
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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297 Chs

The Lava Lake

Amukelo and Eliss settled into their unusual roles as passengers atop the magnificent avian creature, the wind from their descent ruffling their clothes and whipping their hair into tangled streams. The world below them was a breathtaking mosaic of jagged cliffs and floating isles, a wild tapestry that only the bravest or the most foolhardy would dare traverse.

As they glided lower, the bird's thoughts mingled with their own once again, a gentle intrusion that bore a tinge of satisfaction. "You are unlike the others of your kind," the bird reflected, its mental voice rich with an emotion akin to relief. "Humans often come here, filled with greed or malice, disrupting the harmony we have nurtured."

Eliss, her gaze following the contours of the cliffside, replied, "We seek only to go through the abyss, not conquest. It is not our desire to bring harm to this place or its inhabitants."

The conversation flowed as naturally as the air currents they rode, a discourse of respect and understanding. The bird spoke of past intruders, of battles fought to protect its home, of the delicate balance that governed the existence of every creature within the Abyss.

Finally, as the lava lake drew near, the air became oppressively warm, shimmering waves of heat distorting the landscape ahead. The bird's mind-voice conveyed a solemn warning, "We approach the limits of my domain. The heat of the lava lake is a searing embrace, deadly to those unprepared. You must guard against it, or be consumed by the inferno."

It directed them toward a hidden crevice, an aperture in the wall of the cliff that served as a gateway to their next challenge. "Through here, you will find your path to the lava lake. But be wary, for the heat is not the only danger that lurks in the depths."

The bird's tone was somber, a stark contrast to the wonder and majesty that had colored its thoughts before. It was a reminder of the perils they were yet to face.

As they landed softly at the entrance to the hole, the bird's physical voice, a rich and resonant sound, filled the air for the first time. "Farewell, travelers," it said. "May the winds be kind and the earth steady beneath your feet."

Eliss reached out, laying a gentle hand upon the creature's feathered neck, gratitude warming her features. "Thank you, for your guidance."

With a final, powerful beat of its wings, the guardian of the Limitless Cliff ascended, leaving them at the threshold of their next challenge. The entrance to the hole beckoned, a mouth leading into the belly of the world. They stepped forward, the heat washing over them in an immediate and oppressive wave, the bird's wishes for luck lingering in their ears like a benediction.

As they ventured into the unknown, the weight of the bird's narrative lingered with them, impressing upon them the sacredness of the journey they had undertaken and the inherent responsibility they carried to tread lightly and with care.

As they emerged from the relative safety of the crevice, the first thing that hit Amukelo and Eliss was a blast of air so hot it felt solid, like an invisible wall of force. The temperature was so extreme it seemed to distort the very fabric of reality. Eliss's reaction was swift, her instincts honed from the dragon's trial taking over. She wove her mana into a protective shield, a barrier of cooler air surrounding her like a personal oasis in a desert of fire.

Beside her, Amukelo was unfazed by the searing heat, his dark armor, repelling the intense temperature as if it were no more than a mild summer breeze. Seeing Eliss's quick conjuration, an idea sparked within him. His prowess with mana was greater, and perhaps he could extend his own formidable protection to encompass her as well.

He focused, extending his hands towards Eliss. Mana flowed from him like a river of darkness, a protective veil that sought to wrap around Eliss's shield, reinforcing it, making it part of his own impervious armor.

As the magic settled around them, they stepped fully into the landscape of the lava lake. It was a vista pulled from the most primal imaginings of creation: islands of blackened rock floated upon a sea of molten earth, the air above them shimmering with heat. Paths of stone, narrow and treacherous, snaked between these transient havens, a labyrinthine challenge that would test the balance and bravery of any who dared to traverse them.

The creatures swimming through the lava were like nothing they had seen before—salamander-like beings with scales that glowed with an internal fire, their passage leaving ripples of cooled rock that would soon be swallowed once more by the lake's endless hunger. And there, amidst the inferno, lay the slumbering dragon.

It was a titanic creature, each breath it took causing the molten rock around it to surge and bubble. Its scales were a patchwork of crimson and obsidian, a living embodiment of the volcanic wrath upon which it rested. Eliss and Amukelo could see the rise and fall of its massive chest, the occasional twitch of a wing or tail that sent small avalanches of fiery debris cascading into the liquid stone below.

Near the dragon's lair, was the mouth of another tunnel—a passageway that promised passage to even deeper realms.

Amukelo and Eliss shared a look, an unspoken understanding passing between them. To awaken the dragon would be folly, yet the path forward was clear: they must navigate this perilous terrain with the silence of shadows and the grace of the wind.