
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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287 Chs

Yesterday Strangers, Today Friends: A Magical Duel

As Valric disappeared from the stage, about 30 lights floated above and around the arena, projecting outward into the world images of the arena and what was happening in it. At first there wasn't much to see, but suddenly a school of brightly colored fish appeared, hovered over the arena, then dispersed, and out of the fish came all sorts of animals in all their glory. As these images moved to the center, they disappeared and turned into a beautiful light show and fireworks display that was sure to impress everyone in attendance. After a few minutes, the splendor subsided and the arena briefly went dark. Small lights formed around the arena and made their way to the two opponents, who faced each other with proud expressions and entered the arena.

Music sounded in the arena, which seemed to capture the mood and add drama to the upcoming fight. As the two fighters slowly approached, their presence gradually took over the center of the arena.

The breathing of all the spectators in the Colosseum slowed down and silence fell as they all waited anxiously to see how this battle would go. Even the highest races, such as Angels, Valkyrs, Alves, and Demigods, looked spellbound at the projection that seemed so promising.

Although the fighters were still young, this tournament had made them grow enormously in a very short time and had shown them that even the slightest moment of inattention could cost them victory. They had learned that one could not participate in a fight half-heartedly. Now they were completely focused on their opponents and slowly assumed fighting stances. John, armed with his two swords, radiated a threatening aura. But Bernard, who presented himself as a pugilist with leather gloves and only light iron reinforcement, demonstrated his unwavering fighting spirit and surprised many spectators in the course of this tournament.

The small lights that circled the arena gradually floated upward and grew larger until they reached the ceiling, illuminating only the arena itself. At that moment, Valric's powerful voice rang out, saying, "Fight!" The two opponents charged toward each other.

The two warriors charged toward each other, their gazes full of determination. John launched the first attack, his swords whirling through the air as he tried to overwhelm Bernard with swift and precise strikes. But Bernard deftly dodged and countered with powerful blows from his own mitts.

The fight raged on, punches and blows being exchanged as the combatants tested each other. John showed off his skill with swords, executing lightning-fast attacks and trying to break through Bernard's defenses. Bernard, on the other hand, relied on his strength and quick movements to dodge John's blows and land well-aimed hits.

The spectators were spellbound as they watched the duel unfold before their eyes. Both fighters seemed to give their all, putting their energies into the fight. The intensity was palpable as swords and mitts clashed, sparks flew and the sound of steel on steel filled the arena.

The fight between John and Bernard was not only a test of their fighting skills, but also a demonstration of their deep friendship and mutual appreciation. As they rushed toward each other, John felt a strong will within himself to win this fight not only by weapons, but also by determination and skill.

At a crucial moment, John decided to use the broad and blunt side of his sword hilt as a blockade. He did not want to rely only on offensive attacks, but also to show that the fight was more than just blows and slashes. This decision surprised Bernard, who recognized the respect and depth in John's fighting ethic.

As the fight continued, both fighters became increasingly exhausted, both mentally and physically. Their movements became slower, but their will remained undiminished. Bernard approached Johannes and tried to throw him over his shoulder. But John let go of his weapons and grabbed Bernard in return. At that moment the fight became a duel of wills and last reserves.

Both fighters wrestled with each other, their forces were almost exhausted, but they did not give up. John felt the physical effort, but also the attachment to Bernard. Finally, John managed to force Bernard to the ground and overpower him with a deft grip. The grip slowly choked off the air, and Bernard slowly lost consciousness.

When John realized that Bernard could no longer fight, he immediately let go of him. At that moment, the lights on the ceiling exploded and turned into a luminous rain of different colors. Above the arena they formed the word "John", which floated above him in radiant letters, marking him as the victor. This impressive gesture of recognition and honor filled the arena with a festive atmosphere.

Bernard opened his eyes again and realized that he had lost the fight. But despite the defeat, he felt no pain or anger, but a deep satisfaction. He had not expected to get this far in the tournament and was grateful for the experience and knowledge he had gained. As a tear ran down his cheek, he felt a mixture of pride and emotion.

John reached out his hand to help him up, and Bernard gladly accepted. At that moment, it became clear that the boy who had been a stranger yesterday had become a precious friend today. Together they stood up, and John raised their joined hands to symbolize their unity and friendship. The audience broke into enthusiastic applause as they celebrated the two young fighters.

The projection of the word "John" above the arena slowly faded, but the memory of this fight and the friendly bond between John and Bernard would live on in the hearts of the people and in the annals of the tournament.