
Realms Unbound: Chronicles of the Multiverse Convergence

In the mystical Nexus Realm, where the boundaries of time and space blur, an unprecedented convergence of worlds and heroes begins. Enter Theron Zephyr, a man of dual heritage—born of Zeus and Metis—and bearer of a destiny that intertwines fates across universes. Theron, with his raven hair and enigmatic eyes, embarks on a journey that defies the very fabric of reality. His journey to prevent the cataclysmic Ragnarok—the end of all realms—leads him to gather allies from diverse universes. Aided by Subaru, the "Return by Death" protagonist from "Re:Zero," and Rimuru, the slime sage of "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime," Theron's quest unites heroes from fire-wielding houses, demon king academies, and villainous reincarnations. But wait, there's a twist: Theron's divine lineage sparks unexpected connections, charming the hearts of heroines across dimensions. In a humorous twist of fate, the son of Zeus finds himself caught in a whirlwind of affection. From elegant swordswomen to cunning sorceresses, Theron's charisma proves irresistible—yet his path to preventing Ragnarok remains the top priority. Political intrigue clashes with cosmic forces as alliances form in ways no one could predict. Demons stand alongside goddesses, and warriors from worlds far apart unite under a common cause. As realms collide, the boundaries of power blur, and the ultimate showdown looms. In this epic tale of unity, diversity, and destiny, readers will delve into battles that challenge the mightiest heroes, laugh at the unexpected camaraderie of legends, and swoon at the sparks of romance across universes. With secrets, alliances, and mysteries that transcend dimensions, "Realm Convergence: Nexus of Destiny" is a rollercoaster ride that promises to shatter the boundaries of isekai storytelling. Get ready to be drawn into a world where the lines between gods and mortals are not merely crossed—they're rewritten.

HeroZKing · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Prologue The son who will overthrow his father part 3

After sealing the Titans on Kronos' side, the brothers find themselves on the ground, catching their breath.

Zeus, his thoughts momentarily drifting, mutters, "I want to fuck my wife, Metis. I'm horny after that battle..."

Suddenly, a surge of energy and devotion from the forces on Zeus' side erupts, their voices harmonizing in a resounding chant.


Zeus, taken aback by this overwhelming devotion, feels a trickle of power flowing into him.

Themis approaches Zeus, her voice soft as she explains, "You felt that...it's known as prayer energy. Kronos harnessed it, though it usually comes from animals or..."

Zeus interjects, his thoughts briefly distracted, "Mortals..."

Themis nods, her wisdom evident. "Indeed, mortals. It seems to work best with the shorter-lived ones. But why would we need mortals..."

Zeus, still tingling from the sensation of the prayer energy, considers the implications.

Meanwhile, Poseidon gazes at Zeus, his question hanging in the air. "So, what's our next step?"

Zeus regains his focus, determination in his eyes. "We must bring order to the cosmos. I'll never understand why Kronos would attempt to devour us..."

Adamas, his voice carrying the weight of their shared history, adds solemnly, "He did consume the rest of us, after all."

as the dust settles and the cosmos begins to regain its equilibrium, Zeus stands in the direction of the sealed Kronos. His eyes, a mix of fury and sorrow, lock onto the titan who once devoured his siblings.

With a voice that carries the weight of eons, Zeus speaks words that resonate across the heavens, addressing Kronos directly, "Kronos, you who devoured your own children in a twisted bid for power, know this: Your reign of terror ends now. We, the survivors of your malevolence, stand united against your darkness. In devouring my kin, you sowed the seeds of your own downfall. For even the gods can be reborn from the ashes of your cruelty. Your time has passed, and now, it is ours to shape."


Metis POV

It had been eons since the day my husband Zeus defeated Kronos. The war had changed everything, and many Supreme beings, or as Zeus now called us, Gods, were born from the battle. These divine beings came into existence in various ways: through intimacy, from chaos, as a result of the universe's creation, as embodiments of people's wishes, or by earning their godhood through heroic deeds. Among them were the Demon God, the opposite of gods, representing darkness and destruction, and other gods like the Beast God, Dragon God, Fae God, Devil God, and even human gods.

But amid this divine proliferation, I had a secret, a prophecy. It foretold that if I were to have a son with Zeus, that child would one day surpass him in power, becoming the ruler of the gods. The weight of this prophecy haunted my thoughts.

Zeus POV

According to Metis, a prophecy loomed over us, predicting that our offspring would outshine even me, Zeus, and ascend to the throne of the gods. I adjusted my position in my seat, pondering this revelation.

"I see," I finally replied, my thoughts racing.

There was a pregnant pause in Olympus' throne room, interrupted only by my sudden, booming laughter.

Metis looked taken aback, her brow furrowed. "What...?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Sorry, I believe you; it's just... What's there to be worried about?"

Metis was clearly confused. "That our son will surpass you and take your throne," she replied cautiously.

I approached her, wrapping her in a reassuring hug. "And is that so bad? Look at these humans. Their children always take over their parents. I don't see any difference."

Metis gave a nod of agreement, still wearing a puzzled expression.

I continued, growing more introspective. "Actually, I'll be honest since I've become the leader of the gods; my brothers and I have been at odds. I fear we will fight... I don't want to ever fight with my family again." Tears welled up in my eyes.

Metis embraced me, comforting me in my moment of vulnerability. "I'm alright," I assured her, wiping my tears away. Then, realization struck me. "Hey, how about when our child is born, we go traveling?"

Metis's eyes widened with delight. "You remembered I wanted to travel the cosmos?"

I nodded with a smile. "But we can't do it as gods. Let's go as humans." I transformed into a human, and Metis followed suit.

She chuckled, suggesting, "Or maybe goblins?" We both changed into goblins, reveling in the transformations.

We continued our playful metamorphosis, suggesting various forms—a unicorn, a wild horse, a frog, a fly, and more, each choice evoking laughter and joy.

But our moment of joy and transformation would soon lead to a fateful decision.

Metis and I shared a mischievous glance, and she playfully suggested, "Or a fly, sucking on the blood of beings."

I watched in astonishment as Metis transformed into a tiny, delicate fly, her wings buzzing gently in the air. The room around me seemed to magnify her presence, and for a moment, I felt a twinge of hesitation.

As the fly, Metis flitted about the throne room, exploring her newfound form. Her movements were graceful and delicate, like a fragile piece of art. The atmosphere in the room grew lighter, filled with laughter and a sense of childlike wonder.

But within me, an ominous realization began to take root. The weight of the prophecy and the implications of what we were doing pressed upon me. I had always been a ruler, a king, and the thought of another, even my own child, surpassing me was not something I could easily accept.

Metis, unaware of the storm brewing in my mind, continued to dance about as a fly. Her joy was infectious, and for a brief moment, I allowed myself to be carried away by it.

Then, as if driven by an unseen force, I lunged forward and captured her in my hand. Time seemed to slow as I beheld the delicate creature that was once my wife. The buzzing of her wings ceased, and a profound stillness filled the room.

Metis, now trapped within my grasp, struggled to regain her form. Her eyes, once filled with mirth, were now wide with fear and confusion.

My voice, low and determined, cut through the silence. "Like I'd allow someone to take my place as King of the Gods... Not even my beloved wife."

With that declaration, I made a fateful decision. I brought her to my lips and swallowed her whole.

Metis, now trapped within me, was silenced. But the consequences of my actions were far from over.

*Metis Aftermath*

Metis, still in her fly form, found herself trapped within the depths of her husband's being. Her world had shifted from one of playful transformation and joy to one of darkness and confinement. Fear gripped her, and the realization of her predicament weighed heavily on her delicate wings.

Meanwhile, within Zeus, the consequences of his impulsive act began to manifest. A searing pain pierced through his head, intensifying with each passing moment. The headache was unbearable, like a storm raging within him.

Desperate for relief, Zeus sought counsel from the other gods. He explained the excruciating pain and the source of his suffering—the trapped form of Metis, his wife, and the bearer of the prophecy.

It was decided that drastic measures were necessary to alleviate Zeus's pain. With a single, decisive strike, Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths and craftsmanship, split Zeus's head open with an axe. The act was both gruesome and miraculous, for what emerged from Zeus's head was nothing short of extraordinary.

Athena, fully grown and clad in armor, burst forth from her father's forehead, her birth both a testament to her mother's wisdom and a symbol of her own divine destiny. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, gazed upon the world with keen intellect and a sense of purpose.

But little did anyone know that there was more to this tale. Athena held a secret, a twin brother who remained hidden from the world. He existed in an egg-like state, awaiting the perfect moment to enter the realm of mortals and fulfill a destiny intertwined with the fate of gods and men.

As Athena grew in wisdom and strength, she couldn't help but harbor conflicting emotions. She both loved and resented her father, Zeus, for his impulsive actions. She cherished her twin brother, a hidden god among men, with a sense of pride and responsibility.

Athena's purpose was clear—to protect her brother, to guide him in his journey as a god, and to ensure that he fulfilled his destiny: to prevent the cataclysmic event of Ragnorak and vanquish the malevolent force of Kronos.

The weight of destiny rested upon Athena's shoulders, and her heart was torn between loyalty to her family and the world she was sworn to protect. The journey that lay ahead would be filled with challenges, revelations, and the unrelenting pursuit of a greater purpose.

*Themis Involvement*

Amid the unfolding drama, Themis, the goddess of divine order and justice, watched with keen interest. She was known for her ability to foresee events and discern the intricate threads of fate. It was during one of her visions that she first glimpsed the looming shadow of Ragnorak and the potential for catastrophe that lay ahead.

As Themis peered into the tapestry of time, she saw the hidden twin brother of Athena, a being whose existence remained a well-guarded secret. Her heart ached with the weight of her knowledge, for she understood that this mysterious entity held the key to preventing the impending calamity.

Themis wrestled with her moral and ethical obligations as a guardian of divine order. She knew that she could not idly stand by and allow Ragnorak to consume the mortal realm. The fate of both gods and humans hung in the balance, and Themis was determined to take action.

She began to devise a plan, one that would protect and nurture the hidden god among mortals. Her vision extended beyond mere prophecy; it embraced the complexities of free will and the power of choice. She believed in the potential for change and redemption, even in the face of destiny's inexorable pull.

Themis reached out to Athena, who had emerged fully grown from Zeus's forehead. In her, Themis saw a kindred spirit, a goddess of wisdom and justice who would understand the importance of their mission. Together, they would guide and safeguard the hidden god, ensuring that he grew strong enough to challenge Zeus and avert the impending crisis.

Their alliance was sealed, and Themis and Athena worked tirelessly to prepare the hidden god for his destined role. They imparted their wisdom, honed his abilities, and instilled in him a sense of purpose. With each passing day, the hidden god grew in strength and wisdom, embracing his unique role in the grand tapestry of fate.

As the years went by, Themis transitioned from nearly revealing the truth of Athena's twin brother to orchestrating the intricate web of events that would lead to his emergence as a formidable deity. She understood that the time for secrecy would eventually give way to a greater purpose—a purpose that would shape the destiny of gods and mortals alike.

The stage was set for the hidden god to embark on his journey, to forge his own path in the mortal realm, and to confront the challenges that awaited him. Themis watched over him, her commitment to divine order unwavering, and her hope for a brighter future burning brightly in her heart.

The tale of gods, prophecy, and destiny continued, and the hidden god, born of secrets and fate, stood on the precipice of a new era, ready to confront his ultimate destiny and fulfill his role in the ever-unfolding drama of the divine.

All in the hands of a former god now mortal who is currently only 5 years old...