
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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214 Chs

A desperate woman

When the goddess disappeared and only the sculpture was visible, Daniel just stood there and stared into the void. After a few minutes he started to move and looked at Mortis in confusion. "What's the matter with you, you look like you've seen a ghost." Images appeared of how the church should be, then suddenly a voice spoke into my head, saying that it was helping me, which scared me a little. Daniel said. "Oh, this is a system that helps the one who carries it. What voice does it have?" The voice of an older man. Why? Answered and asked Daniel. "Quite simply, mine sounds like a young woman, and her temperament is also like that."

"So what are you going to do now? I'm going to pour myself some potions, get some sleep, and then I'm going on the mission." I'm supposed to go to Bamberg so that I can tear undisturbed I got an ability called change in the spirit realm and when I'm there I'm supposed to found a church and take care of the cemeteries. Answered Daniel. "Then you will pass by Grass Hill. I will give you 2 potions to take to my wife, one is a mana potion and one is a stamina potion and tell her that I am looking forward to seeing her in 3 weeks, she is with Baron Jochen and her name is Helga, it would be nice if you could do that". Ok I will do it since I am in your debt anyway. Gave Daniel as an answer.

Mortis handed Daniel a Mana+ 10 and a Stamina +10 potion which he got from the dead nobles and didn't distribute them because he didn't know how Helga would react to them in her pregnancy. After that Mortis took a clean corner and made a bed for himself. Daniel said goodbye to Mortis, went into the spirit realm and with shining eyes walked towards the future.

When Mortis was alone he took his mana drink +10 which warmed him up a bit but was not bad after that he took the all values +10 where he now started to boil and he noticed how everything in his body started to itch and hurt but that it was bearable and Mortis did not fall so he sent the system into a trance to help him and make him sleep during the change.

At the same time in Grashügel Helga set off with Martin and Sandro to explore and clear some hells for today on behalf of the adventure guild and a guard who was only assigned to protect Helga. As Jochen contacted Fiora at night and told her everything Helga was now protected as if she was a noble herself because they wanted to be sure not to give Mortis a reason to wipe her out of this world and they know that he is calm but calm waters are deep and dirty even if he doesn't have the power yet he will get stronger much faster than others and so they wanted to be sure especially if word gets out that he is a hero there will be many who try to get to him through her.

In the evening Mortis woke up and was really fit for the first time in days and felt like everything was getting stronger but he also felt a bit strange as if something was wrong when he asked himself what was going on. You have grown again about 5 centimeters and you are even more beautiful. If you become even more beautiful it could happen that you change your race.

"That can wait so I should run to the quest normally first to get used to my new body." Mortis opened the map and wondered if the marker was far to the west in a forest, but he didn't give it a second thought and just started walking.

The farther west Mortis went the more the flora changed and it seemed warmer and more comfortable for Mortis since he doesn't like the cold, so he was happily surprised by the pleasant climate. After a few hours he saw a magic dome which surprised Mortis but as he got closer he saw that it was a village protected by a barrier.

It was not long until sunrise, so he went to the village to take a break and replenish his provisions. But as soon as he reached the border of the village he was stopped by soldiers who asked him what he was doing here at night. Mortis said he was traveling further west, so they let him in because he didn't look suspicious. In the center of the village there was even a small adventurer's guild that Mortis headed for, since adventurer's guilds are normally open 24 hours a day.

In the guild there was a big man behind the counter who was about to fall asleep when Mortis entered the guild. How can I help you, boy? Said the man immediately. "I'd like something to drink, otherwise I'll just wait here until the sale opens. So early awake to clear the dungeon, I praise you. Said the man." What dungeon? Besides, I'd need some others, wouldn't I? No, this is one of the rare solo dungeons, but it is very dangerous and is usually cleared by the same people so that it doesn't break out. I thought you were one of the rare ones who would dare to do it. Explained the man from the counter." I have something to do, but in a few days I would like to try it".

For 3 hours Mortis took a little nap and then went shopping, stuffing fresh food into his mouth and continuing on his way. Only in the afternoon he finally reached the forest where the person he has to save is supposed to be.

A dense forest that almost resembled a jungle and is filled with many wild animals and driven. Here, except for maybe a few birds, there were no more normal animals but only those with mana crystals. And these were more aggressive and preferred to kill because they were now almost like humans who do not kill to survive but to gain advantages and every animal wanted to become stronger here. So Mortis was also killed by big wildcats. Badgers, foxes, wolves and bears attacked him.

The wild cat wanted to attack him from above and bite him in the neck the other stormed rather simply to only the fox tried it from behind but with the skill of Mortis he had little problems to dodge and so the animals to kill what he did reluctantly but he can not be attacked and so he collected the animals in his ring only the bear was the head and some claws cut off because he has not so much space but after the bear Mortis had the snout full and changed the form. He let appear a hunter who seems to know it with the plants from here and this spirit he let collect herbs while he makes himself as a ghost further on the way to his quest.

Suddenly Mortis crashed into an invisible wall that he can't overcome even in his ghost form. So he changed form again and looked to see if he could step through the wall as a human and he could, so Mortis called the herbalist back and took the plants he brought and put them in his ring.

Mortis saw nothing even though he was at his destination so he walked in a circle to make sure he didn't miss anything and after the third round when he was already angry he saw a tree that seemed to have a small cave at the root as he approached the tree a woman with daggers rushed at Mortis to stab him she yelled. You won't get my sister, you fucking ghost fuckers!

No one had ever called Mortis that before, but it didn't bother him, so he held his scythe in front of him to stop this crazy woman, but she ducked and jumped at Mortis with the daggers flashing green. Mortis dropped his scythe, used bronze skin to protect himself, then took the attack, grabbed the woman by one hand, pulled her to the side, and then grabbed her by the back of the neck with the other hand, putting his weight on her and pushing her to the ground.

With one knee he climbed on her back then took her arms and pushed her backwards while he continued to slide his hands to her to take the daggers out of her hand. She tried to resist but she couldn't get Mortis off of her and when he had a grip on her hands he squeezed so that she cried in pain then his hands slid back to her arms then Mortis said. "Drop your weapons or I will break your fingers and your hand."

She wanted to be smart and drop the weapons close to her but as soon as she let go of the daggers he turned the woman's arms backwards so that her hands were behind her back. With one hand he held both of hers and with the other hand he put the daggers in his ring.

When he stood up, he pulled her up while still holding her. The young woman cried bitterly and then she said, sobbing. You can do anything to me but please let my sister go if you do that I will also sign a final slave contract but please let her go. "You're not ugly and who wouldn't like to have someone do everything for you but that's not my fetish and why should you be enough for me when I can have two?

Wait, what? Aren't you here to kill my sister and me? Said the crying woman curiously. "No I'm not, I'm here to save a woman, it was a mission from my goddess, because it seems she has plans for her or you.

Mortis Level 39 Reaper

Strength 116, Agility 162, Int 48, Vitality 70, Stamina 70, Mana 80, Charisma 60

Souls. 17205