
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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297 Chs

The Unseen Battle Within

The human army marched on, the rhythmic thudding of their boots and the clinking of their armors echoed over the vast plains.

As they reached the horizon's edge, the enemy came into view. Valarian's army was spread out before them, but surprisingly, its size was not as vast as anticipated. It was a peculiar mix of creatures - from the undead and mutated beasts to dark mages shrouded in black robes. The sinister aura surrounding them was palpable.

However, what truly caught the army's attention were the colossal, twisted beasts behind Valarian's infantry lines. Towering several feet above even the largest of the human war machines, these abominations seemed to pulsate with an unsettling, dark energy. Their eyes glowed in an eerie, unnatural hue, and their very presence seemed to suck the light and warmth from the surroundings.

General Aldric raised his hand, signaling the army to halt. The silence was palpable as both sides assessed each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.

With a shout from Valarian's side, the charge began. The mutated beasts let out monstrous roars, shaking the ground as they barreled towards the human lines. The human archers released a volley, darkening the sky with arrows, many of which found their marks among the undead and the beasts. But the enemy kept advancing, seemingly undeterred by the casualties.

As the two forces clashed, a strange phenomenon started to manifest. Human soldiers, known for their discipline and courage, began to falter. Their movements became sluggish, their vision blurry. Even the most seasoned warriors seemed to be affected, their attacks lacking their usual force and precision.

Amukelo, engaged in combat with a dark mage, felt it too. An inexplicable fatigue, a weight pressing down on his very soul.

Every swing of his sword felt like he was dragging it through thick mud. Glancing around, he noticed his comrades showing similar signs of struggle.

Breaking free from his opponent momentarily, Amukelo rushed to find Eliss and Kael. But as he approached them, he sensed something deeply unsettling. A strange type of mana was gathering within them, one that he hadn't felt before.

"Eliss! Kael!" Amukelo shouted, trying to get their attention amidst the chaos. But the two seemed lost in their battles, the weird energy within them growing by the second.

Amukelo could sense the foreign mana, swirling and dark, within Eliss and Kael.

With swift gestures and incantations, he pulled at the invasive energy. It fought back, resisting his efforts, but he persisted. The strands of dark mana began to lift, coiling like a serpent around Amukelo's outstretched hand, before he flung it away with a forceful push, dispelling it.

Eliss and Kael gasped, the sudden clarity hitting them like a breath of fresh air after being submerged in water. They looked at Amukelo with gratitude. "Thank you," Eliss whispered, eyes wide with realization. "That was... overwhelming."

Kael nodded, catching his breath, "I felt trapped within my own body. Like a spectator to my own doom."

The trio rushed to General Aldric. Upon reaching him, they found the general in a similar state of confusion and fatigue. Amukelo swiftly extracted the foreign mana from Aldric, who, once relieved of the dark energy, stood straighter and with newfound determination.

"We must retreat," Aldric declared after listening to Amukelo's findings. "This isn't a normal battle. We're fighting against an unseen force that's targeting our very essence."

Aldric approached Generals Morwin and Elandra, explaining the situation, hoping to make them see the severity of the situation. But the two generals dismissed him with contemptuous laughter.

"A bad feeling, Aldric?" General Morwin scoffed, gripping the hilt of his sword with confidence. "We've been trained for adversity, for challenges. This is just a minor hindrance."

General Elandra nodded in agreement, "The enemy is just trying to disorient us. It's a tactic, nothing more. We can't retreat now. We have them on the ropes!"

But Aldric stood resolute. "My duty is to my soldiers. I won't let them fall victim to this vile magic. If you won't heed my warning, so be it. But I will save those under my command."

Drawing a deep breath, Aldric blew a distinct horn signal, indicating a retreat. A third of the army began to pull back, forming a defensive perimeter and aiding their comrades' exit from the battlefield.

As they retreated, Amukelo, aided by Eliss and Kael, went from rank to rank, pulling the dark energy from the soldiers. Word spread quickly among the ranks about this purification, and lines of soldiers formed, eagerly awaiting their turn.

The battle raged on behind them, but for Aldric's division, the real battle – the one against the unseen enemy within – was won. The remaining two-thirds of the human army, however, continued their fight, oblivious to the internal threat that was slowly weakening them.