
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Story of the Past

Eliss stirred from her sleep, her eyes slowly adjusting to the serene environment that contrasted so sharply with the relentless dangers of the dungeon. As she attempted to shift her position, a twinge of pain shot through her leg, a stark reminder of the injuries she'd sustained. However, the pain was manageable, far less intense than before, thanks to the rest she could afford in this Oasis.

Amukelo was nearby, keeping watch over her as she rested. Seeing her awake, he offered her a fruit with a warm smile. "You finally woke up, Eliss. This place is amazing," he said, his voice imbued with a hint of relief and contentment that they had found such a sanctuary.

Eliss accepted the fruit with a nod, her expression one of gratitude mixed with weariness. "I know, we can finally heal properly," she replied, taking a bite of the sweet, nourishing fruit. The freshness invigorated her, bringing a small surge of energy that she desperately needed.

Amukelo, sitting beside her on the lush grass, then broached the subject that had been lingering in their minds despite the temporary peace. "So, what's our plan? We can heal and gather food supplies here, but we can't forget about our original mission—stopping Oxius."

Eliss paused, considering their daunting task. "We still have Leviathan to deal with. I don't think he will just let us get out of this dungeon." she pointed out with a slight frown. "I don't think that's something we should be worrying about currently. First, we should prioritize healing. I should be able to use my healing spell two to three times per two days. In conditions like this, I might be able to regenerate my mana faster and do it twice a day."

Amukelo nodded thoughtfully, appreciating her practical approach. "That sounds great. Without severe injuries, the dungeon shouldn't be so challenging anymore. We didn't have time to reflect on our abilities, but I think I also increased my control over space. I don't really know what I'm doing, because I do it intuitively, but I feel that it can be crucial to our survival."

Their conversation flowed into a deeper discussion of tactics and strategies, each contributing ideas and reflections on their experiences. As they talked, they continued to collect fruits from the bushes around them, enjoying the simple act of eating something that didn't come from a battle or a narrow escape.

Eliss chewed thoughtfully, then added, "Once I'm back on my feet, we'll need to think about how to confront Leviathan again, or how to avoid it if we can. Maybe there's more in the book that can help us understand how to avoid going through main routes, as it will most likely be waiting for us in one of them."

Amukelo agreed, "Yeah, and I need to practice controlling this new power, understand its limits and potential. It saved us back there, but it's wild and unpredictable."

As they sat there, their bodies healing and their spirits bolstering from the peace of the oasis, their conversation meandered through various topics—from tactical discussions about handling dungeon creatures and mastering their own abilities to lighter, hopeful talks about what life might look like once they accomplished their mission.

As they finished their modest meal of sweet fruits, Amukelo's demeanor shifted from the casual to the intensely solemn. He looked at Eliss with a gentle yet earnest expression, the weight of his question palpable in the air between them. "Eliss, if you don't want to tell me, it's fine, but why did you decide to sacrifice yourself for me?"

Eliss took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting a mix of resignation and resolve as she prepared to revisit painful memories. "In my past, I was saved by my friends. Because of saving me, they died. After that, I had to live with the mark of being a coward and endless regret. I didn't want this to happen again, so I decided that I should sacrifice myself before you would be forced to do it for me."

Amukelo absorbed her words, his heart aching with empathy for the heavy burden she carried. After a moment of contemplation, he ventured further, although hesitantly, "Eliss, I never asked for it because I thought that it would be inappropriate, but do you mind telling me your story?"

With a simple nod, Eliss began to unravel the threads of her past. She spoke of her best friend, Liora, a companion of many years, and other girls who were her friends. She described the dreams of the future they shared, full of hope and aspirations. Her voice softened as she recounted the day that changed everything. "Leviathan almost killed me, but by my friends' sacrifice, I made it out alive. They gave their lives not for me to live in guilt but to live fully, something I struggled to understand afterward."

She paused, collecting herself before continuing. "At their funeral, whispers filled the air—accusations that I had left them, that their deaths were my fault. Those whispers haunted me, each word was like a dagger. With every time I was saved thereafter, the guilt deepened, twisting into a sharp, incessant pain."

Eliss's story painted a portrait of a woman tormented by survival guilt, constantly battling her own worthiness to live. "So in a constant effort to prove myself, I was prepared to throw away my life as if it was nothing," she concluded, a tear escaping her eye as she relived the agonizing decisions of her past.

Amukelo listened in silence, deeply moved by the raw honesty and pain in her words. When she finished, a heavy silence hung between them, filled with the echoes of her confessions. He finally spoke, his voice firm yet filled with warmth. "Now I'm even more glad that I saved you. I am certain that if they were watching you, they were relieved. Eliss, you have to live no matter what. Otherwise, their sacrifice will be wasted."

He continued, his tone intensifying with conviction, "I also have to make it alive. To spread legends about my mother, and Kael. We both can't die here. I won't allow for that to happen."

Eliss looked at Amukelo, her cheeks flushed with a mix of emotions. His words, so full of determination and care, touched something deep within her—a wound that no spell could heal. It was more than just words for her; it was a lifeline, a promise that there was value in her survival, a reminder that her life was worth fighting for.

As they sat there in the oasis, the tranquility of their surroundings lent a surreal quality to their conversation. It was a moment of profound connection and understanding, a pivotal point in their journey where shared burdens and past pains were laid bare, forging an even stronger bond between them. In this brief respite from the relentless dangers of their quest, Eliss found not only physical healing but also a deep emotional solace in sharing their stories and vulnerabilities.