
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Defensive Mission

As Eliss and her friends stood amidst the gathering of mages and warriors, a hush fell over the crowd, directing everyone's attention toward the imposing figure of the mage who had been overseeing the preparations. Clad in his ornate cloak, he stepped forward, his staff in hand, radiating an aura of authority and calm assurance.

"My name is Idarin," he began, his voice resonant, carrying clearly over the assembled multitude. "I am charged with ensuring your safety, a responsibility I take very seriously." His eyes swept over the crowd, meeting the gazes of those gathered before him. "Should any unforeseen events occur, know that I, along with other skilled mages, will be there to safeguard you."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in, then continued, "Among us are those who have reached maturity and others who are still in training. Those who are not yet adults will be assigned to teams under experienced supervision." His tone was both reassuring and firm, instilling a sense of security in the younger participants.

"Today, our task is to fortify the seal on a formidable entity known as Leviathan," Idarin explained, his voice taking on a grave note. "Many of you, especially our younger mages, will assist by managing any creatures that attempt to interfere with our senior mages engaged in the sealing process."

He looked around, making eye contact with several of the younger mages, including Eliss and her friends, conveying a silent message of encouragement. "Rest assured, you will not face these challenges alone; we have prepared adequately and have sufficient support."

Idarin concluded his speech with a directive, "Please, everyone, proceed to join your designated groups and prepare to enter the portal." His words resonated with a blend of command and support, motivating everyone to move with purpose.

The tension among the group was palpable, but there was also a sense of unity and shared mission. Eliss and her friends joined one of the teams designated for the younger combatants, which included about twenty other young people and around five adults. Among these was a strong woman who addressed the group with a comforting assertiveness. 

"Don't stress, every responsibility goes on us," she said, her tone confident yet gentle. "Remember, you are learning. That's why there are so many of us here."

Heartened by her words, the group crossed the portal together, stepping into an environment that buzzed with even more activity than before. On the other side of the portal, they were met with an even larger crowd, a bustling assembly of people from various races—Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Lizardmans, Frogmans, Catfolks, and many more. The diversity was staggering, with thousands upon thousands of individuals all gathered for a common purpose.

Idarin, without missing a beat, joined a group of senior mages at the heart of the operation. These mages were tasked with executing the most crucial part of the mission—the actual fortification of the seal on Leviathan. Around them, the energy was intense, each mage focused and ready, their powerful auras mingling and enhancing the collective force needed for the task at hand.

As Eliss watched, she felt a surge of pride and awe at being part of such an important endeavor. The nervousness she had felt was slowly eclipsed by a growing confidence, bolstered by the support and expertise surrounding her. 

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and the weight of impending confrontation as the group approached the massive gate leading to an expansive hall. The hall itself was an architectural marvel, stretching vast and wide, its ceilings lost to shadows, evoking both awe and a hint of foreboding among the assembled defenders.

At the heart of the hall stood an altar, upon which rested an artifact enveloped in a trembling aura of dark energy. The air around it seemed to pulsate with a palpable intensity, hinting at the power held within and the danger it represented. The artifact, a nexus of ancient and formidable magic, was the focal point of their mission.

The most skilled mages, including Idarin, promptly took their positions around the artifact, meticulously drawing a complex rune diagram on the ground. This ritual was crucial, the runes forming a containment field designed to stabilize and reinforce the weakening seal. Once their preparations were complete, the senior mages began a long, sonorous incantation. The words they chanted were ancient and powerful, resonating through the hall and causing the very air to thrum with energy.

As the incantation progressed, the entire hall was suffused with a deep, ominous red light. This spectral glow heralded the arrival of demons, which began to emerge from the darker recesses of the hall like shadows given form. The atmosphere turned from one of disciplined calm to a chaotic battle as these creatures attacked.

Despite the sudden onslaught, the defending force, composed of a well-prepared mix of veterans and eager young recruits, held strong. The initial wave of demons was relatively weak, allowing the defenders to manage them with relative ease. Swords clashed, and spells flew through the air, each strike and incantation a testament to the defenders' training and resolve. The adults took the forefront in combat, with some of the more adventurous youngsters joining in, their youthful vigor a stark contrast to the seasoned calm of their elders.

Eliss and her friends, though young, were not spared from the fray. When the first line of defenders began to tire and required rotation, they stepped up alongside the second wave of fighters. Despite their age, their high status and the quality education that came with it had prepared them well. Eliss, in particular, used her magic effectively, casting spells that were basic yet powerful for her level of experience. Liora, fearless as ever, engaged directly in close combat, her sword dancing deadly arcs around her. Tara, Esabel, and Rowena provided support from behind, their own spells and skills complementing the more direct approaches of their friends.

As the battle wore on and the incantation neared completion, a sudden twist occurred that none had anticipated. A new portal ripped open behind the line where Eliss and her friends were positioned. Unlike the previous breaches from which the demons emerged, this portal was different—it glowed with a hellish red light and seemed deeper, more sinister. It was as if the very gates of some infernal dimension had opened, threatening to unleash greater horrors than those they had already faced.

This new development sent a wave of urgency through the ranks. The second line, now including Eliss and her companions, found themselves on the frontline of a new and potentially more dangerous confrontation. With little time to prepare and the incantation still incomplete, they braced for whatever would come through this new gateway.