
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

The Leviathan

The chaotic scene unfolded with terrifying rapidity. Despite the combined efforts of the assembled teams, Valarian's ritual reached its ominous conclusion. The ground beneath them shuddered violently, a deep rumbling that forewarned of the dread that was about to be unleashed. As the earth cracked open, the sound of rending stone was drowned out by Valarian's triumphant laughter.

"Come to life, Leviathan, and help me unseal Satan himself!" he declared, his voice echoing through the cavernous depths of the dungeon.

From the gaping fissure, a limb emerged, its razor-sharp claws scraping against the stone with a harrowing screech that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest warriors. As the creature hauled itself from the earth, the full horror of its form became apparent.

The Leviathan that Valarian had unsealed was not merely a beast but a skeletal colossus that seemed to embody the very essence of nightmares. Its vast, ghastly skull, human-like yet horribly twisted, was crowned with gnarled horns. The eyes within that skull were hollow voids, save for the faint, malevolent red glints that flickered with sinister intent.

Its body, a pitch-black expanse of necrotic flesh and bone, absorbed the dim light around it, creating an aura of impenetrable darkness. Four powerful limbs, each ending in mercilessly sharp claws, supported its towering frame. A whip-like tail, tipped with a lethal spike, lashed the air with deadly precision. Perhaps most horrifying were the wings that arched from its back—massive, skeletal structures with remnants of decayed membranes that fluttered with each movement, producing a sound akin to the whispering of the damned.

Embedded within the creature's torso were human faces, each twisted in an expression of abject horror and agony, as if souls themselves were trapped within the beast, condemned to bear witness to their own eternal torment.

The Leviathan's gaze swept across the room, a palpable force that seemed to suck the warmth from the air. Its attention finally settled on Valarian, a silent, oppressive communication passing between them.

"Are you the one trying to release my Lord?" the creature's voice boomed, resonant and chilling, filling the space with its dread presence.

Valarian, undeterred by the monstrous figure before him, responded with a confident nod. "Yes, and these people are trying to stop me," he gestured dismissively towards the assembled teams, who stood tensed and ready, though clearly shaken by the emergence of such an adversary.

The Leviathan's gaze then shifted to those arrayed against Valarian, its eyes glinting with those tiny specks of red, each one seeming to burn with the fires of hell itself. The air around the beast thickened with the power of ancient and dark magics, a palpable tension that hinted at the catastrophic potential at its command. 

Trying to be brave, and not letting his fear take over him, the leader from one of the teams, started yelling his plan, "We can't let them overwhelm us. Prepare a defensive posi...' Mid-speech Leviathan burst at him, and in an instant, he pierced him through. He didn't know what happened, he looked around, but then the horrifying realization of his imminent death etched across his face as he looked down at the gaping wound in his chest, blood bubbling from his lips in a final, confused gasp, "Huh..."

With a brutal toss, the leader's body was flung aside like a ragdoll, discarded carelessly as the Leviathan turned its malevolent attention to the others. Panic spread like wildfire among the ranks. A warrior, his face pale with shock and eyes wide with the visceral fear of witnessing his commander's swift demise, raised his shield in a desperate attempt to protect himself and his comrades. But the Leviathan's limb, massive and merciless, swept through the air with the force of a guillotine, slicing through shield, armor, and flesh with equal ease. The warrior's last, strangled cry was drowned out by the sickening sound of rending metal and bone.

The mages, who had begun to chant and weave their spells in a frantic bid to ward off the creature, were brutally interrupted. The Leviathan's massive form blurred with terrifying speed as it charged towards them. With a single, sweeping motion of its claw, it bisected the group of spellcasters, their bodies falling in two neat halves, the ground wet with their lifeblood in an instant.

As the archers tried to regroup and let loose their volley, their arrows merely bounced off the Leviathan's dense, dark hide, ineffective as throwing stones at a fortress. One archer, disbelief etched deeply into his features, muttered a hopeless curse under his breath, "It's over..." But before he could notch another arrow, the Leviathan's tail, thick and barbed like a medieval flail, swept forward and decapitated him cleanly. His head tumbled through the air, a silent testament to the beast's overwhelming power.

Throughout the massacre, Valarian's laughter echoed ominously around the cavern, a sound as mad and deranged as the scene before them. "What now, huh? Do you still think I should surrender? Hahaha..." His voice was a cacophony of insanity and triumph, reveling in the destruction wrought by his summoned monster.

The survivors, those who remained, were frozen in a mix of shock and despair. The Leviathan continued its rampage unchecked, its every move calculated and deadly. The ground was slick with the blood of the fallen, and the air was filled with the acrid scent of fear and death. As the Leviathan turned its baleful gaze upon another group of defenders, its eyes glowing faintly red in the dim light, the grim reality settled in: this was not a battle—it was a slaughter, orchestrated by a madman and his mythical beast.