
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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214 Chs

Genius and Madness: Insane Experiments of the Soul

Several days passed after the territories were exchanged. The newly appointed counts and barons had to acclimatize in the south. But during this transition, Mortis enjoyed a quiet time and dedicated the following days to Shiva, according to his tradition of giving each woman two weeks of his undivided attention.

A rainy morning, however, brought news that interrupted the peace. Word came of which areas would next be in the enemy's crosshairs. Mortis could not participate in all the battles, and fortunately the freshly taken territories were spared. But the fresh counts and barons showed their loyalty and determination. They offered their support to the neighboring counties to fight against the common enemy. This alliance showed that they were firmly behind their new king and ready to face the enemy.

Mortis himself, however, was in a difficult position. He was not allowed to participate in these minor skirmishes. His place was reserved in the great battle, the endgame that would also affect Rome and its counties. It was a time of tension and anticipation as the kingdom awaited the enemy's next moves.

Mortis was constantly on the move, always trying to reassure the soldiers, adventurers and citizens. He wanted to show them that, regardless of his own limitations, he was firmly behind each and every one of them. His spiritual servants - shadowy beings loyal to him - could intervene where he himself could not. But Mortis wanted more. He began experimenting to see if these spirits would be able to take over human bodies and act on their behalf in certain situations.

His goal was that these possessive seizures would be so unobtrusive that even the laws of nature would not notice them. If he were successful, his spiritual servants could act as invisible protectors and fighters, always ready to intervene at critical moments.

While continuing with these experiments, Mortis also strove to gain the trust of the people. He visited villages and towns, gave speeches and attended meetings, always eager to instill hope and confidence in people.

But this play with the supernatural was not without risk. Interfering with the natural order and crossing boundaries that perhaps should not be crossed could have serious consequences. But Mortis was willing to take any risk to protect his kingdom and his people.

Mortis was fascinated by the connection between Marina and the nature spirit she carried. The nature spirit, Lysandra. Her quirky, pulsating appearance, reminiscent of a doll made of troubled water, was as enchanting as it was mysterious.

Mortis theorized that just as a part of his own soul could reside in a sea of souls and take over his body, so too could Lysandra take control of Marina. This would be possible if Marina's soul was weakened and Lysandra's soul was stronger. But this knowledge was not just out of curiosity; Mortis saw it as a potential weapon, a way to sway the balance of power in his favor.

He sat down with Marina to discuss the issue and to find out how much control Lysandra might actually have over Maina. Marina was skeptical at first, fearing the unpredictability of the nature spirit. But her love and trust for Mortis prevailed, and she agreed to participate in his experiments.

In the days and nights that followed, they tried to explore the boundaries between Maina's soul and Lysandra. There were moments when Lysandra seized control, with Marina's eyes shining with an aquamarine glow and her movements becoming more fluid, almost like water. Then there were times when Marina's own strength and determination pushed Lysandra into the shadows.

These discoveries were both fascinating and disturbing. Mortis had to ensure that Lysandra's power did not spiral out of control and that Marina was not permanently displaced. But the possibilities presented by this connection were too tempting to ignore.

As they continued their experiments, Mortis began to incorporate Lysandra's abilities into his plans for the defense of the kingdom. With Marina's approval and under her careful control, Lysandra could become an invaluable weapon in the fight against her enemies.

The dark corridors of the prison echoed with the whispers and cries of the prisoners. It was a place of despair, and in such an environment Mortis felt almost at home. For him, it was the ideal place to conduct his risky experiments.

It was a delicate balance. While mixing souls and anchoring his servants in the bodies of humans offered great potential, the first experiments were disastrous. The souls of humans were too complex, too idiosyncratic, to be easily fused with another soul. Every time he tried to combine two souls, it resulted in the immediate death of the host.

But Mortis was not easily discouraged. He knew that if he wanted to succeed, he would have to change the method. Instead of trying to fuse two souls together, he had to find out if his servants could take control of the host's body without removing the original soul.

He chose a particularly violent prisoner who had been convicted of several murders. Under strict observation and using the strongest protective spells, he sealed the room and had one of his servants enter the convict's body.

The results were astonishing. The prisoner screamed, his eyes twisted and his muscles tensed. But after a few agonizing minutes, he calmed down. When he opened his eyes again, they were empty, emotionless. Mortis' servant had taken control.

Mortis was thrilled with his success, even though he knew he was venturing into dangerous territory. But the thought of using this method to win the war and protect his beloved outweighed any moral qualms.

He began to conduct further experiments, and it was not long before he had a small army of possessed warriors under his control. These warriors, whose bodies were controlled by the servants of Mortis, were fearless, tireless, and completely loyal.

As he prepared for the coming conflict, Mortis could not help but wonder what the long-term consequences of these experiments might be for the order of the world. But for now, his main goal was clear: to win the war, no matter what the cost.