
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

The Ancient Artifacts

Amukelo's emotions surged like a tempest at the sight of Valarian, the architect of their pain and loss. Memories of Kael's death, a wound that left a scar on his heart, fueled a rage within him that was primal and all-consuming. With every ounce of his being, Amukelo charged at Valarian, his vision narrowing to focus solely on the figure responsible for his grief. But as he reached Valarian, the mage disintegrated into dust, a mirage that left Amukelo grappling with the air, his rage finding no purchase.

The silence that followed was eerie, a void where the echoes of their confrontation seemed to hang suspended. Then, from the depths of the darkness, laughter echoed, chilling in its familiarity and contempt. "Amukelo, a hero that slayed Valarian... Haha." The voice, unmistakably Valarian's, taunted them from an unseen location before fading into the oppressive darkness of the hall.

The dragon introduced himself as Erohan, and immediately sought their assistance, a request born from a palpable sense of urgency and fear. Amukelo, though shaken by the encounter, was more than willing to help. His desire for retribution against Valarian burned brighter than ever, a beacon of resolve in the shadowy uncertainty they faced.

Eliss, seeking to understand the gravity of the situation, inquired about the source of Erohan's evident terror. Erohan's response revealed a dire reality: "We dragons are guarding one of six powerful artifacts, each capable of summoning a formidable devil. The true horror lay in the possibility of someone collecting all six artifacts, which would unleash Satan himself, a being of unimaginable power and malevolence. Who would surely herald a disaster."

"De... devils.?" Eliss muttered in disbelief after hearing Erohan's words. 

With this revelation, Erohan offered a pact: in exchange for their help in stopping Valarian from achieving his dark objective, Erohan would assist them in crossing the ocean, aiding them in their quest to explore what lay beyond.

Amukelo and Eliss agreed to aid Erohan in thwarting Valarian's sinister plans.

The laughter and taunting voice of Valarian, though vanished into the shadows, lingered in their minds.

As the pact was sealed amidst the lingering shadows of the ancient hall, Erohan, the golden dragon, conveyed the necessity of immediate action. He explained that before crossing the ocean, he must first dispatch a message to his kin, alerting them to the dire situation. The revelation that Valarian was seeking the powerful artifacts, with the potential to summon Satan himself, demanded a coordinated response from the dragons, the guardians of these ancient relics.

Erohan clarified the urgency of their quest: the need to cross the ocean was not just a matter of continuing their adventure but a critical step in preventing Valarian from acquiring the remaining artifacts that were lying beyond the ocean.

Eliss, recalling their earlier conversation with Borimir, voiced a concern: "But Borimir said that the place beyond the ocean is unknown even to true dragons." Her statement reflected the daunting uncertainty of their journey ahead.

Erohan's response was measured, carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom. "It's true, the lands beyond the ocean are largely uncharted by our kind. However, we are certain that the other artifacts reside there. The specifics of their locations and guardians remain mysteries, but in a crisis of this magnitude, we must endeavor to find them." His words conveyed a resolve that, despite the unknowns, the collective effort of the dragons and their new human allies would uncover the way forward.

In a gesture of trust and alliance, Erohan presented Amukelo and Eliss with a peculiar necklace. Its design was intricate, unlike anything they had seen before, imbued with a sense of ancient power.

Amukelo, intrigued by the necklace, inquired about its purpose. Erohan explained, "This will signal to the other guardians of the artifacts that you are allies in this cause. It will convey your intentions and ensure that you are recognized by other charts. It also shows the urgency of the situation."

With the necklace in their possession and their objectives aligned, Amukelo, Eliss, and Erohan finalized their preparations for the journey ahead. The task of confronting Valarian and preventing him from assembling the artifacts was monumental, a quest that spanned the known and unknown worlds alike.

The urgency of their mission was palpable, a constant undercurrent to their discussions and plans. Erohan's imminent message to the other dragons would set in motion a wider response to the threat posed by Valarian, while Amukelo and Eliss's journey across the ocean marked the next critical step in their quest.

With their preparations complete, Amukelo and Eliss, guided by Erohan, were poised to head off across the mysterious ocean in search of the remaining artifacts. The journey promised to be one of discovery, challenge, and the forging of new legends in the face of an ancient threat. As they looked towards the horizon, the sense of urgency propelled them forward, ready to confront whatever lay beyond the vast waters.