
Amukelo: The Burdened Path

In Amukelo, readers can expect a gripping fantasy adventure filled with action, dark magic, and complex characters facing tough moral choices. The story involves intense battles, quests across dangerous lands, and a deeper struggle against both demonic forces and inner turmoil. Themes of revenge, redemption, friendship, and the weight of past trauma are woven throughout, with high stakes that escalate as the world faces a growing supernatural threat.

FilipJ · Fantasy
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301 Chs

Goblin Slayer

The heavy thud of his heart in his chest was the only sound Amukelo could focus on as he quickly assessed his situation. The rustling steps approaching signified danger—more than he could handle alone. He was outnumbered and outmatched, with over ten goblins and a massive troll likely drawn by the noise of his battle. Escape seemed futile; the sparse forest cover offered little opportunity for a clean getaway without being seen.

His mind racing, Amukelo made a split-second decision to use the terrain to his advantage. He spotted a large tree, its gnarled roots sprawling out to create a natural recess in the ground. It was not much, but it was the best chance he had. Sprinting to the tree, he slid into the hollowed space beneath it, the roots forming a partial barrier around him. He tucked his body in tightly, making himself as small and as inconspicuous as possible.

As he settled into his hiding spot, the sounds of the approaching group grew louder, the earth trembling slightly under the troll's heavy steps. The air was thick with tension, each rustle of the leaves and snap of twigs ramping up Amukelo's anxiety. He dared not move, his eyes fixed on the slivers of the forest he could see through the roots' gaps.

Then, the deep, resonant roar of the troll cut through the forest, startling Amukelo. He heard the creature's heavy sniffs as it investigated the fallen griffin, its sharp olfactory senses scanning for clues. The troll moved around the clearing, its steps deliberate and ominous. The goblins, meanwhile, remained silent and still, their discipline in stark contrast to their usually chaotic nature, awaiting signals from their larger companion.

The troll's footsteps drew nearer to Amukelo's makeshift shelter. His breath caught in his throat as he heard the creature pause directly beside the tree. The sound of its breathing was deafening, each exhale sending shivers down Amukelo's spine. He could almost feel the heat of the troll's breath as it sniffed the air, its head perilously close to his hiding spot.

For a moment that felt like an eternity, everything stood still. Amukelo's entire body tensed, prepared for the worst. But then, the troll grunted something unintelligible in the guttural tongue of the goblins and moved away. It seemed to have decided the scent trail ended there or perhaps attributed the griffin's demise to something else. Whatever the reason, it signaled the group to move on.

With the weight of the troll's presence lifting, the goblins began to stir, dragging the griffin's body away with them. The sound of their departure was like the most beautiful melody to Amukelo's ears. He remained still, not daring to emerge from his hideout until the sounds of the departing goblins and their troll companion faded completely into the distance.

Slowly, cautiously, Amukelo crept from his hiding place under the tree, his muscles stiff from tension and his mind reeling from the close encounter. He looked around, his senses still on high alert, ensuring the coast was truly clear. With a deep, steadying breath, he began to make his way back to his cave, each step away from the tree a step back from the edge of disaster.

Amukelo's return to his cave was marked by a heavy sense of unease. The encounter with the goblins and the troll had revealed the precarious nature of his current situation. The mountains, while offering solitude and challenges that sharpened his survival skills, also harbored dangers that could no longer be ignored. Resolved to secure his safety, Amukelo spent the evening plotting his tactics. He knew that indiscriminate attacks against the goblins would be reckless; instead, he needed a calculated approach to thin their numbers without drawing the entire tribe upon him.

He mapped out the patterns of the goblin patrols from his observations over the past days. Their groups varied significantly in size, but Amukelo decided to target only those comprising five or fewer members, believing that he could manage such numbers effectively. His plan hinged on quick, decisive strikes that would prevent the goblins from regrouping or escaping to warn others. 

Days passed as Amukelo waited for an opportune moment to execute his plan. He continued his usual routines but remained vigilant, his senses finely tuned to the movements and murmurs of the forest. Finally, the opportunity presented itself: a small group of four goblins, isolated from the larger band, foraging near a stream.

Cloaked by the foliage, Amukelo crept closer, his movements silent and measured. When he was within striking distance, he sprang from his cover, swiftly eliminating one goblin with a clean thrust of his sword. The element of surprise disrupted the group, sending them into a brief but chaotic flurry. Two goblins faced him with crude weapons drawn, while the fourth turned to flee.

Without hesitation, Amukelo threw his daggers with practiced precision. One embedded itself in the escaping goblin's neck, the other in its back. The goblin stumbled and fell, then began to crawl desperately towards perceived safety. Amukelo's focus shifted momentarily to the other two. One lunged at him, blade swinging wildly. With a deft kick, Amukelo incapacitated this goblin, cutting its legs from under it. As it collapsed, calling out in pain, he prepared to finish it but was interrupted by the second attacker.

The remaining goblin advanced with a guttural snarl, swinging its weapon with more force than finesse. Amukelo parried the blow, countering with a swift kick that sent the goblin staggering backward. His tactics were playing out as envisioned; the first goblin was down, and now, with another momentarily incapacitated, his path to the last, wounded goblin was nearly clear.

This staged distraction was crucial. His primary goal wasn't merely to kill these goblins but to ensure they could not regroup or escape to alert others. Every move was calculated to maximize impact and minimize the risk of an extended conflict.

He glanced towards the crawling goblin, assessing the distance and his own stamina. With the immediate threats temporarily subdued, it was time to give chase and ensure that no goblin left this encounter alive to tell about what was happening.