
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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287 Chs

Strange armor

Mortis entered the dungeon and the first thing he saw was black, tar-like lumps.

"What is this?" he asked.

"That's resentment, a slime born of hatred and malice," a voice replied. "The dungeon is between level 10 and 15, but since you're alone, be careful."

Mortis attacked the first grudge and found that normal attacks did little damage. He used slash and killed it with it. He tried to dodge the remaining grudge, which was spewing black slime.

As he ran past them, he hit each one until he arrived in a large room where there were large demonic dogs with red and black fur. When they saw and smelled Mortis, they growled and charged toward him. Mortis stopped and had to get used to being attacked by animals.

Two of the demon dogs jumped up to bite him in the neck, but Mortis was able to fend them off with the staff of his scythe. The other two, however, latched onto his leg.

He slashed at both dogs with Slash, but they didn't let go. So he used Ghostly Retreat to get the dogs off his leg and gain distance.

But no sooner was he some distance away from the animals than they ran at him again. This time Mortis suppressed his fear of wild animals and stood up to fight.

He tried to keep the dogs at a distance with the reach of his scythe, but they were very nimble and got only a few cuts, not deep ones. He activated scythe whirls, jumped behind the dogs and hit all four, but the mutts put that away too.

He held the blades of the scythe sideways to keep the dogs away and stabbed them with the tip. But behind him, slowly but purposefully, the grudge slimes approached.

So he ran to the entrance to bring the dogs to the grudge slimes, which worked without problems thanks to his speed. When everything was in one place, he used scythe whirls twice in a row, mainly to kill the dogs.

After the third dog and five slimes were dead, Mortis went into the big room to train with the remaining dog how to fight without skills, realizing that he hadn't gotten used to it yet.

After dodging for a long time and receiving many bites, Mortis finished the dog and killed some more slimes to recover.

When the last dog died, a gate appeared in the large room, which Mortis immediately recognized as his target. After recovering a bit, he opened the gate and saw a staircase, which he immediately followed upstairs. Here he found himself in a long corridor that looked more like a cellar than a cave. In the corridor, old armor stood in rows. Only a few were inhabited by souls, but Mortis recognized them immediately.

With the spirit weapon, however, he still destroyed all the other armor for fun. The inhabited armors didn't move, as if they were in shock that something was going through them and doing real damage.

Mortis used Sprint to approach the next room, as these armors were also very slow, as if a child had been put in armor that could just carry them.

Just as he was about to charge into the other room, the door closed, prompting Mortis to defeat the moving armor first. So Mortis stood and threw one spirit scythe after another until all 8 armors collapsed and Mortis collected the souls.

The door burst open, clearing the way for Mortis to enter immediately, even though the room was dark. Mortis was about to enter the spirit realm when the torches on the walls began to flicker and emit green light.

In the center of the room stood a large iron suit of armor that did not move and appeared lifeless. But suddenly a huge lump of resentment dripped from the ceiling and first covered the armor, then flowed into it.

It wasn't long before the armor turned black and a red light appeared under the helmet. The grudge armor suddenly swung its sword, which Mortis managed to block, but lifted him off the ground. However, not only the force caused problems, but also an ability that hit him from a mana wave.

He landed with his feet, but still covered a distance of 3 meters, which surprised Mortis and sparked his will to fight. He charged towards the armor, used slash and tried to dance around this boss, but this armor was not slow and hit back hard.

While Mortis was trying to figure out the opponent's fighting pattern, it seemed like the armor was doing the same. Both gave each other their all for minutes. When the armor made a strong swing, Mortis used Ghostly Retreat to escape attacks like Shock Mana Wave.

Now Mortis noticed the difference: he was alone in a dungeon, whereas he normally fought in a group where he didn't have to focus so much on dodging and blocking. So he also lacked the extra damage, even if he was overleveled.

However, after a while, the armor began to glow, indicating berserk mode. A black wall appeared, collapsed, and a wave of black liquid spread across the field. Mortis tried to jump over the wave, which worked, but the liquid was still at the starting point like viscous tar, sticking Mortis.

The armor jumped to the edge and started spinning with the sword in its hand, pulling the liquid and everything in it towards it. The armor was speeding up, and Mortis now realized he couldn't use any abilities either. The tar-like stuff was enveloping him more and more, so he couldn't move forward or backward to avoid the sword.

Nervous and slightly panicked, Mortis tried to get out of the tar, but it was no use. He couldn't get out and quickly approached that circular saw. Morti took his scythe, held it vertically and tried to stick it into the ground to block the sword. But the problem was that the ground was flat and had no edges.

The sword hit him the first time, but he was still able to block it. The second time it already spun him a bit, but he quickly stretched his scythe in front of him and blocked another 8 hits, which he blocked, but still took a lot of damage. His arms were getting numb.

So he tried to end the fight quickly and this time immediately used slash four times when a black wall appeared again. "Not this time." Mortis ran far away from the wall as it dissipated and a wave came at him again. This time he jumped to a real wall and held onto a torch holder. He used the scythe for support.

As the black, sticky secretion returned to the armor, Mortis took a healing potion and waited for the spin to pass and his mana to slowly refill.

As soon as the spin was over, Mortis stood there and used slash four times on the head of the armor until the helmet was no longer visible.

The armor began to shake and the tar thinned until the armor fell to the ground and everything disappeared.

Level up. Distribute your 9 SP. "Put it all into Strength."

Quest completed: Kill an elite enemy. Reward: equipment upgrade level 1. Want to upgrade something right now? New quest: kill 2 rare and 2 elite enemies.

"Improve my chest armor." The chest has been improved. It is now made of better materials, has more armor and +12 agility instead of +6.

"Why didn't I get a soul from the boss?" Because normal dungeon monsters don't normally have souls. But since this dungeon was nurtured by your brother, they received souls to get outside. Everything that is under the normal sky needs a soul to walk on earth.

"So the bastard got impatient and killed his father, just like he wanted to kill the women to give the boss a soul too." That's it, or maybe he just went insane.

A chest appeared in the middle, and Mortis immediately pounced on it. Inside were 5 gold coins and 2 weapons: a sword and a staff, which Morti simply placed in his spatial ring.

"This is a dungeon of the evil gods. Destroy it by destroying the dungeon. This is located behind the wall between the 4th and 5th torches."

Mortis didn't ask further and hammered away at the spot his system told him until he found a small room with only a magic circle with a large round sphere in it.

"Should I just destroy the sphere now or take it outside and destroy it? I don't feel like getting hit by debris."

"Just smash the crystal. After that, you'll be teleported right outside the dungeon, and it'll be like it was never there."

So he smashed the crystal and immediately stood in front of the hill next to the fake bushes.

Mortis, level 22 Reaper Strength 49 , Agility 61 , Intelligence 33, Vitality 29, Stamina 50, Mana 50, Charisma 45.