
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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287 Chs

A special fruit

Elysia got all her equipment back and went to the Adventurers' Guild to wash and change. The old count, on the other hand, was emotionally broken and returned home with his family to think about some things. Mortis returned to the market, from where he could keep an eye on the adventurers' guild so as not to miss Elysia. As he did so, he was admired and celebrated by many citizens and adventurers.

As Mortis passed a small booth that was opening, he saw Elysia running out of the Adventurers' Guild in a panic and looking around. But when she spotted Mortis, she calmed down, straightened her equipment, and headed toward him with seductive movements. Mortis enjoyed the show, but pretended to notice it only incidentally, looking rather thoughtfully at the sea. As he did so, it occurred to him that the reward for the raid should be an island that would grant him a special fruit. So Mortis moved toward Elysia and gave her a friendly greeting.

"I see freedom suits you very well, my beauties. I was just on my way to the guild. What are your goals, if I may ask?" But once again Elysia couldn't get a word out and just blushed before Lucia took control again and replied, "Of course we want to follow our prince who rose up against a count and his people to save us. But you don't have to thank us, we are happy to follow, my handsome prince." Mortis smiled and nodded. Then he pointed to the guild and said, "If you would follow me, ladies." Mortis then entered the guild to find out how he could get to the island. The employees were puzzled by this, but the women gladly showed the young count the way and led him to a ferry that would take him to a nearby island.

The ferryman accepted a small allowance and took the distinguished guest to the desired island, which was only for adventurers who had faced the test of Pirate's Cove. Just before reaching the island, the small boat stopped and tied itself to a pillar that jutted out of the sea. Then the ferryman said, "This is as far as I can take you, sir. Only those who have passed the test may enter this island once in their lives. I wish you luck so that you may obtain the fruit you desire." Mortis nodded to the ferryman and said goodbye to Lucia. He then jumped into the sea to swim the last few meters.

On the island, Mortis was pleasantly surprised, because the small island, when one was on it, was actually huge and filled with trees that almost reminded him of the divine realm. As he walked a few steps further, Mortis also noticed how he was being watched. When he looked to see where these stares were coming from, he saw a large tree where an angel and a demon were sitting side by side and seemed to be talking peacefully as they watched Mortis. But when they were spotted, they flew down to him and examined the young man more closely, even to the point of making Mortis uncomfortable. Before he could say anything, they both hid behind their wings and began to whisper. Then they were seen nodding together once more, and finally the angel began to speak.

"Honored guest, even though you are divine, you may only take one fruit. As a descendant of Primus, you are entitled to fruits on the north side, which should be a bit more nutritious and bring you more. But again, your choice is crucial. Please follow us." Mortis just nodded and followed both of them silently as they continued to whisper and laugh as if he wasn't even here. As they entered the center of the island, four portals appeared to other areas that looked nothing like the island. The northern portal seemed to be an area that was a mixture of heaven and hell. Mortis entered the portal and was torn by the place. Old images surfaced in corners of his mind of growing up in such an environment as a child, and with fond memories he continued on his way.

Using his system, Mortis tried to identify the fruits, and after a few meters a pomegranate fell into his hand, which looked rather gloomy. But when Mortis was about to throw it away, he saw that this fruit even gave 25 points to agility. Determined, Mortis continued to hold this fruit in his hand and looked around. All the other fruits gave only 20 points to other stats. So he sat down and bit into the pomegranate. He was visibly surprised at how delicious it was, only the juice running down his throat and starting to burn wasn't so great for him. But even though he was in pain, he wouldn't waste anything to give away even one value point, so he quickly gulped the whole thing down.

The demon was visibly annoyed and said angrily, "Gods never give you a pained face. Humans and other beings writhe and writhe in pain, really gross. Don't be like that. Be glad he's not in pain, or we'd have to take care of him. At least this way we can kick him right off the island." The angel then snapped, and suddenly Mortis was back on the small boat where Elysia was waiting with the ferryman. Mortis was quite surprised, but also glad that he could save himself the trouble of getting away. When the ferryman laughed and said, "Everybody has that look when they come back. Heard those two are special."

Mortis just nodded, then a smile came to his lips as well. But as he was about to sit down, the boat began to rock, and he almost flew on top of Elysia, whose heart nearly jumped out of her chest, even as she welcomed him with open arms. But Mortis managed to catch himself in time and sat down in his seat. The ferryman's eyes widened. Many men would have been pleased with such a nice gesture, but Mortis didn't want it to come to that, and not so quickly. After all, he is only interested in her as she is a strange anomaly to him, even if he admits she is truly gorgeous.

However, as Mortis sat and looked at Elysia, he noticed that something was wrong with her. She seemed absent-minded, and it seemed as if her souls were either having a fierce battle against each other or a heated debate. After a few moments, her voice changed, and a timid voice said, "I'm sorry, I guess we were a little too forward there."

Mortis looked at the mainland and said kindly, "What's there to be brash about, when all you're willing to do is help catch me when I fall? It makes you realize what noble women you are." Then Mortis heard another little squeak, and when he looked with the corners of his eyes, he saw her pink cheeks. But even though it impressed Mortis, he did not turn his gaze to the mainland without reason, for he received a message from Casanova. Casanova informed him that in their search to the capital they had found another hiding place of Helius, and through the memories they have in their grasp, they know where he should be. Mortis praised his servants and remembered their position to travel there and clean the next nest.