

Nexus Message: ... What is your deepest desire? In the aftermath of "The Great Collision," an event that plunged humanity into chaos, Aria Everhart's sister mysteriously vanishes after being contacted by the cryptic entity known as Nexus. Determined to unravel the truth and save her sister, Aria must embrace the role of a "Realmwalker." Navigating treacherous dimensions, battling formidable monsters, and surviving in hostile environments, Aria's journey becomes a test of her strength and resilience.

Yu2sama · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Tensions and Turmoil

A familiar sensation enveloped her once again. Like a gentle mantle that caressed her body, intensifying her senses for a brief moment. Once more, her senses merged with the spatial mantle, feeling it decompose and reconstruct her body constantly.

Oddly enough, it didn't cause discomfort or pain.

Instead, it was a revitalizing sensation, one she could easily get used to.

A golden flash surrounded her body, gradually fading as her emerald eyes opened. However, before she could fully assimilate the surroundings, her eyes were drawn to an abrupt clash between two figures.

A powerful explosion of energy made her step back, astonished by what she saw.

One figure was recognizable to Aria – it was Kieran, the team member whose attitude had been less than friendly from the start.

"I guess having such an attitude attracts a lot of enemies," Aria thought, raising an eyebrow.

Facing him was an unfamiliar individual, with striking blue hair and brilliant eyes. He held daggers of the same shade as his hair, and a smile that sent chills down her spine. Aria could sense the malice emanating from his attentive gaze on Kieran.

Another Realmwalker?

The stranger launched himself at Kieran again, hands at his sides, performing a rapid succession of cuts that were difficult for Aria to follow. It was like watching the propellers of an airplane moving in different and curved trajectories.

However, Kieran responded by placing his hand in front of him, stopping each strike with just his palm. His expression remained calm, as if he was intensely focused on his opponent.

"Alright, that's enough," a familiar voice spoke, followed by a loud explosion that separated both combatants.

Hilda displayed a friendly expression as she looked at the two adversaries.

The enigmatic stranger smiled playfully and spoke in a lighthearted yet purposeful tone, "Oh, sorry, I couldn't resist greeting you with a little action. Have you forgotten our last encounter?"

Kieran clenched his teeth and furrowed his brow, "Consider yourself lucky, Ivan. Next time, Hilda won't be here to save your sorry ass."

Aria was filled with uncertainty, and beads of sweat could be seen on her forehead as she wore a blank expression. It was as if several question marks were emanating from her head, something that Hilda noticed before laughing.

"This is why we form teams – other Realmwalkers and Guilds may take on the same missions, so conflicts like this are common," Hilda explained to Aria, though it seemed she was addressing the entire team.

Hilda turned her serious gaze to Kieran. "As I've said before, we're here for an important mission. Our priority is to find the 'Royal Milk,' not waste time on unnecessary fights."

Hilda then gave a cold look to the individual known as Ivan. "And you, should return to your group. They don't pay you for this," she commented, causing Ivan to sigh before departing.

Kieran grumbled in response, but reluctantly nodded. Ivan, on the other hand, shrugged indifferently, implying he was just looking to have some fun.

"We'll meet again sometime. I didn't mean to ruin your day, Kieran," Ivan said with a mischievous smile. "I just wanted to see if you still had that spark in you."

"I don't have to prove anything to a fool like you," Kieran retorted, raising a challenging eyebrow.

Meanwhile, the other members of Team Nightfall simply watched the exchange until the blue-haired man disappeared in the distance.

"Hoh, to think we'd run into the 'Blue Bolt' from the Heavens Gates Guild. That guy is bad news," Ezra commented as he appeared to be adjusting some items in his backpack.

Aria observed the young blond man, then approached him with evident curiosity. "Is he well-known? He seems to have a strained relationship with Kieran."

"Known? His infamy precedes him among Realmwalkers. He's ruthless and will try to eliminate his competition at the drop of a hat," Ezra's eyes focused on Kieran. "Besides…"

"Why are you wasting time, Ezra? Instead of chattering, let's get to work," Kieran interjected with a cold and disdainful tone, looking down at both Ezra and Aria.

Feeling the tension in the air, Aria stepped in and positioned herself in front of Ezra. "We didn't come here to argue. Let's focus on working together and finding the 'Royal Milk,' alright?"

Kieran looked at Aria disdainfully, and it was evident that he wanted to say something, but he held back his emotions and simply turned his face away aggressively. A synchronized sigh escaped both Aria and Ezra; it was clear that it would be a very long mission.

A strong pat on Aria's back almost made her eat the golden sand they were treading on, while a hearty laugh filled the air. "You're right! Let's focus on achieving our objective. We can't let Heavens Gate or any other guild beat us to that reward."

Hilda, as always, exuded energy and maintained a positive attitude above all.

The rest of the team members prepared to set off.

As they stepped onto the island within the vast Archipelago of Astrovaque, Aria was captivated by the exotic surroundings. The vibrant flora created a mesmerizing tapestry that seemed to defy earthly conventions. Tropical trees soared over 10 meters high, with iridescent leaves that dropped strange whitish liquid.

The sand beneath their feet appeared to be pure gold. Was it really? The way Ezra scooped up handfuls of it made it seem that way.

The island was surrounded by a white sea that shimmered like stars. The waves moved lazily in the liquid, rising high like small sand dunes, creating a vision that seemed to be from an artwork.

"A-Aria, please hurry, w-we need to keep going," Lyra expressed with concern as she looked at her. Aria had gotten lost in the scenery for a moment.

A smile appeared on Aria's face as she started walking, leaving footprints in the golden sands of Astrovaque.



A desperate and agonizing scream echoed across the island. The flying creatures, resembling enormous fireflies, scattered in fear from the sudden thunderous noise.

A person crawled on the ground, a massive wound in their abdomen causing the contents of their stomach to spill out as they moved. Desperation and pain made them oblivious to their surroundings.

Their hand was forcefully stepped on, the bones easily crushed, and another scream of agony escaped the person.

"Why are you doing this to us? Aren't you human like us?" pleaded another individual, missing an arm and bleeding profusely, the color draining from their face.

The young man with blue hair only grinned playfully, licking his knife.

"Don't compare me to you trash," he said with a still smiling and affable voice. "Don't take it personally; you just had the misfortune of encountering me in a bad mood." His smile twisted into something unpleasant and sinister.

In the distance, two people were observing a map. Although one of them glanced discreetly at what their companion was doing.

"Is it okay to let him do that? Those people who were recently called by Nexus could be part of Heavens Gate," commented the young man with a shaven head.

"Perhaps, but I have no intention of getting in the way of that psychopath," said the apparent leader, a robust man with a long scar across his face that had blinded his right eye.

A final, heart-wrenching scream marked the end of the slaughter; the two young individuals who had recently been called by Nexus had met their demise.