
Realms within us

Updates every Sunday!! (On Hiatus) A long time ago, when Earth cracked open and released a crazy amount of mana mixed with toxic waste, the mana moved around the planet, evolved the wrong creatures, and turned them into beasts in different shapes and sizes, bringing more trouble to humans to fix that mistake. But the worst was waiting for them. Gates appeared and brought with them the worst enemies, and with that, this world's saviors were called to awaken and take an action to protect their homeland! When past and present meet, and victims call for evolution, the realms within us will open! [ System 0 is turning in, please wait a moment... ] [ Uploading data... ] [ Finalizing...] [ Welcome readers to Realms within Us ] [ Put on your seatbelts and be ready, because our ride will be filled with obsta- ] "Shhhh" a dark grey creature with no eyes and its face almost hidden appeared from nowhere and hushed System 0, "beware of what's within you" its smile grew wider, and scarier, "because when you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare back at you..." Those were the words of the strange creature before the Dark Mana master destroyed the planet Earth and recreated everything according to her rules. What happened afterward? And what awaits everyone?

kittykat_02 · Games
Not enough ratings
86 Chs

11. Honor

[ Daily Quests:

1. Run 10000 meter (0/100000)

2. Level up one of stats (0/1)

Time left: 12 Hours

Penalty: ---

Prize: 7000 coins ]

After the lecture Warrior 01 received from System 0, she fought back her trauma from her last quest through the past few weeks.

After three weeks struggling to recover, she managed to stand back on her feet and work hard on getting back to where she was standing and follow up to other warriors and even surpass them.

She asked System 0 to give her the time to think which system is more fit for her but she decided to go for Leveling up System. When it asked her why she had chose that system, she simply told him it's because she wants to take slow steps and not rush things, after all, she's aiming to increase her stats.

Thanks to the time she had spent studying her available abilities, she found out she can increase the stages by leveling up her stats, and that'll make her abilities have stronger effects on enemies and less damage on herself, so she made stats her top priority for now.

[ Daily Quests:

1. Run 6000 meter (3000/6000)

2. Level up one of the stats (0/1)

Time left: 12 Hours

Penalty: ---

Prize: 7000 coins ]

"Profile" she commanded.

The blue screen popped and her profile showed up, she was level 2 which is very low compared to what she had thought she'll get.

When she checked her bank account she found she still have her 1200 coins from last quest, so she decided to use some of them to level up a stat or two.

"Stat" she commanded.

[ Weird, you didn't ask about the missing 5300 coins fighter ]

Leveling up System showed up and commented, Warrior 01 jolted at what he said that she just heard that she cracked her head to the system's side demanding an explanation.

The system stared at her in fear unable to think of anything to could escape his current situation so he decided to answer her glares.

[ Well... Training System is uhh... Some kind of a protector ]

When its answer didn't satisfy her, it decided to give a little more explanation, hoping it'll make her stop glaring at it like that.

[ Your coins are safe don't worry, you ancestor asked Training System to take away that amount and keep with you a little left ]

"Why though?" She asked, but the poor system stuttered unable to answer her question. It popped out and left the warrior alone to deal with things alone.

She stared at her stats and wondered again why her ancestor did that, little did she know, her ancestor had done that to take back the price of the bracelet she had stole from her.

Cleopatra stared at her sand screen, watching as her child suffer slowly with her training and getting back the amount she had lost from the previous quest.

"Aren't you going a bit too hard on her?" Someone showed up from back and asked, his big hands laid on her shoulders and started massaging them bringing back a comfort she had missed.

"Oh, Horus, eye of the light, if only you know, if only you know~" she giggled looking back at her screen to keep enjoying the show.

"But why her though?" He asked. Cleo remained quiet for minutes gazing at her child while she's studying her stats, the look in her eyes tell she's not here to lose. She seemed like someone preparing for war and Cleopatra knows very well who she wants to take revenge from.

"She has determination. She has exactly what our people need. The things in her timeline is what we're in dire need of" Horus didn't seem convinced at all by what she said so asked for the reasons of such opinions.

Cleo smiled and looked back at him, her small smile turned to a smirk, "what would you do if you're between life and death?"

He looked at her in question but he started wondering about the right answer for her question, "I'd embrace it, I mean... Ra's not someone who'd bring anyone back to life"

"And what if Ra does?" His eyes opened very wide that they were close to leave their place, "I'd be grateful for life"

"And that's her case right now. She probably knows how greedy Ra is especially for their fertility, so having the honor to be revived by them is more than enough to keep living, leveling up and paying back the debt" Cleo explained to him in detail. Horus found himself looking at Warrior 01 in a new light, he stared at the sand screen and watched her work hard, wondering how she'll be able to repay Ra, the God of all Gods and Goddesses.

[ Daily Quests:

1. Run 6000 meter (6000/6000)

2. Level up one of the stats (0/1)

Time left: 9 Hours left

Penalty: ---

Prize: 7000 coins ]

"Level up intelligence to level one" she commanded and watched as the quest's screen change into a congrats message for her completion.

[ Daily Quests:

1. Run 6000 meter (6000/6000)

2. Level up one of the stats (1/1)

Time left: 9 Hours

Penalty: ---

Prize: 7000 coins ]

[ Daily Quests completed ]

[ 7000 coins deposited to your bank account ]

[ Congratulations on completing today's quests. 9 hours left until next daily quest ]

"Upgrade intelligence to level 6 and strength to level 8"

There are days when I'll be able to update 2 chapters a day and other days I can update 3 (& maybe 4 if I'm lucky lol), it all depends on my schedule and stuff!

By the way! This volume is around 30 chapters! The second volume will be Warrior 01's journey through leveling up her abilities ONLY not stats or xp!

Ah! I'll organise those volumes in order and share them in an auxiliary chapter! Please look forward to it~

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

kittykat_02creators' thoughts