
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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214 Chs


The statue of the goddess moved and beckoned Mortis and the others of his group to her. When everyone was standing in front of her, she touched Sophia's forehead and gave her images of a future she has to choose, while she simply conjured up some letters and handed them to the others.

Mortis opened the letter and saw nothing in it. ° Path of Destiny was unlocked. The Paths of Destiny make you follow the path of Dante and the path of the Sephiroth, because as a Reaper you must become a demigod. Become one with heaven and hell.

Limbo transfer starts in 10 seconds.°

Mortis quickly turned to the others and said. "It seems I have to leave, I'll see you soon, I don't know how long it will take me to get back." As the others were about to ask what was going on, Mortis disappeared before their eyes.

In the letters from Helga and Kathrin it said that they should first accompany Daniel and then go on the road to travel the initial countries to clean the cemeteries but only they both get to know each other better and learn to interact because Mortis will be away for about 4 months Kathrin got a bow that can shoot ghost arrows and Helga got a book for holy magic to cleanse spirits.

Sophia was dissolved what she was shown were different paths she could take but only one would make her happy even if she didn't believe it at the time but she chose this path because what is not can still become. Daniel got a blueprint for a magic portal so that he can travel faster from graveyard to graveyard.

Limbo: ° Congratulations you are now before hell here are the believers who strayed from their path and took the wrong path or got involved with the devil and his sins. They have no skills or equipment here only their scythe is their companion good luck.

Mortis opened his eyes and stood in front of a pack of dogs where he saw one that had 3 heads, one that was a little bigger and many others behind it was a huge gate decorated with bones and sculptures that looked as if people had been petrified in their greatest agony. " Madness really melodramatic as if a simple gate would not have been enough."

Cerberus and Gorn growled at Morrtis and wanted to chase him away from the gate, but Mortis just looked at the dogs calmly and beckoned them to him, then he said. "I don't want to go in there anyway, but I would like to pet you a little. But the dogs didn't want to be petted, so Mortis stomped off in a rage and swore revenge.

Mortis had the same feeling here in Limbo as he had in the spirit world, the distortion and the gray of the world was the same, but he couldn't change his form here and he felt a certain attachment to the realm.

After a few minutes of crossing an empty plain, he reached a forest. This forest had trees without leaves, and what was on the branches were something like tendrils of strings and ropes hanging down, which Mortis found a little strange, but as he approached the forest. As Mortis approached, the trees swung their tendrils at him like whips, trying to beat the skin and flesh from his bones. Mortis just managed to dodge or cut the thin threads, but the thick vines were like steel. Mortis tried to continue, but quickly realized that even if he cut the thin threads, they would quickly grow back and fly right back at him, so he felt his action was pointless and looked to see if there was another way if he followed the forest. But without that he noticed it he went more than 4 days a way and one could find simply no other way or one came into any other zone it was as if he was in a time loop which repeats itself constantly.

But in burst slowly the collar and already almost insane he tried then to run through the forest but the only thing he received were many blows in all possible places and only by his luck he made it out again. Beaten green and blue he took distance from the forest and tried to calm down and recover from his wounds while he sat down and tried to remember all the vines to figure out how to dodge them or block them.

But even with that he didn't find a solution when he was healed and felt fit again he tried it in small stages and took the forest piece by piece to get closer to the front. What took a long time very long, alone already in the 3rd row lasted about 6 days but he adapted slowly and also the thin threads he collected after he cut them to turn them into ropes and tie them around his wrists that he can protect himself in an emergency with his improvised armor.

His nerves were plank his concentration as well as his perception took on proportions he could never have imagined also he synchronized more and more with this world and the forest and so he made it barely and with wounds through the forest which was not far at all but like a hail of bullets. Behind the forest was a very wide river in which many souls were being carried away, even if they tried to swim against the current.

"This is a joke, first a whip forest and now I'm supposed to swim through the Acheron, I bet the fuckers would take me with them, drowning people like to drag people with them instead of being rescued and where is the fucking ferryman."

He approached the river and as soon as he reached it hands grabbed him to pull him down but Mortis expected that and just took 2 steps back and escaped the grips of the souls that were suffering.

Mortis thought about it but came up with no solution except to really swim but then he tried something he went back to the river and tried to pull a soul out of the Acheron. With a lot of effort he succeeded but the soul just stood there and looked around and then tried to run through the forest where it was held by the vines and was torn into 5 parts and then the soul parts were thrown back into the river.

"The next soul I pull out I should probably hold and beat it up to show it who's boss." No sooner said than done he pulled out a young man and before he even blinked he was pushed to the ground and beaten while Mortis asked several times if he understood what he was saying. Whining she said soul. I understand you I understand you!

"Good, I hope you understand who the boss is and don't you dare try to run through the forest." Mortis broke away from the soul and went to the river and pulled the next one out as the next one was barely out of the water the beaten soul ran away directly into the forest and suffered the same as the first soul that was pulled out of the Acheron which shocked the 3rd soul and he stopped by himself. Mortis just held him by the shoulder and said as you see he didn't listen to me and she what happened I hope you understand better. The soul nodded vigorously but then thought about why he should listen to him but when he only got a certain flash in the eyes he also got a punch in the face because Mortis is careful he will certainly not just believe a soul that is on the way to hell and so he beat up the soul properly to show her that he has the say here. He did this several times until he had enough souls to command the others like the Don to pull souls out and beat them up for him so he formed a hierarchy and after several days he formed a core of loyal souls that he had for his plan.

His plan was to form a bridge of souls so he had the souls stand on top of each other from shoulder to shoulder as they have neither stamina nor strength loss he could stack them 100 high his loyal followers were the lowest support and a few he didn't line up to tell them to pull out the others on the other side.

When the tower of souls fell, Mortis ran as fast as he could, knowing that even if some of them held on to land, the souls from the water would quickly break their backs. Mortis ran as fast as he could over the backs and heads of the souls to reach his goal and even though he was fast the river was strong and the souls tried to hold him or take the others with them and from the middle the soul bridge broke but with skill and speed Mortis made it to the other side.

On the other side 3 other souls managed to break away from the others and were also on the mainland but Mortis grabbed them and threw them into the river with the words. "Go where you belong."

When he turned around and it looked like nothing had changed and no soul was on the mainland either on his side or on the other Mortis went on laughing.