devils behind Sapphire snaps. "Moloch and I want to fight, too!"

"This isn't why you're here, Beelzebub!" Sapphire snaps as she turns to face the Devil, before peering back over to Crimson and smiling. "All good?" She asks.

Then…why are they there…?"

"Fine by me," Crimson answers, and the two Devils turn around and exit the stage.

"Alright then…" Loki begins to say. "Who's up first?"

"I'll go," the Devil with green hair and eyes who I'm assuming to be Emerald answers as she enters the arena.

"You go, sister!" Cheers the Devil with orange hair and eyes, who I'm assuming to be Bronze.

"Who wants to go?" Crimson asks Koga, Raiden, Circe, and myself.

"I'll go first," Koga answers as he enters the arena to face Emerald.

"Now…if everything's all settled…" Loki begins to say as he floats intot he air and spreads his arms out wide. "LET THE FINAL ROUND OF THE SUPERNATURAL TOURNAMENT…BEGIN!"

The crowd cheers louder than I've ever heard them cheer before.

"As much as I enjoy fighting, I wouldn't mind if you surrender right now," Emerald smirks. "I mean…I am a Devil afterall, I don't see how you possibly think you can win.

"It doesn't matter if I think I can win or not," Koga replies. "With the pride of both Reaper's Paranormal and my clan on the line…I must win."

"What a shame," Emerald sighs as she looks away from Koga and shrugs. "Well …let's see if you still think that after my first attack," Emerald then smirks as she looks back to Koga and aims a hand at him. "HELLAIR ROAR!" A powerful green tornado of wind then blasts out of Emerald's palm.

"What?!" Koga cries. "So even her attacks are like Crimson's?!" Swiftly, Koga draws his bo-staff and brings it up to block, but Emerald's wind blasts into Koga, sweeping him off of his feet and sending him flying into the air.

"Huh…you're surprisingly sturdy. Usually, my Hellair Roar blasts a hole clean through my opponents," Emerald smirks as she swipes a hand upwards. "Hellair Tornado!" Emerald shouts as her Hellair Scream begins to come together and circulate, forming a towering tornado of green wind that engulfs Koga.

"WAAAAAAH!!!!" Koga cries as he flies around and around in Emerald's tornado.

"And now-" Emerald begins to say as she swipes a hand downwards. "Hellair Hurricane!" The wind making up Emerald's tornado then begins to circulate even faster than before and blow downwards, sending Koga crashing to the ground in a crater, and pinning Koga to the floor of the arena due to the strength of Emerald's wind.

"D-dammit…" Koga grunts as he tries yet fails to move. "This is…just like Libra…"

"You're comparing me to that filthy witch? Emerald smirks as she struts straight through her tornado like it's merely a gentle breeze, before stopping before Koga. "Her gravity has nothing against my wind!" Emerald snaps as she stomps down on Koga's face, causing him to grunt in pain. Emerald then brings a hand up, as it begins swirling with wind. "I'll end this fight right off the bat!" Emerald exclaims as she launches a fist towards Koga. "HELLAIR MACE!" Koga powerlessly watches as Emerald's Hellair Mace flies towards his face, but before Emerald can strike Koga, he swiftly draws his bo-staff and swings it outwards, knocking away Emerald's fist then striking her in the face, causing Emerald to stumble backwards as she clutched her bleeding nose. "WHAT?!" Emerald cries. "How did you move in my wind?!"

"Your wind is nothing about a pale imitation of gravity!" Koga roars as he draws his bo-staff and charges Emerald again, but before Koga can attack her, Emerald swipes a hand towards Koga.

"HELLAIR WHIRLWIND!" Emerald shouts as a powerful gust of wind wraps around Emerald's body, flying into the air like a hurricane. Koga grunts in pain as he's slashed by Emerald's wind, before he's sent flying backwards. "YOUR SHITTY NINJA PARLOR TRICKS WILL NEVER WORK ON ME!" Emerald booms.

"Are you so sure about that?" Koga smirks as he disappears in a cloud of smoke.

"WHAT?!" Emerald cries as she frantically looks around. "Where did he go?!"

In a second cloud of smoke, Koga then reappears in the air above Emerald. "Sorry, Crimson, but I'm borrowing this-" Koga begins to say as he pulls out a scroll and unravels it, and the scroll then ignites in maroon-red flames.

"Is that…Hellfire…?" Emerald asks as her eyes widen.

Koga then lifts his bo-staff high into the air, as it's engulfed in Hellfire. "KOGA CLAN SECRET NINJUTSU TECHNIQUE HANZO-EXCLUSIVE- '' Koga begins to shout as he swings his bo-staff down towards Emerald. "SHOUBOU TAIIN!" [ngl I don't remember what this means]

"Hellair Roar!" Emerald frantically cries as she peers up at Koga and fires off a blast of Hellair down towards him, but Koga's flaming staff burn through Emerald's attack, before slamming into Emerald for good, engulfing her entire whirlwind in flames, and causing Emerald to howl in pain.

"As Crimson always says…" Koga began to say. "THE FLAMES OF HELL CAN BURN EVEN THE AIR OF HELL!" Emerald howls in pain as she's engulfed by Hellfire, but by the time that the flames extinguish, Koga is seen lying on the ground, his body charred black and unconscious. Emerald looms over Koga, smoke billowing off of her body.

"H-huh…" Emerald blinks. But then…a devious smirk spreads across her face. Emerald tears to the sky and lets out a bellowing cackle, before peering back down at Koga. "YOU TOOK YOURSELF OUT WITH YOUR OWN ATTACK?! HOW PATHETIC IS THAT!" Emerald cackles as she lifts a knee high into the air, before stomping down on Koga's face.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I snap. "Koga's unconscious, the fight is over!"

"Oh, are you sure?" Emerald smirks as she reaches down and grabs Koga by the back of his head, holding him up for the rest of us to see.

Koga lets out a small groan.

"See?" Emerald asks.

The rest of us tense up.

"How terrible…" Raiden gasps.

"My sisters…are evil…" Crimson growls.

"Emerald," Sapphire says, causing Emerald to sigh and roll her eyes.

"You're no fun!" Emerald grumbles as she tosses Koga off of the arena, but Circe swiftly draws a vial and tosses it to the ground, causing fluffy mushrooms to grow, and catch Koga.

"Koga, are you okay?!" Circe growls.

"Circe…" Koga weaklys asks as his eyes flutter open and eper up at us. "Guys… I'm sorry…"

"You don't need to apologize," I reply as I hold a fist out to Koga with a smirk. "We'll take it from here."

"Thank you…" Koga replies as he answers my fist up, before his arm limply flops down onto Circe's mushrooms. Paramedics then rush onto the scene, and carry Koga off in a stretcher.

"Shit," I grumble. "Now they're up one…"

"Alright, who's next?" Emerald smirks as she peers over to Circe, Raiden, and I.

"Emerald…" Crimson growls.

"I'll go next," Circe smirks as she takes a step forward.

"Circe…are you sure…?" Raiden asks.

"What, you don't think I can handle it?" Circe smirks as she peers over at Raiden.

"Ah, no, I-" Raiden stammers as he frantically waves his hands at Circe, but she cuts him off.

"Thank you, Raiden," Circe replies with a small smile. "For worrying about me."

"Ah…you're welcome!" Raiden replies with a bashful smile as he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck with a blush.

Circe then turns to face Emerald, and enters the arena.

"Oh, so you're next?" Emerald smirks. "I hope you're stronger than that ninja, because he was weak!"

Circe's face goes blank. "Koga…tried his best…" she growled. "He's stronger than you'll ever be!"

Emerald's eyes widened. "HE'S what you'd call Strong?! Then you must be weak!" Emerald exclaims as she aims a hand at Circe. "HELLAIR ROAR!"

In response, Circe draws a vial of line-green liquid and tosses it to the ground. Matching lime-green mushrooms then grow out of Circe's liquid. "Cogitans Fungorum!" Circe shouts. [Reflecting Mushrooms]

Emerald's Hellair Roar then blasts into Circe's mushroom heads, which reflect the attack right back towards her. "Woah, that's new!" Emerald comments.

"These mushroom heads can reflect anything!" Circe explains as Emerald's own attack flies back towards her.

"Hellair Tornado!" Emerald exclaims as she swipes a hand into the air, causing her Hellair Roar to change its trajectory directly upwards before expanding outwards, forming a mighty tornado which wraps around Circe. "Hellair Clutch!" Emerald exclaims as she sticks a hand out to Circe then clenches her hand, and Emerald's tornado begins to thin out, slowly collapsing upon Circe.

"Hmm…now this is troublesome," Circe comments as Emerald's attack collapses upon Circe, piercing her with a powerful swirling needle of air and causing Circe to howl in pain.

"How'd you like that?" Circe smirks.

"Not as much as you'll like this!" Circe exclaims as she sticks a hand out to Emerald, and poison gas begins leaking out of her pores. "Poison Curse Magic: Forbidden Fruit!" Circe exclaims as her poison gas flies towards Emerald.

"You think that a gas can work against me?" Emerald cackles as she swipes a hand towards Circe, sending a wave of air flying towards her. "Hellair Whirlwind!" Emerald's wind then blasts into Circe's cloud of poison gas, blowing it back towards Circe, who yawns as she's engulfed by her own poison.

"I thought the poison was lethal?!" Emerald cries.

"It is," Circe answers with a smirk. "Unless you're me, that is. Do you really think my own poison would work against me?"

"I suppose that was rather foolish of me," Emerald smirks.

"Poison Curse Magic: Gas Chamber!" Circe shouts as her entire body is engulfed by a poison cloud.

"Hellair Mace!" Emerald shouts as she first begins swirling with green hair then charges. Once before Circe, Emerald launches her fist forwards, but the second that Emerald's hand touches Circe's poison cloud, which winces, then retracts her hand.

"Burns, eh?" Circe smirks. "My poison should be melting your skin off."

"Nah," Emerald replies. "Just a slight sting. Devils have resistance to poison." Emerald then waves a hand upwards, and Circe's poison begins circulating through the air, before merging with Emerald's wind, and forming a toxic tornado in Emerald's palm. "TOXIC HELLAIR ROAR!" Emerald shouts as she launches her hand outwards, firing off a blast of poison wind towards Circe.

"I told you…my own poison won't work against me!" Circe exclaims as she brings her arms up to block, but when Emerald's attack blasts into Circe, and Circe's eyes widen as her skin begins to burn. Circe lets out a yelp of pain as she stumbles backwards. "How…can my own poison burn me…?"

"YOUR poison?" Emerald smirks as she holds a hand up, and Circe's poison gas condenses into a sphere resting in Emerald's palm. "This is my poison now." 

Emerald then aims her hand at Circe again, and releases another rush of poison gas and wind. "Toxic Hellair Roar!"

"Damn…I planned to use my strongest weapon in this fight and I can't even use that?!" Circe cries. Circe's eyes then widen as she stares down Emerald's attack before her. "I need something to defend, and quick!" A lightbulb then goes off above Circe's head. "I know!" Quickly, Circe then turns away from Emerald and drops to the ground on her knees, pulling out a few vials of various colored liquids and muttering to herself as she plays around with them.

"What…are you doing…?" Emerald asks as she raises an eyebrow at Circe.

"Shut up, I'm concentrating!" Circe snaps. Emerald's attack then blasts into Circe, engulfing her in a cloud of poison. The poison burns Circe's skin, and Circe is forced to hold her breath, but she keeps working, mixing various potions together, and creating a vial of purple liquid. "Eureka!" Circe exclaims as she hops off the ground and holds her vial in the air.

"What's that?" Emerald asks.

"You'll see," Circe smirks as she turns around to face Emerald.

"Toxic Hellair Roar!" Emerald shouts as she thrusts a hand towards Circe, releasing a blast of poison wind.

Swiftly, Circe draws a vial with white liquid and shatters it to the ground. Out of the liquid, grows a giant mushroom with a fan for a head. "Fungorum Aura!" Circe shouts [Mushroom Breeze] as the fan on her mushroom begins spinning, blowing Emerald's attack right back at her. Emerald winces in pain as Circe's poison burns her body. "What's wrong?" Circe smirks. "I thought I was your poison now?"

"Damn you…" Emerald growls.

"I have the antidote right here," Circe says as she shakes the vial in her hand. "If you want it…you can have it."

"Hah!" Emerald spits. "Like I'd fall for that trick!"

"Is it a trick?" Circe asks. "My poison is infecting your body as we speak. And here I am…offering you an antidote. But, is this antidote real? Or am I trying to get you to not take the antidote, so that my own poison takes you out?"

Emerald's eyes widened.

"Come on," Circe smirks. "The clock's ticking."

Emerald begins sweating bullets as Circe's poison continues burning her body and infecting her lungs. Emerald then opens her mouth up to speak, but then, her eyes roll back into her head as foam begins frothing at her mouth. Emerald then falls to her back on the great, unconscious.

The crowd goes wild.

"Yeah…I lied!" Circe teases as she sticks a tongue out at Emerald. "This isn't even an antidote! Plus, your poison never even hurt me, I was faking the entire time. Even though you're resistant to poison, nothing can withstand my curse, and I knew it was only a matter of time before you went down."

"Alright, Circe!" Raiden and I cheer.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Koga…" Circe smiles.

A faint smile spreads across Crimson's lips. "She…really won…"

"I can't believe Emerald actually went down," Sapphire sighs as she facepalms. "After only taking out one opponent, too."

"Don't worry, sister, there are only three of them," Bronze replies as she cracks her knuckles and enters the stage. I'll take it from here."

"Lucky me, getting to face two Devils in one day," Circe smirks.

"You're already wounded, I'll make this quick!" Bronze shouts as she aims a hand at Circe. "Hellearth Rage!" A tornado of rock, stone, dirt, sand, and rubble flies out of Bronze's hand towards Circe.

"Woah, that's a lot of stuff!" Circe comments as she draws four vials in each hand, clutching them between knuckles. "Acidum Imbrem!" Circe shouts as she flings the vials towards Bronze's tornado of stone and earthstuff, which shatters upon making contact, spraying the contents of Circle vials everywhere, and melting through the rock. "It seems like my abilities are a counter to yours," Circe smirks.

"We'll see about that!" Bronze replies as she lifts a knee up and stomps the ground, shattering a crater in the arena floor, and sending shockwaves of earth flying towards Circe. "Hell Earth Tremor!"

"Woah!" Circe cries as she's knocked off her feet.

"Hellearth Rockslide!" Bronze shouts as she stomps on the floor again, causing a spike of rock to jut out of the ground before her. Bronze then launches a rapid-fire dart of punches towards the spike, shattering the rock, and sending chunks of stone flying towards Circe.

Circe fumbles around until she draws a vial, but one of Bronze's stones blast into Circe's hand, shattering the vial and crushing Circe's fist, and causing her to yelp in pain. Circe is just bombarded by a rockslide of stone, sending her crashing to the ground. "Dammit…" Circe grunts as she pushes herself to her feet. "I'm too weak…from my last fight." Finally, Circe pushes herself up to her feet at last, and aims a hand at Bronze, poison gas leaking out of her pores. "Poison Curse Magic: Forbidden Fruit!" Circe shouts as a cloud of poison gas begins flying towards Bronze. In response, Bronze stomps the ground, and a dome of rock forms around her. "You can't stay in there forever," Circe smirks as Bronze's dome is engulfed in a poison gas. But then, the ground below Circe begins to tremble. "H-huh…?" Circe asks as she stumbles backwards. And then, the earth splits, and out of the cracks leaps Bronze, who aims a rock-covered fist towards Circe.

"Hellearth Mace!" Bronze shouts as she slams a fist into Circe, causing her head to violently snap upwards, before falling to the ground on her back, unconscious for good.

"Yes!" Bronze exclaims, as paramedics rush in and carry Circe off in a stretcher.

"Alright, just two more to go," Sapphire smirks.

"Damn!" I exclaim. "Now they're back up again!"

"Alright, who's next?" Bronze asks as she peers over at Raiden and I.

"I'll go first," Raiden answers.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Of course!" Raiden answers as he turns to me and smiles. "I'm your right-hand man, afterall. And I have to avenge Circe!"

"Go get 'em," I smirk back, and Raiden enters the arena.

"Let's see what you're made of!" Bronze booms as she aims a hand at Raiden, and fires off another tornado of rock. "Hellearth Rage!"

As for Raiden, he aims his wand at Bronze. "Fulminus Ure!" Raiden shouts as he fires off a bolt of lightning. Raiden and Bronze's attacks then blast into one another, stone on lightning. Raiden's bolt of lightning crackles throughout Bronze's tornado for earth, zapping stone, and causing them to shatter to bits. "I see…" Bronze softly says to herself. "So you're the Storm Wizard, huh?"

"Er…yeah, I am!" Raiden stammers.

"So you use lightning, huh…?" Bronze asks herself. "THEN YOU HAVE NO HOPE AT WINNING! Hellearth Mace!" Bronze shouts as she coats a fist in stone plating and charges Raiden.

"Fulminis Ure!" Raiden shouts as he fires off another bolt of lightning towards Bronze, but upon making contact with the Devil, Raiden's lightning is discharged into the ground, having no effect on Bronze. "I figured…" Raiden mutters to himself. "Bronze discharged my lightning into the ground. "Bronze continues charging Raiden, completely unphased "If lightning doesn't work, then I'll try wind!" Raiden then exclaimed as he aimed his wand at Bronze again. "Aura Parva!" Raiden shouts as he fires a powerful gust of wind at Bronze.

In response, bronze punches her fists together. "Hell Earth Golem!" She shouts, and Bronze's entire body is coated in stone armor. Radien's gust of wind then blasts into Bronze, which causes the Devil to slow down a bit as she continues to push through Raoden's attack, but having no effect other than that.

"What?!" Raiden cries. "She's too heavy to push back!"

Bronze continues charging raiden, until eventually, she's upon him. "Hellearth Mace!" bronze shouts one last time as she slams a rock-covered fist into Raiden, sending him crumbling to the ground.

"Ugh…' Raiden grunts as he struggles to push himself back up to his feet. But before Raiden can fully stand, Bronze reaches out and grabs Raiden by the shirt collar, hoisting him off of his feet and causing him to drop his wand in the process. Bronze then raises a fist, and cocks it back.

"What are you going to do without your wind…?" Bronze asks.

"This!" Raiden exclaims as his entire body begins coursing with electricity which zaps Bronze's body as well, but just as before, the electricity is discharged into the ground, leaving Bronze unaffected by Raiden's attack. "Using my wind is just a habit!" Raiden smirks. "I don't need it! IMPULSA FLUCTUS!"

Bronze blinks. "Was that…supposed to do anything…" she asks.

Raiden sighs. "Nooo…" he admits.

"Good, I thought so!" Bronze roars as she launches her rock-covered fist into Raiden, breaking his nose and sending him flying backwards. "Because otherwise… that would have been embarrassing!"

"I've lived my entire life being embarrassed!" Raiden shouts back. "What's one more failure added to my plate?!"

"THAT'S PATHETIC!" Bronze booms as she charges Raiden.

Raiden's lips curl up into a smirk. "There." Raiden then aims a hand at Bronze and fires off a bolt of lightning, causing the Devil to howl in pain as she's electrocuted by Raiden's attack.

"WHat?!" Sapphire cries. "Lightning shouldn't work on bronze!"

"I noticed it when she was charging me earlier-" Raiden explains. "Bronze has a certain pattern to her run that makes it so that there's a split second where both of her feet aren't touching the ground. So by exploiting that second, I can attack Bronze with my lighting, before she can discharge it into the earth. I just had to wait for Bronze to charge me again."

"How is that possible?!" Sapphire cries. "He…would have had less than a split second to attack!"

"As Zach said, I'm just that impressive," Raiden smirks.

Bronze contiues to howl in pain as she's shocked by Raiden's lightning. And then, once Raiden's attack lets up, Bronze drops to the ground on one knee. "As long as I don't leave the ground…I can't be defeated!" Bronze booms as she aims a hand towards Raiden. "Hellearth Rage!" Bronze then releases a blast of earth towards Raiden, who fires off a blast of lightning in response. The two attacks collide, but Raiden's lightning bolt is swiftly overpowered as Bronze's Hellwarth Roar blasts into him, and then, once the smoke clears, Raiden is lying on the ground defeated.

"ALRIGHT!" Bronze booms as she launches both fists into the air. "I'm on a winning streak! Just one left to go!"

"And so…it's down to the Reaper," Sapphire smirks.

"You're our last hope, Zach," Crimson says to me as Raiden is carried off in a stretcher."

"I know…" I sigh, as I enter the arena.

"Raiden…Circe…Koga…" I softly say as I pass by Raiden's stretcher. "You weakened her down for me. My victory…will be built off of your successes."

"It all comes down to this," Bronze smirks.

"And so it does," I sigh back.

"I'll finish you off in a jif!" Bronze cackles as she charges me. In response, I draw my sickle-sword and bring it up, as its blade begins to swirl with Soul Energy. Once upon me, Bronze coats her fist in a stone gauntlet and launches it towards me. "HELLEARTH MACE!"

In response, I yawn, then swing my sickle-word towards Bronze. "Soul Hunter…"

Before Bronze can strike me with her attack, I slash her with my sickle-sword, causing Bronze's eyes to roll back into her head before falling back to the ground, unconscious.

"As I thought…" I say to myself

The audience is silent.

"Um…" Loki begins to say as he floats over to Bronze and I. "Zach Reaper…is the winner?"

The audience begins booing.




"Everyone, order, order, please!" Loki pleads. "I know that the fight ended climatically, but Bronze had already foguht two ohter members of Team Reaper's Paranormal before, an-"

Loki is cut off as the audience continues booiing.

"What the Hell did ya' except!" I snap. "Don't underestimate my teammates! Between the Circle poison and Rain's lightning, did you really think that Bronze had enough strength to fight me, too?!" And then, with a huff, I storm out of the arena as Bronze is carried off in a stretcher. "You're up, girl," I say as I pass by Crimson. "I'm gonna check on everyone in the infirmary."

"You're not going to stay and watch?" Crimson asks.

"Nah," I answer with a smirk. "I know you're gonna win this!"

Crimson smirks back. "Right!" And so, as I pass by Crimson, I give her a high five, while I head to the infirmary and Crimson enters the arena. Sapphire enters the arena as well.

"Sapphire…" Crimson growls.

"Crimson," Sapphire smirks.

"So how does this work?" Crimson asks. "We won the last match, so if I defeat you, we win?"

"Not exactly," Sapphire answers. "We knocked out three of your team members while you only knocked out two of mine. Even if you defeat me, we're tied, and we have to go to sudden death. Beelzebub and Moloch haven't fought yet, so they're at full strength. If this goes to sudden death…we win."

"Where are you going with this…?" Crimson Growls.

"I'll make you a deal, Crimson," Sapphire answers. "If you win…you win the Supernatural Tournament. If I win, my team wins the Supernatural Tournament."

Crimson's eyes wide. "A-are you sure?" She blinks. "You've never won a fight against me in sixteen years, are you sure you want to make this deal?"

"That's how confident I am," Sapphire smirks. "You've beat me every time we fought, so surely you'll win again, right?"


Crimson's lips curl up into a smirk. "Alright," she replies. "Let's do it."

"And so-" Loki begins to say as he floats high into the air and spreads his arms out wide. And then…in the loudest voice he can muster, Loki booms: "LET THE FINAL MATCH OF THE SUPERNATURAL TOURNAMENT…BEGIN!"

The audience cheers louder than they ever had before.

Crimson and Sapphire stare each other down. "DEVIL FORM!" They shout in unison. Black scales spread all across Crimson's body, curly, gray ram horns just out of her skull, her fingers and toes morph into maroon red claws and talons, the whites of her eyes turn black, and a long, red tail ending in a pitchfork shoots out of her tailbone. The transformation is the same for Sapphire, as well, but rather than red claws and a red tail, Sapphire has dark blue claws and a blue tail.

And the fated battle between sisters…begins.



Both Crimson and Sapphire thrusts a hand out toward one another, releasing a blast of maroon-red flames and a blast of purple water respectively, which flies towards each other. Crimson and Sapphire's attacks then collide in a burst of steam, canceling one another out.

"Her water…didn't extinguish the flames…?" Evelyn asks herself from her place in the audience.

"The flames of Hell are so hot that even the water of Hell can't help but to evaporate once the two meet," Crimson says.

"Maybe when we were younger," Sapphire smirks, purple water begins swirling around her hand. "How long has it been, Crimson…a few months? I've gotten a lot stronger since then!" Sapphire then brings a hand up and charges.

Meanwhile, as for Crimson, she ignites her fist in Hellfire and charges Sapphire back. The two Devils continue rushing towards one another, until they are face to face. "HELLFIRE MACE!" Crimson shouts as she launches her flaming fist towards her sister.

As for Sapphire, she curls her fingers in like a claw and slashes it towards Crimson, sending blades of water flying from her fingers. "Hellwater Slash!" Crimson and Sapphire's attacks collide in another burst of steam, but rather than Crimson's attack pushing her sister back, Sapphire remains strong. Crimson's eyes widen once she realizes that she can't immediately overpower her sister.

"What's wrong, little sis?" Sapphire smirks. "Surprised that your flames didn't immediately evaporate my water?" Crimson's flames heat up as she shoves her fist forwards, but again, Sapphire remains strong. "My, my, how pushy!" Sapphire exclaims. "Maybe I should give you a taste of your own medicine!" Sapphire then pushes her Water Claw forwards, overpowering Crimson, and sending her flying backwards as her eyes widen even further.

"I lost…a battle of strength…?"

"And now-!" Sapphire begins to say as she stomps a foot into the ground. "Hellwater Torrent!" Jet streams of water begin to shoot out of the ground as they make their way over to Crimson, before blasting into her, and sending Crimson flying into the air.

"How is this…possible?!" She cries.

"And now…" Sapphire begins to say as she aims a hand towards Crimson one last time. "HELLWATER HOWL!"

Sapphire releases a tornado of purple water which flows into the air towards Crimson. In order to defend, Crimson shouts: "Hellfire Meteor," and her entire body goes up in flames. Sapphire's attack blasts into Crimson, but it quickly evaporates due to Crimson's heat, causing the entire arena to be engulfed in steam again. Crimson then begins falling through the air towards Sapphire, like a meteor.

Sapphire's eyes widen as she watches Crimson fall towards her. "Hellwater Whirlpool!" Sapphire cries as a spiralign whirlpool of purple water forms around her. But Crimson's meteor attack flies straight through Sapphire's whirlpool. Crimson's flames evaporate until she continues charging towards Sapphire, and then, once she's upin her sister, Crimson lets out a roar as she slams her pare fist into Sapphires face, causing the Devil is tumble backwards and cluther her bleeding nose, as Sapphire's whirlpool attack ends.

"You're tenacious, if anything else," Sapphire smirks. "But your flames still can't evaporate my water."

"They can," Crimson replies, causing Sapphire to sneer. "Maybe not anymore, but once before, they could. And that's why -in order to make sure my flames still work against you- I created this ability." Crimson then holds a hand in the air as her entire body is engulfed in hellfire. Crimson's flames rise into the air and condense, forming a large glowing orange sphere that floats above Crimson's head, resembling the sun.


"That won't work!" Sapphire roars as she aims a hand at Crimson, firing off another jetstream of purple water. "Hellwater Howl!" Crimson doesn't move as Sapphire's attack continues to fly towards her. And then, once Sapphire's Hellwater Howl is about to blast into her, it evaporates thanks to Crimson's Planetary Hellfire. 

Sapphire's eyes widened.

"I told you," Crimson comments. "It won't work."

"It won't work…?" Sapphire softly says to herself.

"It won't work?" Sapphire then asks, louder this time.

"It won't work?!" She cries.


An explosion of Hellwater then escapes Sapphire's body, engulfing the entire arena in a whirlpool. "SEA-CAVERN HELLWATER!"

"Shi-" Crimson gasps as he's forced to hold her breath and go under. And then, through the whirlpool…Sapphire charges. Before Crimson can react, Sapphire swims past her at blinding speeds, slashing Crimson with a Hellwater Claw as she passes by. Sapphire then turns and peers over her shoulder at Crimson and smirks, meanwhile Crimson lets out a gasp of air bubbles as her blood begins to flow from her wound and merge with Sapphire's water. Sapphire continues swimming past Crimson again and again, slashing her with her Hellwater Claw as she passes by each time.

"Shit…" Crimson thinks to herself. "How do I get past this one…?" Crimson then attempts to summon her Planetary Hellfire, but nothing happens. Crimson's eyes widen. "I can't use my flames under the water?!"

Sapphire then sticks a hand out to Crimson and smirks. Her whirlpool then begins circulating rapidly, going round and around, with Crimson caught in it. And then, Sapphire raises a hand into the air, and her whirlpool begins flowing towards her hand, forming a giant claw of water. "NOVA HELLWATER CLAW!" Sapphire shouts as she slashes Crimson with a giant claw of water, causing the Devil to grunt in pain as she's sent flying out of the arena. Crimson then lands dozens of feet away in the audience, defeated.

Sapphire stares at her sister's body, panting heavily. But then…a sadistic grin spreads across her face as Sap[hire refers to the sky and cackles. "I'VE WON!" Sapphire booms as she spreads her arms out wide to her sides. "I'VE DEFEATED CRISON!"

Audience cheers louder than they ever had before

"Well done!" A small voice says, and Sapphire looks up to where she hears the voice, seeing Loli floating over to her.

"Loki!" Sapphire booms. "Make the announcement that I have won the Supernatural Tournament! I want my wish!"

"Of course!" Loki answers. "But first…just one more thing!" Loki then claps his hands together, and immediately, dozens of creatures who look like Loki storm the arena, but larger, muscular, and more humanoid. Binded in the hands of each creature, is one of the competitors for the Supernatural Tournament.

"Wh-what the Hell is this?!" I cry as I flail against the creature's grasp, but it hands on tight.

"Guys!" Evelyn cries from her place in the audience.

"What's the meaning of this, Loki?!" The audience roars. "What the Hell is happening?!"

"I have…no strength to escape…" Raiden grunts.

"Yeah…same here!" Circe Cires.

"Me too…" Koga admits.

"Let us go, you fiends!" Agent Sniper snaps.

"Colt!" Agent Kardos cries. 

"Why won't my Holy Powers work on 'em?!" Agent Hexley shouts.

"Smith, what's happening?!" Gaumond cries.

"I don't know!" Agent Smith snaps.

"S-sister…" Bronze says.

"Help us!" Emerald wails.

"H-huh, us too?!" Beelzebub and Moloch cry.

"I don't like dudes!" Yamata snaps.

"This doesn't look good…" MIkoto snaps.

"S-Sagittarius, what's going on?!" Libra cries.

"This isn't what we talked about!" Cancer booms.

Ezra doesn't say anything. He just stands there with a deceiving smirk as the creature holding him lugs him into the arena.

"Now, before we announce the winners of the Supernatural Tournament, do you want to know why I offer up the prize of one wish for winning the Supernatural Tournament?" Loki asks

"Because of…the goodness of your heart…?" I nervously ask.

"Wrong," Loki answers. "It's to attract powerful creatures to the Supernatural Tournament."

"Next, do you want to know why no one remembers the Supernatural Tournament or their wish once the Supernatural Tournament ends?" Loki asks.

"Um…of course!" I answer.

"Well the answer is because I don't actually grant their wishes," Loki explains. "Instead, I erase their memories about the Supernatural Tournament and host a new tournament a few years later, hoping to find even stronger competitors."

"And why…would you do that…?" I ask.

"You see, I am called a Consumer, as well as all of the assistants working under me for the Supernatural Tournament," Loki explains. "Consumers are a special species. When we consume a creature, we get stronger and smarter. But, we can only consume a finite amount of creatures, so our powers have a limit."

Everyone's eyes widen.


"The Supernatural Tournament was perfectly designed so that the STRONGEST creatures in the world can take part in the tournament," Loki continues. "Theoretically, you would hope that the strongest fighters take place in the tournament every time, but that's not necessarily the case. That's why I erase everyone's memories of the Supernatural Tournament and start anew every five years, hoping to get some new faces."

"So that's…why you told us we can't kill our opponents…" Raiden whimpers.

"Exactly," Loki answers as he looks around at every team. "I have never seen such faces before," he says. "This very well may be the strongest batch of Competitors that the Supernatural Tournament has ever seen, which is why…"


Everyone blinks rapidly.
