
Realms within us

Updates every Sunday!! (On Hiatus) A long time ago, when Earth cracked open and released a crazy amount of mana mixed with toxic waste, the mana moved around the planet, evolved the wrong creatures, and turned them into beasts in different shapes and sizes, bringing more trouble to humans to fix that mistake. But the worst was waiting for them. Gates appeared and brought with them the worst enemies, and with that, this world's saviors were called to awaken and take an action to protect their homeland! When past and present meet, and victims call for evolution, the realms within us will open! [ System 0 is turning in, please wait a moment... ] [ Uploading data... ] [ Finalizing...] [ Welcome readers to Realms within Us ] [ Put on your seatbelts and be ready, because our ride will be filled with obsta- ] "Shhhh" a dark grey creature with no eyes and its face almost hidden appeared from nowhere and hushed System 0, "beware of what's within you" its smile grew wider, and scarier, "because when you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare back at you..." Those were the words of the strange creature before the Dark Mana master destroyed the planet Earth and recreated everything according to her rules. What happened afterward? And what awaits everyone?

kittykat_02 · Games
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86 Chs

4. Cleopatra

[ Is this working? ]

A voice from the blue screen played, at first the person in front of Warrior 01 seemed to be on pause but the risen eyebrow and call woke her up.

[ Hello~!! Are you gonna talk or something?! ]

"Ah! This isn't a record?!" She panicked and planned to leave her place and escape but a type of gravity forced her to stay in place

[ Don't even think about escaping child, we have a pretty lo~ng talk~ ]

Warrior 01 trembled at the eyes in front of her, the person in front of her can't be seen because they were in the dark but the glowing yellow eyes terrified her so she ended up bowing down for them, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to steal Cleopatra's bracelet!"

The glowing eyes blinked but a wave of laughter filled the place making Warrior 01 rise her head to check the screen.

Her eyes opened wide when she saw the face sitting in the darkness, "Cle- Cleopatra?" she mumbled while slowly rising from the ground back to her seat.

[ Yes my dear, I am Cleopatra, haha. And please don't worry about the bracelet, it's a good thing you're the one who got it! ]

"What do you mean?" She pulled out the accessory from under her pillow and examined the item in her hand.

[ This bracelet is the item you need to get so we both can fuse ]

When she saw three dots followed by three question marks above Warrior 01 head she kept going with her explanation planning to punish System 0 for not clearing things for another warrior.

[ To put it simply. Each ancestor has something special they had owned in their life, so you as the future us need to get that item to could build the connection between us and you! ]

"So it's more like a teleport item? Is that why it was kept in a very safe place?"

[ Yes, and that's why I'm more surprised you could get it from all those securities]

Cleopatra grinned and Warrior 01 sweated and coughed from shame.

[ Please don't feel bad. Because you've been able to get this bracelet means you're able to lead my kingdom too ]

"The Egyptian?!" She looked at her ancestor in shock unable to believe what she just heard from her, "can I lead them?!"

[ If you remain this strong then sure~ Otherwise... Well... I'll need to deal with you by shredding you inside out ]

A dark aura surrounded Cleopatra after her sweet smile vanished the second she uttered those words making Warrior 01 tremble in fear.

[ You'll be fine as long as you don't mess things up and ruin my kingdom I worked centuries to make it as it is. I'll be waiting for you, so hurry and finish your training and come to me a whole new person ]

Cleopatra ended the call and left her child in stress and fear.

Warrior 01 stood from her place and rushed to the bathroom to let out all that's been pent up inside her.

After washing up, she walked to her bed and threw herself on it, her eyes slowly started to close though she didn't want that.

She feared her ancestor will come to her and do what she promised.