
Realms within us

Updates every Sunday!! (On Hiatus) A long time ago, when Earth cracked open and released a crazy amount of mana mixed with toxic waste, the mana moved around the planet, evolved the wrong creatures, and turned them into beasts in different shapes and sizes, bringing more trouble to humans to fix that mistake. But the worst was waiting for them. Gates appeared and brought with them the worst enemies, and with that, this world's saviors were called to awaken and take an action to protect their homeland! When past and present meet, and victims call for evolution, the realms within us will open! [ System 0 is turning in, please wait a moment... ] [ Uploading data... ] [ Finalizing...] [ Welcome readers to Realms within Us ] [ Put on your seatbelts and be ready, because our ride will be filled with obsta- ] "Shhhh" a dark grey creature with no eyes and its face almost hidden appeared from nowhere and hushed System 0, "beware of what's within you" its smile grew wider, and scarier, "because when you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare back at you..." Those were the words of the strange creature before the Dark Mana master destroyed the planet Earth and recreated everything according to her rules. What happened afterward? And what awaits everyone?

kittykat_02 · Games
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86 Chs

42. Beware of the Abyss

"Rank up" Warrior 01 ordered.

[ Ranking up ]

[ Upgrading data, please wait a minute... ]

[ Upgrading Fighter's stats... ]

[ Finalizing upgrades... ]

[ Congratulations "Warrior 01" for ranking up to "marchioness" ]

"Not bad" System 0 clapped while approaching Warrior 01 slowly, since her mana's still imbalanced and the dark mana is still releasing, "I thought you said fighting will calm it down?" He asked turning to look at her face but she wasn't herself.

Both her eyes were fully black but there was no proof the dark mana was on her, "Warrior 01? Warrior 01?!" He tried to hold her but she was like a ghost, untouchable.

Back in the village, everyone were still fighting the coming creatures, after hearing the screams and calls from the wood all the monsters that were going to the woods changed their direction and went to fight those in the village instead, because they were afraid they'll turn to ashes if they approach the same land Warrior 01 steps on.

The warriors fought with all they got for everyone's safety, but they were still nothing compared to the strong creatures around them, the strongest of them was S ranked and more than ten warrior's were trying to defeat it but they couldn't because it kept disappearing and hiding underground, though it's blind but its other senses were very strong that no one could scratch its strong shield.

"Move!! Hurry!!" The Mayan woman screamed to the warriors.

System 0 stayed beside Warrior 01 and waited for her to wake up but she didn't until the dark mana came out of her eyes and moved to hide her whole face, System 0 was shocked by the view in front of him that he needed to rub his eyes to check what he's seeing is real, "Warrior 01?"

The body was hers but the head suddenly became an alien, System 0 leaned his hand to touch to check but the glowing black face gave him a wide and scary smile with threads on its lips making it more horrifying, "Beware of the abyss" it put a finger on its lips before it laughed hysterically.

System 0 trembled from fear and moved away when Warrior 01's body started moving toward the mountain of monsters.

Through those long centuries, he never saw such scary creature, he did dealt with many weird and scary things but he never met something this terrifying, something too horrible to be real.

Warrior 01's body climbed the mountain of monsters and on the way, she was seen by Seth, LU and Audrey who teleported to her using Seth's sand, "System 0?!" Called LU.

"System 0?" They all halted and looked at the terrified system, he was white as ghost and his body was clearly trembling as for his expression, it showed clearly something that mustn't happen has happened or will happen.


"Be careful. Beware of it"

"Of what?" Seth asked.

"The abyss" he turned to look at the person watching the distance from the top of the mountain she made.

The escaping warriors finally reached the place Warrior 01 is in but were shocked and speechless from the view in front of them, some of them even fainted from the amount of blood there.

Warrior 01 turned to face them with her normal self but her expression was emotionless and her eyes were empty.


I'll finally be able to upload 2 chapters a day (& at the same time looool)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

kittykat_02creators' thoughts